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Unwavering (Insanity vs MP)


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Just snagged this one on sale for $8.99 and am going to give it a run for a plat after I finish ME:LE3. 

Question I had is if the multiplayer is active enough to be able to earn the Unwavering achivement via multi-player or is it better to just run the game on insanity? 

Can't remember how difficult insanity is for Andromeda, but I've had a pretty smooth playthrough the Legendary Edition on insanity without new game+.  Thanks in advance.

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I did Insanity on NG+ 
Pretty sure you need to do another 2/3 play through anyway to get the trophy for 3 romance paths (maybe not, can’t remember) but I found it mostly no trouble.


Never really played the MP but I imagine playing on Insanity and taking it at your pace is nicer than trying to get a team together online.


Also just a PSA that I think this game is very underrated 

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I did the insanity run in single player on NG+, cause I could either A) not connect to multiplayer B ) when I did, I found no players online.

It's better to do another run anyway just in case you miss something or you need to level up your character for the High Performance or if you didn't get the Matchmaker trophy. With a right build, it's a complete cakewalk and it doesn't take too long to do a second run, since you can speedthrough it in almost 10 hours. 

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11 minutes ago, JEDLander said:

I did Insanity on NG+ 
Pretty sure you need to do another 2/3 play through anyway to get the trophy for 3 romance paths (maybe not, can’t remember) but I found it mostly no trouble.


Never really played the MP but I imagine playing on Insanity and taking it at your pace is nicer than trying to get a team together online.


Also just a PSA that I think this game is very underrated 

I completely agree the game is underrated.  The combat was a blast with adding the vertical component and the customizable skill tree.  I beat it on PC about 6 months after release, and while I've added the LE version to my profile, I might as well finish off every game on Playstation.


1 minute ago, MarcusPunisher said:

I did the insanity run in single player on NG+, cause I could either A) not connect to multiplayer B ) when I did, I found no players online.

It's better to do another run anyway just in case you miss something or you need to level up your character for the High Performance or if you didn't get the Matchmaker trophy. With a right build, it's a complete cakewalk and it doesn't take too long to do a second run, since you can speedthrough it in almost 10 hours. 


Looks like NG+ it will probably be.  I found a build that is looks like a blast that just crushes Insanity on NG+ if played properly.  


I just wonder how difficult the game would be to start on insanity on the first playthrough.

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5 minutes ago, DrBloodmoney said:

I did unwavering a couple of days ago in multiplayer - took around 90 minutes, and there was games going on no problem whenever I looked.


Pretty fun multiplayer too!

Awesome! Did you have to level/gear up your character or were you able to just join up a gold mission and get it done?

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4 minutes ago, damcrac5 said:

Awesome! Did you have to level/gear up your character or were you able to just join up a gold mission and get it done?

I didn’t have to level anything up, but the first few missions I was pretty ineffective- basically got carried by some better players, and repaid the favour by playing as an infiltrator with a cloak, and just being a mobile revive station for them.


Bear in mind - in order for a gold win to count, you can die as often as happens, but you must be alive at the end of the final round (round 7) and be in the ‘extraction’ zone when the timer ends - so whatever you do, try to be alive for that.


Actually, you can join a game that is already in progress, even in round 7, and still get an ‘unwavering’ win as long as you ‘extract’ correctly.


Most high level players will basically carry you - but remember that they can kick you, so try to at least do what little you can to help in the fights - as I said, I was fairly under-levelled, but they never kicked me, as I at least tried to help out - even if I only did like 2% of the damage, and they did the other 98% ?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 5 months later...

I'm going with MP and I think there might be some confusion in the guide:" You have to complete 5 APEX Gold extractions "


I'm pretty sure normal Gold missions also count (not APEX) based on answers from their official forum.
Can anyone confirm?

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  • 4 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 8/31/2022 at 2:14 AM, Staufway said:

Does completing Platinum level MP count or does it specifically need to be Gold?


Platinum is a step above gold soooo....?‍♂️


Disappointingly, platinum level MP clears do not count towards this trophy. You need gold-level completions. Platinum clears will award quite a bit of XP and credits, which will empower your overall cause in MP. Platinum lobbies are very challenging. I play the MP quite a bit. You'll likely find active gold level lobbies as there are still hobbyists who main this game.

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On 9/13/2022 at 8:13 AM, bigrake1 said:


Disappointingly, platinum level MP clears do not count towards this trophy. You need gold-level completions. Platinum clears will award quite a bit of XP and credits, which will empower your overall cause in MP. Platinum lobbies are very challenging. I play the MP quite a bit. You'll likely find active gold level lobbies as there are still hobbyists who main this game.

Good to know! Maybe I'll give the gold lobbies a try.  Will be a nice change after playing through the campaign and not needing to do a whole 2nd run.

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  • 3 months later...


On 7/8/2021 at 4:01 PM, damcrac5 said:

Just snagged this one on sale for $8.99 and am going to give it a run for a plat after I finish ME:LE3. 

Question I had is if the multiplayer is active enough to be able to earn the Unwavering achivement via multi-player or is it better to just run the game on insanity? 

Can't remember how difficult insanity is for Andromeda, but I've had a pretty smooth playthrough the Legendary Edition on insanity without new game+.  Thanks in advance.

I just finished my Insanity playthrough on NG+ in 5 hours 30 minutes and it was not bad at all.  Here are a few observations I had that made it a breeze -


1. On your main playthrough, do everyone's loyalty quests so they have access to their level 6 skills.

2. Try to do all quests on your NG game so you set up your NG+ game between level 45 and 50.  This makes a world of difference as you have access to as many skills as you need and you can build very high level armor and weapons.

3. I used the Remnant armor level 6 for the damage reduction.

3. Any weapons can work, I used the Scorpion pistol and N7 Valkyrie rifle, both level 6.

4. Skills I used were Overload, Remnant VI bot, and Lance.  Overload is great for all enemies, especially shielded enemies and Lance makes short work after you hit them with Overload.

5. USE YOUR SQUADMATES!  Tell them to attack who you attack.  Keep moving and use cover wisely.


That's really the short and long of it, as I said I beat it in less than 6 hours so it wasn't too bad at all.  You only need to do the following missions to count for the trophy (Taken from trueachievements.com):


1. Complete Habitat 7
2. Talk to Tann and SAM on the Nexus
3. Complete Eos (drop zone part then 3 monoliths and vault)
4. Talk to Tann and Addison on the Nexus
5. Go to Aya and talk to Efvra
6. Do the story quest fr Havarl or Voeld. I beliebe Havarl's is shorter. I just used Tac Cloak and ran past all the enemies in the jungle.
7. Rescue the Moshae on Voeld (this was imo one of the hardest missions in the game)
8. To to the vault on Aya with the Moshae.
9. Do the interrogation on Kadara (being nice to Sloane) then go do the transmitter quest.
10. Complete Hunting the Archon. (I personally saved the Salarian because she helps you during the final boss fight)
11. Do the quest on "Meridian" (another hard one)
12. Investigate the anomalies in different systems to triangulate the position of Meridian
13. Return to "Meridian" and fight your way to the end

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It's way faster to do it in multiplayer.  Most of the lobbies today are full of sweaties who will one shot most enemies before you've even got the chance to aim down sights while practically carrying you to extraction. Just stick by them and help out where you can.


It's funny because the multiplayer is so grindy that it probably would have taken the same amount of time for those sweaties to reach the point where they could even tackle gold missions as it would beating the entire game on Insanity from scratch. So I understand why the trophy gives players the choice between SP & MP since it probably balanced out back then. But those players back in 2017 walked so that the trophy hunters today can run!


BTW I love Mass Effect Andromeda so much, in fact, that I ended up doing basically everything all over again on NG+.  Maybe at launch it was a disaster (I wouldn't know because I bought it when it was fixed) but I don't think it deserves the kicking it still gets today...

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