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The Last of Us Patch 1.02


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  • Single player
    • Texture of a phone number on a bulletin board changed
  • Multiplayer


  • Host migration has been improved. Losing connection to the host during a migration should occur less often
  • General crash when leaving multiplayer fixed
  • Intro camera fix for some introductory cut-scenes
  • Connectivity issues while playing have been tuned
  • If you disconnect or lose connection to the host, you will no longer advance a clan day. You will only advance a day if you are kicked from the match, or exit through the menu


  • Explosion Expert level 2 should be selectable now
  • The voting time for match selection has been reduced to 15 seconds
  •  “No party” playlist options have been added to both Supply Raid and Survivors, players can only join this playlist solo
  • Melee against a downed character now uses the same range as normal melee



Glad they're fixing stuff :) Shame it isn't the trophy glitches but maybe that's something they're working on.

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Hopefully trophy glitch fixes comes with next update so I can buy TLOU (i'll buy it anyway in maybe 3 months when price will drop a bit & lot glitches are fixed so nothing is coming making my experience worse, I mean making it bad I love all Uncharted games, Naughty Dog is my fav Developer)

Edited by P3hmo6
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If you disconnect or lose connection to the host, you will no longer advance a clan day. You will only advance a day if you are kicked from the match, or exit through the menu"


It still shouldn't count if you're kicked.


The voting time for match selection has been reduced to 15 seconds


Good, this was annoying.

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anyway you need to complete a game how many times for PT ??? It's don't unlocking easy what I heard so easy and easy + hard and hard + and survivor and survivor + ... don't know if is unlocking normal after complete hard,so maybe another 2 playthroughs ??? I think these trophies should unlock ....

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Nice seeing them fix some stuff but did the patch clear stats? :(
Seems like most of my stats have gone to 0. I do have a save on my usb which could bring them back at the cost of restarting my survivor playthrough(at the prologue anyway LOL). Had this game since yesterday afternoon played 12 hours since and i can say its probably the best game i have played :) .

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What exactly does "kicked" mean? Clearly it doesn't mean you've disconnected, or it would say that instead of kicked. I've been kicked once, and I'd like to know the cause. Was incredibly annoying since it advanced me a day and erased my stats for the match..

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