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Hi there, recently switched over from Xbox(:


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Welcome to PSNP!! Most people I know are switching to PS from Xbox, lol. What games are you interested in? Hope you enjoy your time here :)



^ As Masamune said, welcome to both the site and to the darkside! :ninja:


Obviously you are a fan of shooters. What other genres do you enjoy? :)


Nice to see more new faces, so hopefully I'll see more posts from you around the bay.


Wellllllll with my switch to PS3 I'm hoping to get into more RPG such as FF(even though I'm already fully invested) and KH. I've had a taste of what's offered from when I had my PSP sooo I'm pretty excited to get into them. I'm interested in most of the PS exclusives and also random games like Ninja Gaiden(haha hard shit), Assassin's Creed(s), Dante's Inferno, God of War, The Sims, Ratchet and Clank, Portal(s), and Minecraft. I also oddly enough have the ability to spend countless hours playing Madden which, you know, yeah :rolleyes:

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Wellllllll with my switch to PS3 I'm hoping to get into more RPG such as FF(even though I'm already fully invested) and KH. I've had a taste of what's offered from when I had my PSP sooo I'm pretty excited to get into them. I'm interested in most of the PS exclusives and also random games like Ninja Gaiden(haha hard shit), Assassin's Creed(s), Dante's Inferno, God of War, The Sims, Ratchet and Clank, Portal(s), and Minecraft. I also oddly enough have the ability to spend countless hours playing Madden which, you know, yeah :rolleyes:


FF and KH.. Two of my favorite franchises! We should get along well, lol. And the other games you mentioned are awesome as well. Especially God of War, R&C, Portal and Minecraft. The PS definitely has awesome exclusives.

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That will have been the best decision you ever made, trust me, I did the exact same thing 4 years ago (despite owning and loving every Playstation beforehand) and never looked back.


Edit: I just noticed the date this topic was posted on, uber late response but it still stands. :P

Edited by kamifox1
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