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Heads only playthrough glitched? [Solved]

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I've done a "Heads Only" playthrough twice, and :bronze: Considered Opinion still won't pop.


The only Heart decisions I made were saving John/Angela during "The Crossing" (both options were Heart, no "Say Nothing" option) and accusing Carver in "Full Circle" (both options were Heart, and I wanted to save Mary). For all other decisions where Head wasn't available, I chose "Say Nothing." But, when I look at the scene selection menu, every single chapter after "The Crossing" says I made both Head and Heart decisions.


I don't understand what I'm doing wrong or why the game thinks I'm making both types of decisions for ten chapters.


Any suggestions? Anyone else experience this?

Edited by purlinka
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Hello! Not sure if this may help or not, for my heads only playthrough in the instances where there would only be a heart decision I would just let the timer run out on the decision. I don't know if this makes a difference or not in the long run. It is strange that every chapter after "The Crossing" has both head and heart decisions. I'm wondering if the John/Angela decision may have made the game register that you made both heart and head decisions even though there is no actual head choice in those sequences. If possible, my recommendation would be to reload your save at "The Crossing", wait for the timer to run out on choices where there are only heart decisions, and continue playing until the end. When you can choose to accuse Carver, I would recommend to let the timer run out here as well. Best of luck! 

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I read that you can make a couple Heart decisions and get away with it but on my playthrough I only picked Head and whenever there was only Heart options I either picked Say Nothing or just let the timer run out. So yeah, loading The Crossing and going from there would probably be the best move and if that still doesn't work then it would probably be best to start over from the beginning and just let the timers run out and pick Say Nothing if you can't pick a Head option.

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If there's a situation where you have 2 heart decisions, you can safely pick one of those and it won't void the trophy for picking head decisions when possible and vice versa. I can confirm because I did that myself. When you bring up the pause menu, it should say you've only picked one type of decision on the right side of the screen. If that's not there then you won't get the trophy. I checked regularly just to make sure. Also, if you're attempting this via the chapter select, make sure you overwrite the save. Other than that, I don't know what to suggest.

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You should be able to still select heart options when there’s no other choice without it voiding the trophy.


There should also be a message in the bottom right of the screen when you pause the game saying something like “you have made only head decisions, where possible.” Is that message there when you pause the game? If it’s there before you finish and the trophy doesn’t unlock then I’d say it’s glitched. However if that message isn’t there you may have picked something wrong.

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Solved! (Kind of?)


Others mentioned the "You have only made choice with your [Heart/Head] where possible" message in the pause menu. I never saw that during either of my first two "Head Only" playthroughs, even during the chapters that the scene selection said were Head Only. That probably should have been my first sign that it was glitching...


So, I reinstalled the game and started a fresh playthrough on a new save file. No overwriting old saves or using scene selection to start at "The Crossing" (where things supposedly went wrong). And this time, for ALL decision with only Heart options, I either picked "Say Nothing" or let the timer run out. Every couple scenes I double-checked the pause menu, and the Head only message was there ?


It worked, the trophy popped!

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  • 1 year later...
2 hours ago, snakebit10 said:

I have replayed them 3 times now and it isn't unlocking the head choice trophy.


I had the same problem when I just replayed the "Head and Heart" bugged chapters. What solved it for me was a completely fresh playthrough. Don't use chapter select to enter from the first chapter—start from the very beginning with a New Game.

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7 hours ago, purlinka said:


I had the same problem when I just replayed the "Head and Heart" bugged chapters. What solved it for me was a completely fresh playthrough. Don't use chapter select to enter from the first chapter—start from the very beginning with a New Game.


Thanks, I still have to do a movie night play through and Curator run. I'll try on one of them. 

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On 1/17/2022 at 1:06 AM, purlinka said:


I had the same problem when I just replayed the "Head and Heart" bugged chapters. What solved it for me was a completely fresh playthrough. Don't use chapter select to enter from the first chapter—start from the very beginning with a New Game.


It worked for me. I did a completely new play through in Curator mode and the trophy unlocked. 

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  • 6 months later...
On 1/17/2022 at 0:06 AM, purlinka said:


I had the same problem when I just replayed the "Head and Heart" bugged chapters. What solved it for me was a completely fresh playthrough. Don't use chapter select to enter from the first chapter—start from the very beginning with a New Game.

So if it glitched thats it? Start a new save?

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