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PS4 modded lobbies in the future.


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This debate will just become a rotating door debate like the whitelist one is, destined to get nowhere.  

But I must say I agree that since you cannot delete trophies on ps4 like on ps3 then it should not be a flaggable offense. Since theres nothing you can do about it other than not play a game you want to play.

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On ‎16‎.‎10‎.‎2020 at 6:36 PM, xxI_AM_MACHINExx said:

At the end of the day Leaderboards are pointless because of modders, trophy buyers, team accounts, boosting, having a friend play for you, etc. Its all forms of cheating IMO. Also with all the easy games it makes your rank even more useless.

The only point I agree with you is modding.


How is buying trophies, having a team account, boosting cheating?

If you think that one through then also using a trophy guide can be considered cheating.

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On 10/16/2020 at 9:06 AM, Sergen said:

I think inevitably there will be modded lobbies for PS4 games where people can use a mod menu on the game to auto unlock people's trophies from within the lobby.

I don't such lobbies will happen for quite a few years. It'd require having a jailbroken PS4 online, which isn't possible as of now, and likely won't be possible anytime soon due to the bounty program. Now, there is a concern of trophy lobbies on games that use LAN, such as COD. But the difference is, the users know what they're getting into at that point, and can't just dismiss it as an accident. I know there was a recent YouTube video of a person unlocking COD Ghost trophies from connecting his online PS4 to his jaibroken one via LAN. 


I really don't think modded lobbies will be something to worry about for the coming years.

Edited by ArmoredSnowman
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1 minute ago, ArmoredSnowman said:

I don't such lobbies will happen for quite a few years. It'd require having a jailbroken PS4 online, which isn't possible as of now, and likely won't be possible anytime soon due to the bounty program. Now, there is a concern of trophy lobbies on games that use LAN, such as COD. But the difference is, the users know what they're getting into at that point, and can't just dismiss it as an accident. I know there was a recent YouTube video of a person unlocking COD Ghost trophies from connecting his online PS4 to his jaibroken one via LAN. 


I really don't think modded lobbies will be something to worry about for the coming years.


That doesn't mean it can't be discussed by the community. I think a big reason a white list hasn't happened for current modded lobby games is because too many people got flagged for the modded lobby before anyone discussed it, so it was impossible to go back on all those people who got flagged to remove their flag. Borderlands 2 is a game on PS4 that allows people to mod their save file and host lobbies on the game where they can kill 1 enemy and it auto unlocks the level based trophies for someone, this isn't a CFW mod menu kind of thing, just a save file hack but it can still impact people who had no intention of cheating if they happen to find themselves in the lobby.

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27 minutes ago, Lordidude said:

How is buying trophies, having a team account, boosting cheating?

If you think that one through then also using a trophy guide can be considered cheating.

Receiving instructions on how to do something, both written and verbal, is common to all kinds of sports and activities, they don't guarantee your success though. Even in games where getting all the trophies is just about following a set of steps, you still have to actually put the time into doing it, you still have to earn it.


Boosting can mean a lot of different things depending on the game so you can't really say that it's always cheating. Buying trophies and team accounts definitely is though.


Team accounts would be okay if they were labeled, instead they're just placed on the leaderboard the same as anyone else which ruins statistics. Allowing bought trophies to appear on the leaderboard just accomplishes making it a joke.


I actually find the divide between what's okay and what's not okay on the leaderboard strange. You can't hack trophies to autopop but if there's a way to get access to a debug menu then you're fine to use that to autopop trophies (the difference between those two things is negligible). You can't use a save to autopop trophies but if you have a compatible cloud save from another stack you can use that to autopop trophies (again little difference, in both cases you popped trophies you haven't earned).


In the end, what's the difference between a hacked trophy and a bought trophy, one was gained through knowledge and skill and the other just required money.

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1 minute ago, AusLeviathan said:

Team accounts would be okay if they were labeled, instead they're just placed on the leaderboard the same as anyone else which ruins statistics. Allowing bought trophies to appear on the leaderboard just accomplishes making it a joke.


I agree that it would make sense to split the leaderboards.

Although I personally do not have any problems with multi accounts.


But this is impossible to monitor. You can't check if it is a multi account. 

So what's left is leaderboards based on honesty. And there's no point in this since the (removed?) top spot claimed to be a single person account even though it has been clear for years that he pays other player.

1 hour ago, AusLeviathan said:

Receiving instructions on how to do something, both written and verbal, is common to all kinds of sports and activities, they don't guarantee your success though. Even in games where getting all the trophies is just about following a set of steps, you still have to actually put the time into doing it, you still have to earn it.


I agree with your premise.

Boosting in my humble opinion is just a very efficient way of getting the trophies. You still have to put in the effort/skills and results are not always guaranteed.

Whether you use an optimal strategy offline or while boosting with other players makes no difference in my books.

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