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Pre- Order

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From what their twitter said today. PSN will get it tomorrow at 8am PST. you will have to figure the time for your region off that. I do hate that there is no pre-order on the store itself. But they also said the file size is 3GB so it is fairly small. Just sucks i will be in the middle of work at the time it is released. 

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I'm actually a little confused about the pre-order. I pre ordered a physical copy of this game, but this morning I received a digital code instead. I'm downloading it now from the PSN store as I type this, but I wondering what's up with physical discs? I mean yeah, I'm glad I'll be able to finally play this game, but where's the disc I thought I had ordered?

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 11:07 AM, jackmadrox said:

I'm actually a little confused about the pre-order. I pre ordered a physical copy of this game, but this morning I received a digital code instead. I'm downloading it now from the PSN store as I type this, but I wondering what's up with physical discs? I mean yeah, I'm glad I'll be able to finally play this game, but where's the disc I thought I had ordered?

The physical is just a case. No disc.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On ‎6‎/‎2‎/‎2017 at 1:30 AM, jackmadrox said:

That makes no sense. Why would you want/need a case if it won't have a disc inside?

Collecting purposes? To display on your shelf and have a physical representation that you supported the game? Because they want physical store shelf representation and they're not the only developer to sell a code on a piece of paper in a box?

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On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2017 at 10:59 AM, mcnichoj said:

Collecting purposes? To display on your shelf and have a physical representation that you supported the game? Because they want physical store shelf representation and they're not the only developer to sell a code on a piece of paper in a box?

Okay bud. Enjoy your empty case.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 6/14/2017 at 11:27 AM, jackmadrox said:

Okay bud. Enjoy your empty case.

I just gave you a reason, don't get salty at me.

Personally I buy all my games digitally and used to get irritated back in the day when along with your normal game purchase they would give us a steel book case pre-order bonus. I mean the game comes in a case already, what do I need a second one for?

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5 hours ago, mcnichoj said:

I just gave you a reason, don't get salty at me.

Personally I buy all my games digitally and used to get irritated back in the day when along with your normal game purchase they would give us a steel book case pre-order bonus. I mean the game comes in a case already, what do I need a second one for?

I'm not salty. I just said enjoy your empty case.  All I did was return your sarcasm. 

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