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The lack of chapter select really sucks


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I wasn't planning on getting the platinum because the sheer amount of collectibles just made it seem tedious. I didn't want to glance over at a guide every minute to get something. I'll take the L there for a more seamless experience.


But I ended up finding almost every collectible naturally, getting close enough to the platinum without really trying. And now, to get the small handful of collectibles I missed, I have to essentially play almost the whole game again instead of just jump around to grab them. 


It's not a huge deal — this process should maybe take three hours max — but it's still annoying for a linear game in 2021 to not have a chapter select. Also I guess I just wanted to reiterate this to people about to jump in to this mediocre game.

Edited by Chaos_Bladez
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not heard of this game but I get what you mean, even though 3 hours isn't long it could easily be avoided with a chapter select


stuff like this annoys me in games, I'm the same as you I always play through blind on a game with collectibles and try my best to get as many as possible

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2 hours ago, Chaos_Bladez said:

I wasn't planning on getting the platinum because the sheer amount of collectibles just made it seem tedious. I didn't want to glance over at a guide every minute to get something. I'll take the L there for a more seamless experience.


But I ended up finding almost every collectible naturally, getting close enough to the platinum without really trying. And now, to get the small handful of collectibles I missed, I have to essentially play almost the whole game again instead of just jump around to grab them. 


It's not a huge deal — this process should maybe take three hours max — but it's still annoying for a linear game in 2021 to not have this. Also I guess I just wanted to reiterate this to people about to jump in to this mediocre game.

I agree chapter select should be a thing in a lot of games like this it is more worse in a game that is tied to some collectables only popping up at a point in a story like the ones in bully as that can be very annoying

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2 hours ago, Quink666 said:

Also buggy trophies sucks. Phantom just glitched on me. Never got caught still didn't get the trophy... Hopefully no other ones are glitchy.

It may have been buggy, but that one is very weird. Apparently, it's just in one four-part section of the game. You can see a guide for it here.

2 hours ago, Lonemankane said:

I agree chapter select should be a thing in a lot of games like this it is more worse in a game that is tied to some collectables only popping up at a point in a story like the ones in bully as that can be very annoying

Yeah, this game has a ton of collectibles that you can lock yourself out of by going through a door or triggered a cutscene and whatnot. It's also 2021! How is this not a thing?

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9 minutes ago, Chaos_Bladez said:

It may have been buggy, but that one is very weird. Apparently, it's just in one four-part section of the game. You can see a guide for it here.


Yeah i did all sections in one sitting without getting caught or even detected. Still didn't unlock. I just talked to one of the platinum holder and he played it with out the day 1 patch. I assume my digital version isn't day 1 since it's no longer v 1.000.000 it v1.001.000.

Edited by Quink666
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20 minutes ago, Chaos_Bladez said:

Yeah, this game has a ton of collectibles that you can lock yourself out of by going through a door or triggered a cutscene and whatnot. It's also 2021! How is this not a thing?

no clue mate but it would of helped if they did it but yeah, not everyone is doing the simple life improvements as yeah, like a good example of problems with no chapters is telltale games. I love the walking dead series and wolf among us but if I wanted to go from a point in a chapter I have to replay it only afew handful of games later did they bring back the replay a part of a chapter/ episode but yeah.

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On 9/3/2021 at 3:11 PM, Quink666 said:


Yeah i did all sections in one sitting without getting caught or even detected. Still didn't unlock. I just talked to one of the platinum holder and he played it with out the day 1 patch. I assume my digital version isn't day 1 since it's no longer v 1.000.000 it v1.001.000.

Ah that sucks. I am just going to wait for patches and try to platinum this in a day sometime in the winter. No point in doing it now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/3/2021 at 6:11 PM, Quink666 said:


Yeah i did all sections in one sitting without getting caught or even detected. Still didn't unlock. I just talked to one of the platinum holder and he played it with out the day 1 patch. I assume my digital version isn't day 1 since it's no longer v 1.000.000 it v1.001.000.

I just did the phantom section just now and no trophy. I never got caught or alerted him but still no dice. Chapter select would come in super handy but dang, it’s rough I was clenching my cheeks for the whole time for nothing. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm kinda the opposite. I'll play through with a guide because even though it makes the initial experience less smooth and natural, I'll take that over having to make subsequent playthrough(s) of a game that really strikes me as one-and-done. 

I'm about 70% through the story I think, but I'm just ready for it to be over. I'd struggle to find the motivation to finish it if I thought I had more playthroughs to make.

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  • 2 weeks later...

finished my playthrough, did it blind managed to get everything, i thought i might need a guide for phantom but if you crouch and hold breath and set everything to toggle you can just creep right past it, right next to it and it doesn't see you. very easy, amazing atmosphere and no impossibly mental collectibles that you would need a guide for everything was really quite chilled.


running from Maw was really fun and quite disturbing, the only bit i found difficult at all was figuring out where to stand to pull that cement mixer in time before I got slapped but it wasn't hard just annoying. but like with most bloober team games i did it blind, soaked in the atmo, and backtracked a fair bit for collectibles, took my time and enjoyed it, it does take a while to pick up the pace though, but not too bad.


story 9/10

Edited by MatThaRiPP3R84
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