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Trophies pop in Bot-Only All Out Warfare


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I didn't know BF2042 would have Bot-ONLY matches as well. You and up to 3 friends can coop with AI filling every slot in the match. And progression is counted too. Tried like 5 minutes of a Solo Conquest and 1 match of Solo Breakthrough, made it to Level 7 (popped the Level 5 trophy) and unlocked a bunch of attachments for an AR. Also popped the Showoff trophy (outstanding performance achieved).


The only modes available for this are Conquest and Breakthrough. So unfortunately can't do this for Hazard Zone. Also not sure if Portal works, though I would be surprised as it's legit custom games.

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1 hour ago, Fragster99 said:

It seems some can't though. I got a lot of headshot kills (~30) in one game and Deadshot - 20 headshots in one round- did not pop. I also roadkilled multiple bots with an aircraft and One Careful Owner did not pop. 

Ah damn. My most headshot kills were like 17 or 18 so almost made that one so couldn't confirm. That sucks but at least we're still able to get some. I was expecting it to block everything, even progress.

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1 hour ago, Fragster99 said:

It seems some can't though. I got a lot of headshot kills (~30) in one game and Deadshot - 20 headshots in one round- did not pop. I also roadkilled multiple bots with an aircraft and One Careful Owner did not pop. 

Same on the road kills and headshots they didn't pop, the melee did pop though and xp counts.  

Edited by steel6burgh
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7 minutes ago, related_browser1 said:

What game mode did u do for the melee

yeah it was bots. the 20 melee kills was the only thing that popped aside from level progression.  I'm pretty sure i had several quad kills on objectives and that didn't work either but i could be wrong about that.  i had like 500 plus kills lol. for sure about 100 of those were headshots.   


also want to point out there is the zombie rush mode where you get to play as a dude rushing the objective with a knife.  There are about 100 rushers and a fraction the amount of defenders with guns.  Problem is the match last a good while and you don't get to be a defender very often because the mode requires a lot more rushers, but i'm betting 20 headshot kills would be easy in that if you get lucky enough to defend.

Edited by steel6burgh
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5 hours ago, Forcebylight said:

The Headshot trophy popped for me with bots but the melee kills one didn't pop

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was the other way around for me. but i did one game with more than 20 melee kills and the trophy didn’t pop. did another game and the trophy popped after one melee kill. ??‍♂️

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While playing bot matches most requirements don't seem to pop exactly when they should, but will if you repeat the action again immediately in a match right after (20 melee, 20 headshots, distance traveled) 


I'm at over 800 combined kills + assists on the two tanks though, which would make you think I'd have at least 50 vehicle kills, even in one game, but I've still not earned that so not sure what's going on there. 


The one off trophies like destroying an air vehicle while parachuting or roadkilling with one can be boosted in Portal matches, but I had to do both requirements 3+ times each before they finally worked. 

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You can play All-Out in "coop" mode where you play by yourself or with up to 3 other people and just play against AI with just normal rules on 2042 maps. Issue with this is that the friendly soldiers are all braindead and it doesn't fill in for players who aren't there, so the matches take forever and you might lose even though you're getting tons of kills because the enemy AI just fucks the friendly AI over. 


You can set up bot lobbies in Portal which is what people are using the boost XP really fast with specific settings. This I could see them changing in some way (probably just dropping earned XP) , but they wouldn't remove the option to do it. 

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I believe a lot of the trophies are buggy right now, among other things (as is tradition for a BF launch). I think everything will be doable in these bot matches. But as someone else said, Hazard Zone is the real problem. Ugh, I wish they did portal unique trophies over the Zone shit.

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21 minutes ago, Gage said:

You can play All-Out in "coop" mode where you play by yourself or with up to 3 other people and just play against AI with just normal rules on 2042 maps. Issue with this is that the friendly soldiers are all braindead and it doesn't fill in for players who aren't there, so the matches take forever and you might lose even though you're getting tons of kills because the enemy AI just fucks the friendly AI over. 


You can set up bot lobbies in Portal which is what people are using the boost XP really fast with specific settings. This I could see them changing in some way (probably just dropping earned XP) , but they wouldn't remove the option to do it. 

It's already dropped XP in Portal. Regular MP is 50XP, in Portal it's 10XP.

2 minutes ago, Skurkitty said:

I believe a lot of the trophies are buggy right now, among other things (as is tradition for a BF launch). I think everything will be doable in these bot matches. But as someone else said, Hazard Zone is the real problem. Ugh, I wish they did portal unique trophies over the Zone shit.

Yep, I did one match of Hazard Zone and while it gave me the 20 headshot kills in one round, I hated it. Didn't even see an enemy squad until extraction and got wrecked.

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4 hours ago, Gage said:

While playing bot matches most requirements don't seem to pop exactly when they should, but will if you repeat the action again immediately in a match right after (20 melee, 20 headshots, distance traveled) 


I'm at over 800 combined kills + assists on the two tanks though, which would make you think I'd have at least 50 vehicle kills, even in one game, but I've still not earned that so not sure what's going on there. 


The one off trophies like destroying an air vehicle while parachuting or roadkilling with one can be boosted in Portal matches, but I had to do both requirements 3+ times each before they finally worked. 


what exactly counts as the rocket launcher??

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imo everybody will abuse the bot lobbies and they will be taken out by the end of the weekend, if i were betting. Surely they weren't wanting people to unlock everything and level up completely over the course of 10 bot matches. The game is a buggy mess.  on my alt account i had the trophy pop for running across the map 25km when i spawned in.  I literally didn't even move and 5 matches in ar ow i spawned in with grenade only lobbies or knife only and i immediately backed out on the 5th one the trophy popped.  


On my main account I get error messages every few minute while i'm browsing the portal.  I get kicked as soon as I join a match to another error message.  


i played enough of this game on my alternate account to say it's nothing special.  The maps are bland the combat is ok but often times the maps are too big and it's actually hard to get into a lot of combat situations where you can rack up a lot of kills or have a good time.  I find a hard time believing this is the best we can get in the ps5 era.    I'm sure improvements will be made and the game will be great in a year but as for right now it's pretty lackluster.   The extraction mode is pretty dull too.  We literally jump in get about 5 hard drives without seeing a single enemy.  We go to extraction and a few enemies pop up i think we killed about 20 of them or so and extracted and that was all there was to it.  


Come on WTF is this???  it couldn't get any more bland if you set out to develop a boring experience as your main goal.

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9 hours ago, ImAPirateSoSueMe said:

It's already dropped XP in Portal. Regular MP is 50XP, in Portal it's 10XP.


They've now made it so you get no progression in Portal and no ribbons/badge progress in All-Out bot matches. ?


I can't even play normal online matches today because I'm getting the error in every online mode where it loads the match then immediately drops me, so I can't even earn progress. 


And my level 25 trophy didn't pop at level 25. 


Hopefully they get some of this stuff figured out tomorrow, though I don't expect Saturday right after launch to be any better for server connections. 

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13 minutes ago, Gage said:


They've now made it so you get no progression in Portal and no ribbons/badge progress in All-Out bot matches. 1f605.png


I can't even play normal online matches today because I'm getting the error in every online mode where it loads the match then immediately drops me, so I can't even earn progress. 


And my level 25 trophy didn't pop at level 25. 


Hopefully they get some of this stuff figured out tomorrow, though I don't expect Saturday right after launch to be any better for server connections. 

same here can't even play.  I played portal earlier and did 20 headshots and melee finally on my main and they did not pop, not even the next match after performing one of each.  Of course the 1st thing they fix is xp exploits before server and connection problems.  I really hope they bring progression back into portal because portal is the best part of this game.  Maybe if they just took bots out this wouldn't be such a problem.

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Or maybe there's a CAP for a day how much you can aquire playing with Bots.
Didnt you guys notice the yellow sentence after some games 'you have reached the cap' (something like that).
Either they will shut down the entire thing OR there is a Limit of what you can achieve per day playing bots.

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11 minutes ago, Mr Green said:

Or maybe there's a CAP for a day how much you can aquire playing with Bots.
Didnt you guys notice the yellow sentence after some games 'you have reached the cap' (something like that).
Either they will shut down the entire thing OR there is a Limit of what you can achieve per day playing bots.

except its not just against bots it's all the portal matches it could be 16 versus 16 team death match against all human players and you get nothing.  I really have no idea what is going on it's just a giant cluster f### as one wold expect with any EA game.  I'm sure they will add xp back in for PVP portal they probably just had to shut it all down while they figure it out.  As you can imagine the community just created 100s of farm lobbies to the point legitimate players couldn't even create a portal for a real PVP experience. 

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1 hour ago, steel6burgh said:

except its not just against bots it's all the portal matches it could be 16 versus 16 team death match against all human players and you get nothing.  I really have no idea what is going on it's just a giant cluster f### as one wold expect with any EA game.  I'm sure they will add xp back in for PVP portal they probably just had to shut it all down while they figure it out.  As you can imagine the community just created 100s of farm lobbies to the point legitimate players couldn't even create a portal for a real PVP experience. 

Well we got out answer then. It's EA fault to gave people the tools to do so. And of course people's fault to actually go overboard with the exploit like they always do because that's 21 century and everybody wants to sit on there ass and be entitled to everything, free money growing out their ears... And then some dum-dum puts it on youtube and there you go. Self made distaster.

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