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Trophy Thoughts?

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On 9/29/2019 at 4:26 AM, PhantomFear94 said:

Wow, I thought this list went up really early and realised this game is out in a week! Forgot about this. After having a spoiled experience with Wildlands due to the bugs, collectibles, and terrible DLC, I really like this list and it's quite encouraging that Breakpoint will address many of my prior concerns. It's not a day 1, as I have quite a bit on next month in and outside of gaming, but it's on my radar as a possibly Christmas request if its semi-decent. 


A lot of the trophies look like they are for combat-related tasks, which are the types of trophies I enjoy the most along with random miscellaneous ones for doing fun tasks. This also looks generally much more straightforward, even if it isn't "easier" due to the MP (although still pretty easy). MP trophies seem fine; even if Raid is online-only and difficult content, the trophy is only to "enter" it. Possibly need to be X level or have X gear requirements to enter. Most of the other MP trophies seem participatory.  Unless I'm missing something (didn't play beta or Wildlands PvP), it only requires 50 kills as a certain team online (presuming YOU are the ghosts in the game, mayve you have to be on the bad side killing the ghosts online...may be wrong on this), one with each character type, win a match, enter a raid, and some random co-op stuff similar to Wildlands. Faction missions could be online too? If so, do 8 in a day and 5 "elite" ones ever. Only thing that could really ruin this is no match-making, a problem for someone like myself whose friends are primarily single-player gamers.


The other main thing that encourages me is that it doesn't look like the collectible demand is anywhere as intense. Appears you have to discover X number of drones, etc. This MAY mean all, but not necessarily so, and even if does it still seems far less than Wildlands. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Wildlands was my worst experience with collectibles ever. Nothing tracked properly, the collectibles weren't fun or meaningful, and the map was so huge combing through it to account for tracking errors was utterly painful. Took hours, and hours, and hours....it turned a 40 hour base completion to a 60 hour one I'd say.


what bugs spoiled wildlands for you? i got the game at launch and had almost no issues. maybe there was a bug dealing with collectibles like you say but i didnt hear of it. plus, each region laid out exactly what collectibles were needed statistically. now for sure the first dlc pack was not what i envisioned for the game but the second dlc pack was kick ass. especially for players who love stealth

Edited by Gemini-JohnnyT
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Very bad. Lot of bugs where i cant finish missions. Lot of trophy not unlocking, even when its unlocking whole thing freezees, game does not pause when cutscenes are up, quality of life is bad..just had to quit main mission because main npc didnt want to talk to me.

Huge map for nothing. 

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9 hours ago, POEman553 said:

I would think people would have Platinum'ed it by now but it looks like the game is barely functional to allow people to Platinum it. I guess Ubisoft did it on purpose or didn't know what they were doing this time. 


The raid is not out yet so people can't get the plat until then. That is assuming trophies do not glitch on people.

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On 3/10/2019 at 11:18 AM, Rakinho993 said:

Very bad. Lot of bugs where i cant finish missions. Lot of trophy not unlocking, even when its unlocking whole thing freezees, game does not pause when cutscenes are up, quality of life is bad..just had to quit main mission because main npc didnt want to talk to me.

Huge map for nothing. 

Luckily I'm not having any bad problems like you, the most annoying trophy is "Headshot kill 2 enemies from a distance of 200 mt." and "Stop a convoy with a sync shot drone"

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