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Compliment the person above you!


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No compliment for official-Imbecile-


He brings live in people's Hearts ^_^
If you ask me so gently :awesome:


Yes or No ?



Answer: Yes ( consequence ) : I send you to hell every day. This is war , every day.

No ( consequence ) : I stop attacking you but if I see that " RD2 " has problems with you , i attack you.
Edited by Death Heart
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Your smile is contagious.

You look great today.

You're a smart cookie.

I bet you make babies smile.

You have impeccable manners.

I like your style.

You have the best laugh.

I appreciate you.

You are the most perfect you there is.

You are enough.

You're strong.

Your perspective is refreshing.

You're an awesome friend.

You light up the room.

You deserve a hug right now.

You should be proud of yourself.

You're more helpful than you realize.

You have a great sense of humor.

You've got all the right moves!

Is that your picture next to "charming" in the dictionary?

Your kindness is a balm to all who encounter it.

You're all that and a super-size bag of chips.

On a scale from 1 to 10, you're an 11.

You are brave.

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I'm such a lucky person that I met you in my life :awesome:

I can go on and on with telling good things about you xD

1. You have very smooth hair.

2. You deserve a promotion.

3. Good effort!

4. What a fine sweater!

5. I appreciate all of your opinions.

6. I like your style.

7. Your T-shirt smells fresh.

8. I love what you've done with the place.

9. You are like a spring flower; beautiful and vivacious.

10. I am utterly disarmed by your wit.

11. I really enjoy the way you pronounce the word 'ruby'.

12. You complete me.

13. Well done!

14. I like your Facebook status.

15. That looks nice on you.

16. I like those shoes more than mine.

17. Nice motor control!

18. You have a good taste in websites.

19. Your mouse told me that you have very soft hands.

20. You are full of youth.

21. I like your jacket.

22. I like the way you move.

23. You have a good web-surfing stance.

24. You should be a poster child for poster children.

25. Nice manners!

26. I appreciate you more than Santa appreciates chimney grease.

27. I wish I was your mirror.

28. I find you to be a fountain of inspiration.

29. You have perfect bone structure.

30. I disagree with anyone who disagrees with you.

31. Way to go!

32. Have you been working out?

33. With your creative wit, I'm sure you could come up with better compliments than me.

34. I like your socks.

35. You are so charming.

36. Your cooking reminds me of my mother's.

37. You're tremendous!

38. You deserve a compliment!

39. Hello, good looking.

40. Your smile is breath taking.

41. How do you get your hair to look that great?

42. You are quite strapping.

43. I am grateful to be blessed by your presence.

44. Say, aren't you that famous model from TV?

45. Take a break; you've earned it.

46. Your life is so interesting!

47. The sound of your voice sends tingles of joy down my back.

48. I enjoy spending time with you.

49. I would share my dessert with you.

50. You can have the last bite.

51. May I have this dance?

52. I would love to visit you, but I live on the Internet.

53. I love the way you click.

54. You're invited to my birthday party.

55. All of your ideas are brilliant!

56. If I freeze, it's not a computer virus. I was just stunned by your beauty.

57. You're spontaneous, and I love it!

58. You should try out for everything.

59. You make my data circuits skip a beat.

60. You are the gravy to my mashed potatoes.

61. You get an A+!

62. I'm jealous of the other websites you visit, because I enjoy seeing you so much!

63. I would enjoy a roadtrip with you.

64. If I had to choose between you or Mr. Rogers, it would be you.

65. I like you more than the smell of Grandma's home-made apple pies.

66. You would look good in glasses OR contacts.

67. Let's do this again sometime.

68. You could go longer without a shower than most people.

69. I feel the need to impress you.

70. I would trust you to pick out a pet fish for me.

71. I'm glad we met.

72. Do that again!

73. Will you sign my yearbook?

74. You're so smart!

75. We should start a band.

76. You're cooler than ice-skating Fonzi.

77. I made this website for you.

78. I heard you make really good French Toast.

79. You're cooler than Pirates and Ninjas combined.

80. Oh, I can keep going.

81. I like your pants.

82. You're pretty groovy, dude.

83. When I grow up, I want to be just like you.

84. I told all my friends about how cool you are.

85. You can play any prank, and get away with it.

86. You have ten of the best fingers I have ever seen!

87. I can tell that we are gonna be friends.

88. I just want to gobble you up!

89. You're sweeter than than a bucket of bon-bons!

90. Treat yourself to another compliment!

91. You're pretty high on my list of people with whom I would want to be stranded on an island.

92. You're #1 in my book!

93. Well played.

94. You are well groomed.

95. You could probably lead a rebellion.

96. Is it hot in here or is it just you?


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