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Should I play this? (completionist)


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Hi everyone,


Been considering playing this game for well over a year now and thinking about taking the plunge soon. That said, I'm only willing to get into it if I know I can and will go for 100% trophies. Some background:


- I played World of Warcraft in a highly ranked hardcore raiding guild in The Burning Crusade / Wrath of the Lich King era. Some of my fondest gaming memories are from this time, but it was a long time ago.

- I thoroughly enjoy action RPGs. My Elder Scrolls experience is limited to playing Skyrim, which I like quite a bit (though the Witcher 3 is still the GOAT for open world RPGs imo).

- I played FFXIV. Enjoyed the story, love the fan service, but the gameplay just wasn't quite there for me (as much as I wanted it to be). Bounced off this one though I have to return to finish a couple of trophies and might try out the new expansion.


I don't mind grinding, I don't mind having to plan hard to get emperor, etc. What I am worried about is not enjoying the game or getting bored fairly early since I'm a completionist and this will be an extremely long journey to 100% (not to mention they keep releasing new content with new trophies). Are there lots of active guilds? Is the game story driven? Anything outside of emperor and fishing that would have me pulling my hair out from a trophy perspective? It seems like there's a lot to do and experience, and the game seems more fast paced and action oriented than other MMOs from what I can tell, which I like.


The big question is whether or not this is a game I would be able to get into, because once I get 1 trophy I'm in it for the long haul.

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well honestly the only trophy that can have a chance to hold you back is emperor but with determination you can get it and there is even a psnp group planning on going for it trading off i think... I got emperor after about a month of learning pvp i transferred a bunch of wall repair kits and siege items to a low level char and went for it while the usual leader was not playing that week so I got lucky and got it after about 6-7 hours of the day of a reset no breaks. I got the plat but I still haven't got the 100% and I started it back in 2016 or 2017 i believe just because I'm lazy and scalecaller savior is glitched for me and I've tried it like 6-7 times. If you're dedicated you can get the 100% but it won't be that easy and some trophies are annoying. I very much enjoy the game though so I do not regret it even if I don't have 100% yet.

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In terms of story-related content (including DLC stuff) - it plays very much like a single player RPG. Every NPC is voiced, which imo gives the whole game an extra level of enjoyment if you choose to care about the narrative. There's a base game main story line, which I'll be honest, I haven't touched even after 5+ years; that's because each zone (including DLCs) has its own plot line that you can follow in a vacuum.

That's another selling point - you can choose to start anywhere, any DLC or base game zone, without having to play anything prior to that. Any order - no limitations. I'd imagine it would suit you well in case you want to mix things up if you start getting bored. So yes, the game is story-driven - but it's still an MMO, and as such it gives you an option to spam through the dialogues and breeze through the quests if you want to.


In terms of guilds - there are plenty of active ones. Most I've seen focus on PvE content - some even have hardcore parsing requirements if you want to run raids/trials. From what you've said, I think you'd enjoy the game a lot!

Some misc. dungeon trophies could be tricky, especially if you are trying to get them with randoms - but I'd imagine everything is doable with some proper communication and experience.

Hope you enjoy it if you give it a shot!

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18 minutes ago, X_Wizi_X said:

The Emperor trophy is the only reason that keeps me away from playing this game and I am a completionist too.


That trophy requires too many things that go beyond just the player skills or a grind. 


I totally agree with this reply.


Unless you plan on investing thousands of hours on this trophy and that still can't guarantee you'll earn it, you should avoid it altogether or play it on an alt account. At least that is what I would do.


You can still try asking any of the individuals who earn that trophy, at least one of them is very active in the forums if my mind doesn't fail me.

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Hello there. I was in the same boat a couple months ago when I finally decided to start ESO. I can tell you that it is a very good experience and a great MMO RPG. As for the emperor trophy, it can be done in under lvl 50 campaign in less than 10 hours (with another 20 hours to plan that character right). I do not believe you need hundreds or thousands of hours for that trophy like some people say. Just commitment for a day (weekday cos that's when campaigns restarts) and a crew of 5-6 people willing to help. There are guilds focused on PvP that can play a huge part in this.


If you do decide to play the game, Add me on PS and we can do a few dungeons and stuff together. Cheers!

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Thanks a lot for the responses everyone!


I'm honestly not too worried about getting emperor. I know it will be a challenge, but with some planning and a few all nighters, it seems like it would be doable (of course I haven't actually played the game yet). I just wanted to be sure that there weren't any glitched trophies, or DLC trophies that would be outrageous but don't seem that way from an outsider looking at the list.


It seems like there's a very welcoming community here! I'm going to give it a shot and just bought the game. Looking forward to giving this a shot!


Where is this PSNprofiles group that's working on emperor? I wouldn't mind joining in if that's possible. My understanding is that Emperor is best done on the sub 50 campaign and it actually scales you up the lower your level, so it shouldn't take me long to get up to speed.

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I keep telling myself I'm gonna get back to this but I haven't. I played it for a week after launch n put it down. I hate that it's 1% on my profile. I don't even care about the plat. I just wanna increase my completion rating for it. I did enjoy what I played though so one day maybe...?

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  • 1 month later...
On 3.2.2022 at 4:59 AM, X_Wizi_X said:

The Emperor trophy is the only reason that keeps me away from playing this game and I am a completionist too.


That trophy requires too many things that go beyond just the player skills or a grind. 


Thats not true at all :-)

Its an MMO. The only thing you need for emperor are a hand full of people who help you turning 6 keeps and maybe supports you a bit with earning AP.

There are more than enough PVP events with additional campaigns within a year and even without them, you can become emperor within a few hours - sometimes within two, sometimes within some more.


The -easiest- way to get the emperor achievement is to join a PVP guild and help them for a few weeks. You dont have to be online everyday, it's absolutely okay if you are helping out once or twice a week, when another person is emp or wants to get emp. You will definitely get supported by the group after a while too.


I did emperor more than once, the fastest one took just about 1 1/2 hours. My Playtime - because the game is actually quite good if you dont run out of content - counts about 4000 hours.


This one is not as hard as people say. It has never been. It has always been just like that :)

I always read horror stories about "I played 3 days without a break" - thats not because the achievment takes so long. Thats just because the player has no idea what he is doing.

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  • 4 months later...
On 2022-03-24 at 0:07 PM, I-CatHasTrophy-I said:


Thats not true at all :-)

Its an MMO. The only thing you need for emperor are a hand full of people who help you turning 6 keeps and maybe supports you a bit with earning AP.

There are more than enough PVP events with additional campaigns within a year and even without them, you can become emperor within a few hours - sometimes within two, sometimes within some more.


The -easiest- way to get the emperor achievement is to join a PVP guild and help them for a few weeks. You dont have to be online everyday, it's absolutely okay if you are helping out once or twice a week, when another person is emp or wants to get emp. You will definitely get supported by the group after a while too.


I did emperor more than once, the fastest one took just about 1 1/2 hours. My Playtime - because the game is actually quite good if you dont run out of content - counts about 4000 hours.


This one is not as hard as people say. It has never been. It has always been just like that :)

I always read horror stories about "I played 3 days without a break" - thats not because the achievment takes so long. Thats just because the player has no idea what he is doing.

Thanks so much for the insightful response! I did start playing this game, so I’m in it for the long haul now. Where do I go to locate these PVP guilds? I’d like to get involved early and honestly the PVP does seem like a lot of fun regardless. Is it feasible to try for emp on the under 50 7 day campaign with my first character?

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14 hours ago, Solarus755 said:

Thanks so much for the insightful response! I did start playing this game, so I’m in it for the long haul now. Where do I go to locate these PVP guilds?


There is a feature called guild finder in Eso - you can search for a pvp guild (watch out for one that matches with your alliance or it wont work) and join them. Normally most of them use discord and partychat and are always willing to explain you everything you need to know about Cyrodiil and the way your class works best in this warzone.


14 hours ago, Solarus755 said:


I’d like to get involved early and honestly the PVP does seem like a lot of fun regardless.


It really is a fun part of Eso, imo the community is much better than the PvE community. I recommend doing as much stuff as possible at first (quests, delves, dungeons,...) to gain skillpoints and reach at least Maxlevel and CP160 (Item softcap). The reason for that is, that you'll be able to wear the best armor/weapons in the game then and you dont have to switch out parts of your gear every few levels. You can upgrade it to gold quality too because there wont be any better versions of the gear.


You'll get one skillpoint for every dungeon quest in the game. So if you want quick skillpoints, just queue for normal mode dungeons by using the dungeon finder feature - you can do quests and stuff until you get the invite :) There is a great app for doing everything thats trophy relevant on the map, its called "The Eso App" - i guess it costs about 1,99€ or something in the app store. Its really worth it. You can find all kind of locations on every map the game st anytime - Skyshards, even Skyshards in delves, Worldbosses, Delve Locations, Mages Lorebook Locations,.....



14 hours ago, Solarus755 said:


Is it feasible to try for emp on the under 50 7 day campaign with my first character?


It is and sometimes its easier to do ot this way instead of using the main campaign for maxlevel chars. But you'll need a hand full of friends helping you then :) so better try this out with a second character after you found people you play with for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is plenty to do in this game. It took me like 1100 hours to get 100% (before High Isle), and it didnt ever really feel boring. I didn't love the scrying part and some of the DLC trophies are pretty hard without a dedicated group who know what they are doing. But it is a tremendously fun game that I still play for fun and you will have plenty of attempts to try while going for the rest of the trophies.

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  • 2 months later...

There is nothing stopping completionists from going for it aside from the Emperor trophy, and maybe the considerable number of DLC. I considered going for it myself for a time, as I have been told by people in the know about this game that the servers are basically guaranteed to stay up for a few more years, that it is grindy but managable, that Emperor can be done realistically with some dedication and a few people helping, and that the never ending flood of DLC has by now been relocated to a seperate list so people have a choice in the matter, not to mention how one of my online friends wanted assistance in completing it. I ultimately ended up not doing it because I never played a single Elder Scrolls game in my life and don't really want to start now (people played Gothic series where I am from, Elder Scrolls was considered trash among our friend circle), and this being a Bethesda game stopped me, otherwise I would have considered it quite doable.

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