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Why am I still flagged?

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2 months ago, I got flagged for 3 games through an "egg search". The same day I got suspended on PSN for 2 months. The games were; Red Dead Redemption, GTA 5, and Max Payne 3. RDR and MP3 I didn't cheat on, and not even platinum or 100% the list. In my disputed a mod didn't tell me if my flag would be removed or not, and closed my dispute. I did have a modder give me a bounty on GTA 5 for the Run Like The Wind trophy, but it is hidden off my list and I still am flagged. I can invite a mod to the Discord server we used to boost both of those MP trophies as I am trying to upload my screenshots and it isn't working.

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If you are having troubles uploading pictures, you need to save your picture to somewhere like imgur or another similar online place. You can't load them directly from your PC.

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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