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Delete my profile


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13 minutes ago, FeelTheCosmos said:

OP, I guess if you really want your anonymous profile to be gone, you could do one of 2 things:  get a CFW PS3 or Vita and set some timestamps to say, 2030, you'll get deleted automatically.  Or you could change your ID to your real name and address (or email address) and then I guess you'd fall under GDPR.  Seems dramatic, but we're all a little dramatic sometimes, I guess.


Can't do this when the account is closed by Sony, you'd have to somehow unban your account and then create CFW time stamps. The issue here is that the OP can't get onto their account anymore because they requested the account to be deleted by Sony and that's an irreversible decision and now the account can't be accessed to use the "Account Delete/Restore" function at the bottom of the page. Only the site owner can manually remove profiles from this website and he ignores nearly every thread in this section. 


You also don't know what people use their PSN ID for. Someone I knew in the past asked a trophy website to delete his account from it because he ended up associating that name with his company, then of course when you search up a company you can learn some personal information about the owner of said company a lot of the time. Aside from that, trophy site results would show up above his company on google so he wanted to remove that competition. At the end of the day, the least the site owner could do is sometimes look at these requests and help the person out with it, it's a very reasonable request to ask for manual removal of a profile that is no-longer accessible so I still stand by my opinion that it is pathetic that nothing gets done for these people who are asking for a removal when the option is no-longer available for them to do it themselves. 

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3 hours ago, FeelTheCosmos said:

Anyway, I had to implement GDPR in my company when it was approved in 2018 and this site definitely doesn't have anything to do with that.  They don't collect personal information


That is not what the GDPR itself says:



According to Article 3 (1) of Regulation (EU) 2018/1725: "‘personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person

Any information as long as it relatable to someone. My Trophies are relatable to me.



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21 minutes ago, JoniP said:


That is not what the GDPR itself says:


Any information as long as it relatable to someone. My Trophies are relatable to me.




I should also add that anonymous to @FeelTheCosmos doesn't mean anonymous to everyone. There's a 100% chance that someone on PSN has told people in their personal life their PSN ID and now this website is displaying the trophies to everyone who wants to see them. Sometimes a person's trophy time stamps can correlate with work hours and the person could have their personal life affected by it if someone says "your profile shows you earned this trophy at 4:30pm but you called in sick on that day". At the end of the day it is at the OPs discretion as to what their reason is for wanting the profile deleted, my opinion is simply that the request should definitely be fulfilled and the site owner won't come here and give a second of his time to it. I guess also considering there are people with names in this world like "Batman Bin Suparman", it's not far fetched to say that Bitmap could even be a person's surname on this planet. We don't know why this request was put forward by the OP. I simply believe that nothing is going to be done while I would be in favour of the profile being removed at the OPs request without any further questions asked. 

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31 minutes ago, TJsTrophies said:

No one can correlate your trophies with you as a person. They do not count in this regard.


The link I shared - which is literally the regulation text -  literally states "online identifiers". The fact that these Trophies are connected to a profile called JoniP means they are related to an identifiable natural person. So you are wrong, it counts.


an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier


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Can't profiles be created by anyone anyway? I thought if you typed in a PSN ID for someone with public trophies it generates a profile and adds them to the leader boards. I've never administered a website, but I imagine it would be harder to facilitate deletions for a setup like this, than it would for a more traditional one where the user creates their own profile.

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Just now, TJsTrophies said:

So by looking at the trophies you unlocked, I should be able to point you out in real life?


I think you may value the trophies more than they are worth, no one can identify you from your trophies.

This is all meaningless. The regulation is quite clear. Any information linked to an online identifier counts. This post explaining GDPR counts as personal data.

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1 minute ago, droppingtherock said:

Can't profiles be created by anyone anyway? I thought if you typed in a PSN ID for someone with public trophies it generates a profile and adds them to the leader boards. I've never administered a website, but I imagine it would be harder to facilitate deletions for a setup like this, than it would for a more traditional one where the user creates their own profile.


The profile with the trophy list can be added to this website without the person behind the account adding themselves, but to create a forum profile the person has to use the PSN account and input an about me code to confirm themselves to this website. 


Anyway, the debate shouldn't really be about identifiers or privacy or whatnot. The OP is asking for someone with power on this website to use a feature that they cannot use on their own anymore because they can no-longer access their account to use the function that will remove their profile. My main point is that because the site owner has ignored every other request of this nature, it was a waste of the OP's time to bother doing this because it's not going to be looked at and fixed for them. All you can really do at this point @bitmap_32 is try to ignore this website and hope that it doesn't affect your life if your profile remains visible here. 

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2 hours ago, willmill97 said:

This thread sounds like the transcript of a court case.

Haha, yeah except it's the internet version, where the only person who has actually had to implement policies and had to interface with attorneys for clarification is shouted down by the louder opinions of those less educated on the subject :)


Nvm though, didn't think this would get everyone all riled up.  You guys are right, OP should be removed at his request and Sly should be punished for violating this law I guess.  If anyone needs me I'll be back in the dispute threads.


Good luck getting this fixed Mr. James Bitmap of 32 Wallaby Lane.  If you haven't tried sending Sly a PM, maybe that would work?

Edited by FeelTheCosmos
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2 hours ago, FeelTheCosmos said:

Haha, yeah except it's the internet version, where the only person who has actually had to implement policies and had to interface with attorneys for clarification is shouted down by the louder opinions of those less educated on the subject :)

If you think you are more knowledgeable, please dispute what I actually showcased. Because as I showcased, you're clearly wrong. Also on being the only person.


In any case, the solution is to try for a mail instead.

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2 hours ago, FeelTheCosmos said:

Haha, yeah except it's the internet version, where the only person who has actually had to implement policies and had to interface with attorneys for clarification is shouted down by the louder opinions of those less educated on the subject :)


Nvm though, didn't think this would get everyone all riled up.  You guys are right, OP should be removed at his request and Sly should be punished for violating this law I guess.  If anyone needs me I'll be back in the dispute threads.


Good luck getting this fixed Mr. James Bitmap of 32 Wallaby Lane.  If you haven't tried sending Sly a PM, maybe that would work?

Why would you claim superior knowledge  of the legislations of an agglomerate of states where you don’t live in a single one of them, unlike the Ones contradicting you? I don’t doubt you have a company and discussed with your attorneys, but you’re  american, don’t take for granted every single law is Universal. If you combine that with the arrogance you’ve shown in the thread, you’re bound to stir up the pot (since you care about “positivity”, whatever it means).

Sony has done countless of things that can easily trace you  when booting up your PlayStation, such as your Real Name in your settings, what kind of e-Mail you use, if say, you don’t have one for work and another for hobbies, a connecting feature  that generates an automessage whenever you gain a trophy in sites like Twitter and Facebook, maybe Instagram as well, not sure on the latter one, regardless, plenty of  things to cover up, if you care about that, this site also shows the minutiae of the time you earned a trophy, quite easily, compared to the chaotic PSN interface, if Bitmap was my employee, I could see when he could slack off to earn some trophies and hold him accountable, all the more reason to split the two identities (hobby and work) or taking measures in doing so, like the OP, perhaps, is trying, then again, his or her motivations aren’t our concern,  Bitmap has a right to feel secure on their own anonymity.

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For anyone interested, PSNProfiles as a British operation, ICO also confirms you can ask an organisation to delete data about you. PSNProfiles is a good site, but people shouldn't be forced to share their data after they are no longer interested. It is just that asking via a forum post is probably not the best way to do so.



The right to get your data deleted is also known as the ‘right to erasure’. You can ask an organisation that holds data about you to delete that data. In some circumstances, they must then do so. You may sometimes hear this called the ‘right to be forgotten’.




2 hours ago, HusKy said:


He is right tho? Profiles on this website do not fall under GDPR.

I believe I showed clearly how GDPR refers to any information linked to an online identifier.

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"'personal data’ means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person"


A profile on PSNP absolutely does not fall under this definition because it isn't related to any identifiable person. 


That said, Sly should show the ounce of respect that is required to accomodate those who wish to be removed.

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This is a request for Sly to delete a members information.


If you all want to armchair lawyer your takes on a law, make a thread and have it out where it'll be on topic.


No one needs to fabricate reasons for this member to ask their profile to be deleted. They can speak for themselves if they need to. 


If I had access, I'd delete them myself but this is on Sly to address.

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