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Going for platinum!


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If we remove the trophy that asks for the 33 gold stars (bodhisattva) it is 3 times harder than beat saber, like that. However, because of the extreme difficulty for that final "get all gold stars in expert" trophy, platinuming this is something for frustration-proof people only, and it makes beat saber look very easy. This is surely among the 10 hardest VR platinums that you can go for. No doubt. In fact, I have a few top 10 scores in beat saber and I am not sure if I will be able to platinum Audica or not. I have gotten SS ranks in beat saber's expert+ before, but I can't guarantee that I will get all the 33 gold stars here. For reference, a "gold star" in this game is similar to an SS rank run in an expert+ level in beat saber. (notice I am saying expert+, not expert). They want you to get all 33 gold stars for the 33 main songs in expert to get the platinum. Lol. Give that some thought and you will understand what you're dealing with here.


For standard game progression however (without going for platinum) I simply recommend going step by step, which was what I did. Start with beginner, conquer beginner by going for lazer priest in beginner and finishing the campaign in that mode; then, go to standard and do the same; then go to advanced; and finally go for expert mode, which is like the expert+ difficulty in Audica. If you do it that way you will find less frustration than if you want to jump straight into advanced. It's true that the lazer priest trophies stack (meaning that if you get it on advanced or expert, you also get the lower difficulty ones too) but it makes no sense for a beginner to do that. You won't enjoy the game if you are a beginner and you start with the harder modes. It is too hard like that. Also, for anyone who does shoot for platinum (like I am trying to do now), I would recommend doing prospector x100 using the easiest expert level for you (before the 33 different gold stars) to get more training on shooting with better accuracy at expert mode speeds. If you remember from beat saber, SS ranks are not just about full combos, they also demand that you hit blocks with reasonably good scores. Otherwise, you can get a full combo and it's still not an SS rank because you were not hitting nearly everything along the way with +100 scores. The same is true for the gold stars in Audica. You have to hit almost everything in the expert mode song with good scores (not perfect as in 2000, but good, as in +1700) to get the gold star. This is harder than it sounds. In fact, it is impossible until you have enough hours of training in the expert mode in particular, and until you have memorized the song and its patterns too. It is very similar in difficulty to expert+ in beat saber. However, beat saber didn't have any "get 33 SS ranks in expert+" trophy. If it did, the platinum in beat saber would be as hard as the one here and only the highscoring top 200 players would have it. That's how bad this one is.


Note: Additional tips I can give are to forget about the "move less than 50m" levels in the campaigns (it's easier to get 5-stars in all the others than to pass those in advanced or expert) and to change your calibration settings if you are not hitting targets with +1900 points easily in a song that you have mastered and memorized.

Edited by ValkerianCreator
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On 4/6/2023 at 11:07 AM, MikeCheck-- said:

Let us all welcome the latest member, @ValkerianCreator! He finally finished this game off after being one gold star away (Highway To Oblivion) for MONTHS! Congratulations!


Thanks! I think it was an entire year between me doing the first 32 gold stars and finally coming back and [getting serious about] finally getting the last gold star. I thought that the Highway to Oblivion "perfect run" in expert for the gold star was impossible for me (or at least, too unreasonable and frustrating to get). But, truth be told, in the back of my mind, I did know I was capable of getting it.

At this point, I can probably write a mini-guide on how to "make it possible" to get the Highway to Oblivion gold star, lol.  Like, I can even mention how you can aim and approach each specific part of the entire song to lower your chances of missing there, or to score at least 1800 per target.

Ultimately, one thing didn't change for me, no matter what I did: because of my way of playing the game (or my camera placement, or lights, or whatever it was), I needed a full combo to pull it off. It was never going to happen otherwise, which was why it felt impossible back then. Even with manipulation of the calibration settings, I wasn't going to reach gold star scoring territory in HtO without a full combo or only 1 misfire (in a very good run). Ultimately, it happened in the only full combo run I ever had for HtO, with a 5,078k, which was only a little bit above the gold star requirement.


I'm wondering if I should bother with making a Harmonix account to get my final HtO score posted there, or if I should just leave it at the fact that I completed Audica 100%, which is crazy enough already. I'm also considering adding another topic here with my tips for this game. However, I think that the partial removal of the original leaderboards will probably guarantee that no new players will want to go the long distance to conquer the gold stars in expert mode. The leaderboards were definitely a big motivating factor for me during the completion of the 33 gold stars.

Edited by ValkerianCreator
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