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Trophy popping issues?


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First up, I'm sorry if someone else has had this issue and already posted about it, I did a very quick search and didn't find anything. 


The last two games I have played I seemed to be getting very delayed trophy popping, the timestamps look just normal as far as I can tell but the actual trophy popping up in the corner and the screenshot seem to happen quite a while after the event, sometimes they don't even display the trophy image with it, it's some kind lf placeholder blue image with a white trophy on it instead.


Anyone else have this kind of issue? Is it common? Is there a reason for it (like is my PS4 dying or something). I wondered if it was some change to trophies in maybe a firmware update or something if only because a few friends said they noticed the same thing after I asked about it.


Thanks in advance for any info, or links to a pre-existing thread that probably exists that I wasn't aware of xD.

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I’ve had the issue where the trophy icon doesn’t appear many times. Generally on games which make my PS4 pretty loud, so ads hardware intensive. 


And when playing Deiland and getting the plat it didn’t pop up at all. It did unlock, just didn’t show in the corner (or take a screenshot). Not sure what that’s about. The game, PS4 or what. The last trophy popped as normal, just not the plat. *shrug*

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I did a rebuild, I'll wait and see whether that has helped or not.


Thinking about it, it's not been the only issue I've been having in general with my PS4 more recently. The share menu takes quite a lot longer to load up than it used to, so does various things on the quick menu (menu is still immediate itself but if I scroll to 'party', 'music', 'trophies' etc. they usually take a while to load that part. Just in general it has been quite slow.


I haven't done an intentional rebuild since launch, so maybe that'll sort things out really well.

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Might be time to switch to a Pro/Slim.


Sony has made a bunch of updates that cater specifically to the Pro/Slim consoles and I'm starting to wonder if they're beginning to drop the vanilla model. At this point I don't think Sony cares too much for the original PS4 anymore.

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i noticed the issue OP mentions happens frequently when you use HDR. the trophy delay and blue tile placeholder is bad on certain games where HDR is enabled. without HDR on, i hardly notice the issue. not sure what causes it but it happens to me sometimes and its really annoying when it does.

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