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Ps4 Hits 2.1 Million Units Sold


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Wow.......like, WOW! They're gonna make it to 5M by March, I would say, it isn't even out yet in Japan......those are really good numbers! XBox One is doing great too, and it'll continue just as good, but I think the PS4 has a slight lead as of right now (just a hunch, I'm not stating a fact and I may be wrong lol) 

Anyway, I won't be getting one in several months, maybe in a year, but I'm glad it's selling good :)

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MS: We have SHIPPED 2.5 Million units!


MS Fanboys: WE ARE WINNING!!!!!!


i will go ahead and enjoy the Best of both worlds...but i still love my PS4 slightly more....who am i kidding... I LOVE MY PS4!!


:lol: That was kind of funny. I don't get why people are constantly comparing 'em like that. Just celebrate the success of the PS4 without trying to start one of THOSE threads.

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Damn impressive number considering all the "analysts" who claimed console gaming was dead and these consoles wouldn't sell as well as the previous ones. Sony and Microsoft should both be extremely pleased with these sales and I hope they continue to sell great for years. It'll be interesting to see what Nintendo does now.




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