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Burrito's backlog fight and 90% completion journey


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1 hour ago, HedleyNEUK said:

Good progress, keep at it, i was down at 54% 2 years ago, and committed to aiming for 75%, then kept increasing by 5% each time i hit my target. 



Thank you, it's gonna take a while but I'll keep on it, the hardest part for me is that when I started my main account I didn't care much for trophies so I have a few games with only 1 trophy earned that I can't go back to since my PS3 died a few years ago, I'm also working on the backlog, I'm trying not to buy more games for while but it's difficult giving all that's releasing and the never ending sales, but as you said little by little I'll get there, and you have a very nice profile, congrats and thanks for dropping a comment.

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3 hours ago, Sunnyburrito said:

Thank you, it's gonna take a while but I'll keep on it, the hardest part for me is that when I started my main account I didn't care much for trophies so I have a few games with only 1 trophy earned that I can't go back to since my PS3 died a few years ago, I'm also working on the backlog, I'm trying not to buy more games for while but it's difficult giving all that's releasing and the never ending sales, but as you said little by little I'll get there, and you have a very nice profile, congrats and thanks for dropping a comment.


I feel you, i think i have about 10 unobtainable on my account, so 100% is not possible. Mind i do make sure i can get every game upto as close to 100% as possible without stressing myself too much


 i have left a couple of really tough 100% in the 90's (Arkham Knight/Dirt 2.0/Need for Speed 2015)


I try to play a new game every time i clear a few from my backlog to keep my gaming fresh 


Stick at it, it feels damn good whenever you get to a milestone you set yourself

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10 hours ago, Sunnyburrito said:

Hey, yeah Aveline's mentor added almost nothing to the story, he was very one dimensional while the game try to set him up to be important and wise at the beginning, also when Aveline finally finds her mother was so underwhelming and awkward, I expected it to be very heart warming giving how much Aveline wants to find her but they are like "Hi there, don't touch the artifact, bye", I was like wut?LMAO , about the bugs the Bayou was the worst and where the game crashed, moving around the place was fucking horrible, the parkour mostly didn't work and Aveline would constantly have to go around trees and other stuff that in a AC game one would assume you could go over them, suffice to say it was terrible, janky and awkward to move around, I'm yet to play AC3 and I'm already dreading it, since it's in the same collection I honestly don't expect it to be any more polished.


AC3 is more infuriating. It has some of the worst 100% sync requirements I have found in any AC game. And that's not just the main missions mind you. You have to complete every single mission to 100%, including the dreaded ship missions. The final mission has you damaging a hull of an enemy ship in a very specific manner, I can't tell you all the details but it must have taken me 20 times to finally do it.


Also, if you had experience in the past playing either Red Dead Redemption 1 or 2 then you will have similar challenges for AC3. There are Frontier challenges you have to complete, because the Completionist trophy requires that you game save file is at 100%. One of them is unfogging the entire Frontier map, which is AC3's wilderness area like the Bayou is in AC Liberation. There aren't enough viewpoints to uncover the map, so you have to 'lawnmower' the fog of war.


I don't want to discourage you but if you already felt AC Liberation was frustrating to platinum then you best avoid AC3. It's much longer, has more frustrating sync requirements, and there are far more activities for you to complete, including playing Nine Men's Morris at the Homestead. You have the Frontier, Homestead, New York and Boston in AC3, all with their own collectibles and challenges. Oh... and you have to unlock all underground entrances in the Boston and New York areas.


Play this if you want, but don't be surprised if you're willing to give up on the platinum because it is a rough one. To add salt in the wound, you have to do the DLC for the platinum, since they removed the multiplayer for the PS4 remaster.

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2 hours ago, AJ_Radio said:


AC3 is more infuriating. It has some of the worst 100% sync requirements I have found in any AC game. And that's not just the main missions mind you. You have to complete every single mission to 100%, including the dreaded ship missions. The final mission has you damaging a hull of an enemy ship in a very specific manner, I can't tell you all the details but it must have taken me 20 times to finally do it.


Also, if you had experience in the past playing either Red Dead Redemption 1 or 2 then you will have similar challenges for AC3. There are Frontier challenges you have to complete, because the Completionist trophy requires that you game save file is at 100%. One of them is unfogging the entire Frontier map, which is AC3's wilderness area like the Bayou is in AC Liberation. There aren't enough viewpoints to uncover the map, so you have to 'lawnmower' the fog of war.


I don't want to discourage you but if you already felt AC Liberation was frustrating to platinum then you best avoid AC3. It's much longer, has more frustrating sync requirements, and there are far more activities for you to complete, including playing Nine Men's Morris at the Homestead. You have the Frontier, Homestead, New York and Boston in AC3, all with their own collectibles and challenges. Oh... and you have to unlock all underground entrances in the Boston and New York areas.


Play this if you want, but don't be surprised if you're willing to give up on the platinum because it is a rough one. To add salt in the wound, you have to do the DLC for the platinum, since they removed the multiplayer for the PS4 remaster.

Well that's a bit depressing, I'll eventually play it since I already bought it but not in the near future, already got through Liberation so I'm not in the mood for AC3 bullshit, I just hope I can remap the buttons because I really don't want to jog through the game again, it's so weird why in some games the triggers work fine and others don't, probably the age of my controller since it's a second gen PS4, I also hope the game doesn't crash because nothing bums me out  more than constant crashing, but anyways I really like the old AC formula so it's nice to go back to it and I also love Native American culture so there's a saving grace for me at least, thanks for the advice.

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6 minutes ago, Sunnyburrito said:

Well that's a bit depressing, I'll eventually play it since I already bought it but not in the near future, already got through Liberation so I'm not in the mood for AC3 bullshit, I just hope I can remap the buttons because I really don't want to jog through the game again, it's so weird why in some games the triggers work fine and others don't, probably the age of my controller since it's a second gen PS4, I also hope the game doesn't crash because nothing bums me out  more than constant crashing, but anyways I really like the old AC formula so it's nice to go back to it and I also love Native American culture so there's a saving grace for me at least, thanks for the advice.

Second gen PS4 controller is the one with a light across the touchpad. First gen PS4 controller is one that doesn’t, and has far less battery life. 

I don’t think you can remap the buttons. Sounds like your controller is worn out from years of usage.

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13 minutes ago, AJ_Radio said:

Second gen PS4 controller is the one with a light across the touchpad. First gen PS4 controller is one that doesn’t, and has far less battery life. 

I don’t think you can remap the buttons. Sounds like your controller is worn out from years of usage.

Oh my bad, so mine is the first gen one then, I'll probably have to buy a new one eventually, socks that I can't remap it tho.

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56 minutes ago, MonaSaxPayne said:

why the hell don't u get the last dlc trophy in the walking dead? it will literally take 2 mins lol. if u finished it, it would be your longest completion to date lol

Back when I played it I didn't care much for trophies I just beat the game and sold my copy, now I don't even have a PS3 anymore, wish I did though, there are some games I still wanted to finish I bought them but never even opened them.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- November-


#Platinum 229 :platinum:


-Valkyria Chronicles 4




- Valkyrian Chronicler :platinum:




- I got platinum in the original a few years ago and immediately fell in love with the franchise, from the setting, characters and the mysterious Valkyria I loved everything, this one isn't much different, the story is pretty engaging it got me hooked from beginning to end, even the side missions which tell stories about the less famous members of Squad E was interesting, the characters are very diverse I loved most and hated some, it also shows very clear how much the Valkyria despite being a weapon of imaginable power is also human and just as much a victim as everyone else, the gameplay is what you can expect from a tactical RPG, but this one is much more forgiving and not only that you have way more resources at your disposal like direct commands, ship commands and the OP granadier and the game breaking orders, also it was a joy playing as the Valkyrias in the post game, sure they break the game since they can't really die but boy it was fun blasting elite tanks with a single attack, it really shows how much of a power house the Valkyrias are, platinum wise the game asks you to do and see basically everything the game has to offer, the guide here didn't help me much as a lot of the information given was misleading or wrong since it was based on the Japanese version so I ended up having to look for information somewhere else, but thankfully there's some amazing guides on the internet the one on Steam helped me a lot so major kudos to them, there was some spicy grind towards the end but it wasn't so bad, just time consuming, all in all an enjoyable platinum that was almost stress free, couldn't recommend more.

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  • 2 weeks later...



 # Platinum 230 :platinum: and ? %


- The Last of Us Part 2



:platinum:  Every Last One of Them



. I almost got platinum in the original back in the PS3 days on my older account, the only reason I didn't get it was because of the MP trophies, suffice to say I loved it to bits, I slept on this one mainly because of its nature since I struggle with depression, but I'm really happy I got to platinum it now, the story was...polarizing to say the least but I loved every minute of it, it tackles some really heavy subjects like how hate and anger can turn into violence and that can make the most loving person do the unspeakable, I believe I have an unpopular opinion because I don't hate Abby, actually it's the opposite, I don't see her as a villain neither but someone who had everything taken from her and by that I mean not only physically but emotionally, and we see the fallout of her actions and the impact it had on her during her chapters, surely I was biased at first but after beating the game and watching the whole duality between the two main characters and how they are different sides of the same coin my view on her shifted, specially after an unlikely alliance, to be honest I enjoyed her story far more than Ellie's and I was shocked by both characters but in different ways, like movies and music games mean different things to different people so one other thing that made a difference to me was the relationship between Ellie and Dina, I never seen a LGBTQ representation this deep in a video game before, it didn't feel like a plot device or a box that needed to be checked, it felt natural and show the care, love and respect between the two, as a gay man married to an incredible and supportive husband I could relate to them, that made me feel really happy, hard to talk about the story without spoiling too much, about the gameplay, it improved in every way possible the formula the first game brought, traversing, shooting and hiding to me everything gameplay wise felt better and more improved, I'm not one to talk about graphics but in this game would be impossible not to, the post apocalyptic Seattle looks stunning, the attention to detail was incredible, easily one of the most beautiful games I have ever played, trophy wise it's far easier than the first game by a mile, specially since the accessibility options don't disable trophies so it can be used to ones advantage if they choose to, and it's the basic just beat the game, level up and collect a lot of stuff, just to finish, this was a game I didn't expect anything and it delivered me everything, it was as beautiful as it was brutal, easily one of the best games I have ever played, I'd like to thank @DrBloodmoney again for encouraging me to play what is now one of the best games I have ever played and easily one of the best of the last generation, what a ride...

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Platinum 231 :platinum:


-Yooka Laylee 



:platinum: Collectomaniac 



- I got platinum in the Impossible Lair which is the second game before playing this and I loved every minute of it, from the quirky characters, funny dialogue and self awareness to the  nostalgic feel, while the second game is more like Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze this one is Banjo and Kazooie through and through, from the sound effects, to the music, gameplay everything, which is not much of a surprise since it was made by former Rare developers, the story in this one was fun, and got me interested but it's nonsensical as you can expect, I mean that in a very funny way got some laughs for sure, gameplay is well...Banjo and Kazooie with different characters, I love games in which you get abilities that allow you to go back and explore new places or just finally get to that elusive cave that you couldn't get to before, some people thought of it as repetitive but I love the feeling and this game does just that, the only complaint I have about the gameplay is the camera,  it's kinda wacky at times and during the last boss it shows and can be a bit agravatting but that was the only part that bothered me, while exploring it worked just fine, platinum wise is pretty simple just explore the game's world and collect stuff to completion and that's it, oh and there's Shovel Knight there too which was super cool, overall it was a very light hearted and stress free journey that I couldn't recommend more specially if you are a fan of Banjo or the platformer genre.

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  • 3 weeks later...



# Platinum 232

-Wonder Boy and The Cursed Kingdom


- :platinum: Platinum Hero 



- My first Monster Boy game was Monster Boy in Monster World for Mega Drive (Genesis) man and I loved that game immediately, the 2D RPG aspects reminded a lot of Zelda II and anything Zelda-esque is enough to get my attention, but Monster Boy was different, colorful, quirky and fun to boot, instantly became one of my favorite games ever, and Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom is the perfect successor, and managed to recapture the charm and colorfullness of the classics, the story is your run of the mill young hero save the world from evil trope but done right, it got me interested beginning to end, Jin the main character is very charismatic and that helps you immerse more in the world, gameplay wise it's a full blown metroidvania, the different forms Jin can use allow for a variety of different exploration, kinda like Shantae, playing as his other forms added much more depth to the gameplay be it with solving puzzles or just exploring, the graphics are amazing so full of charm, color and detail it's clear to see the devs put a lot of effort and love into the game, the soundtrack is absolutely amazing with great remixes and original tunes, I put my controler down just to vibe with the music whenever I got to a  new location, trophy wise the game is super simple, it asks you to explore and collect all it has to offer, but the map helps a lot with tracking what was already collected, plus you can trade Rainbow Drops in a specific shop to mark unopened chest on your map so the mop up was pretty simple and straight forward, this is my favorite kind of platinum, fun, engaging and with trophies that are tied to things that will help you on your journey, I was honestly sad when the journey came to a close so I'm definitely getting the platinum again on the PS5 version in the future, couldn't recommend more, I loved this game to bits, can't wait for a new one in the franchise.

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Platinum 233

Fallen Legion Flames of Rebellion

- Hero of the People :platinum:


- I had my eye on this game for a while, the battle system kinda reminded me of Valkyrie Profile so that was enough to get my attention, but the similarities stop there, these two games are completely different, I enjoyed my time with the game despite its shortcomings, the story is decent but it felt so disjointed and rushed, this game and its sister Sins of an Empire would have been better if they were made one, a single game with 2 protagonists, that way the story would intertwine making more sense and we could also have more character development, not mention they could have included a cool post game content which the game lacks, this is of course my personal opinion on the game but the main character in this title is so insufferable, at first I thought he was being that condescending and obnoxious due to my choices which the game clings heavily on, but the 4 times I played the game with different outcomes he was always, stuck up, annoying, selfish and arrogant, his dialogue feels so forced like he's using fancy words just to sound cool, think of how Ramza talks in FF Tactics but instead of sounding like an intelligent aristocrat he sounds like a teenager who played too much D&D, the gameplay and the soundtrack was amazing, really awesome work, the graphics and sprites are also very well animated albeit limited in variation, trophy wise the game can be easy or really obscure, with a guide it's mostly a breeze but outside of the one I used I hardly found any other information on the game, overall it's a game I find it hard to recommend and despite what I mentioned I enjoyed it, just really hope Sins of an Empire main character is more charismatic and less of a dolt.


Last platinum of 2022 :platinum:

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- Contra Collection  ? %


- While I didn't grow up playing Contra it's a franchise I fell in love with after playing Harcorp for the Genesis, this collection is pretty amazing with some amazing classics, I had a lot of fun getting all the endings in Hardcorp but also a miserable time in Contra 3, the top down sections are horrible and turning the camera around truly made me nauseous, who thought that would be a good idea is beyond me, trophy wise it's super simple just beat each game and get a few endings, there's a save game state build in so that can mitigate the difficulty of some games, this is certainly a game I won't even delete so I can go back to it since it's so easy to pick up and play.

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  • 2 weeks later...

- Platinum 234

- Red Dead Redemption 2



- Legend of the West :platinum:


- Can't quite believe I finally managed to get the platinum after months playing the game, and boy what a journey it was, I played the first Red Dead Redemption on my very first account and got 100% at least 3 times back in the day, I still love that game to bits and this one improved in every possible way, the story to me was one of the highlights, got me hooked beginning to end, getting to know the Van Der Linde  Gang members was a really touching experience, seeing the characters that we got to know in the first game and new faces we only heard about was incredible, it made them shine in a completely different light and with that brought a very bittersweet feeling because...well, it's just very sad, gonna leave at that to avoid spoilers, my absolute favorite character other than Arthur is Charles, he's smart, intelligent, strong as a bull and only say stuff that matters and we also get to see he has a big heart, I love Native American culture so we bonded quickly so to speak, gameplay wise it plays a lot like the first game but with improvements, specially when tracking and hunting, maybe it's me but the shooting also felt better, and graphically it's easy one of the most beautiful games I have ever seen, even after knowing the map by heart it never got boring, just looking at the beautiful world R* created was an experience of its own, such attention to detail that blows my mind, the soundtrack it's also very good, it sets the mood perfectly, now the trophy experience....it was a journey, a very, very long one, it wasn't hard per say but everything takes forever, RDR2 is a huge game on its own, even if just going for the story and the trophies ask you to see basically everything the game has to offer, and tbf I enjoyed most of it, hunting, foraging, the questing it felt really good and rewarding, the only aspect of the trophy journey I didn't like was the online, God it was awful, so many grifers and overall jackasses, and you can't have private lobby so you are forced to play with others even if you are just doing solo stuff, thankfully it wasn't long just absurdly boring, but that's my only complain about the trophies the rest was all an amazing journey in which I loved everything, from the good, the bad and ugly we got to witness, easily one of my favorite games ever, and also one of my proudest platinums.



First Platinum of the year?


- Platinum 235

- Metagal


- Platinum GAL :platinum:



- I bought this a long time ago,  a time I didn't even know that cheap platinums were a thing, so after reading that most of these game were cash grabs I completely forgot about this one until yesterday, and much to my surprise the game isn't so bad, it's better than I expected at least, it's a Mega Man clone that plays alot like it but has some flaws, the story is pretty forgettable same as with the lewd dressed teen girls, it's the old good guy gets captured by bad guys and you as the only hope have to save them, gameplay is pretty much classic like Mega Man but very clunky and the controls have a bit of input lag, the graphics are actually pretty decent, the sprites are ok, the soundtrack is actually pretty good too, the trophy journey I blinked and it was over, it's cheap and unimaginative, you don't even have to beat the game......I mean c'mon, I beat the game without using the revive thing and it was a decent challenge, I heard the steam version has better trophies which is great and a shame we didn't get the same list, because despite its flaws the game is actually fun and with a bit more incentive, and a bit more polish people ( who like to collect trophies) could see it beyond a cheap platinum.

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On the subject of TLOU2's queer representation, I think Abby and Lev's relationship was some of the best trans rep I've seen in a game. While it definitely veered into trauma porn territory at times, their relationship was nonetheless very wholesome and even the more troubling aspects were personally relatable as someone who grew up in an abusive, highly religious household. Maybe I'll actually get back to the game soon and finish up the platinum - think I've given it more than enough time to settle.


And congrats on the Yooka Laylee platinum! I made the mistake of quitting the game without actually quitting in game and locked myself out of the platinum super late into the game and never managed to get back into it. Hopefully they patched that by this point. Would be nice to see a sequel from them, hopefully more polished than the first game.


8 minutes ago, Sunnyburrito said:

- Platinum 234

- Red Dead Redemption 2



- Legend of the West :platinum:


Definitely a very solid first platinum for 2023! How was the online grind? I've considered picking this up at some point (though I'm waiting to see if they announce a PS5 version), but I've heard the multiplayer grind is rough.

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1 hour ago, Darling Baphomet said:

On the subject of TLOU2's queer representation, I think Abby and Lev's relationship was some of the best trans rep I've seen in a game. While it definitely veered into trauma porn territory at times, their relationship was nonetheless very wholesome and even the more troubling aspects were personally relatable as someone who grew up in an abusive, highly religious household. Maybe I'll actually get back to the game soon and finish up the platinum - think I've given it more than enough time to settle.


Absolutely, I didn't mention them because people tend to derail topics every time Abby and Lev are mentioned, I far, far preferred Abby's story than Ellie's, the bond between the two and how Abby never, not even once made an issue out of  Lev's sexuality spoke volumes to me, and seeing how they bonded and became like siblings was so wholesome, and sorry to hear you also grew in a over religious household, I also grew up in one and it wasn't easy for me at first, so seeing this free acceptance and empathy made me very happy, Abby is a favorite of mine.

1 hour ago, Darling Baphomet said:


And congrats on the Yooka Laylee platinum! I made the mistake of quitting the game without actually quitting in game and locked myself out of the platinum super late into the game and never managed to get back into it. Hopefully they patched that by this point. Would be nice to see a sequel from them, hopefully more polished than the first game.


Thank you, I really loved that game, later in my teenager years I was obsessed with Banjo and Kazooie so this game was a love letter, well I didn't run into any game breaking glitches just some awkward camera issues, sometimes it would get stuck behind Yooka while enemies kept wrecking me, but gameplay wise it worked nicely, did you play Impossible Lair? I liked that game more than I did the first one, it plays completely different tho, it reminded me a lot of Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze, I highly recommend it.

1 hour ago, Darling Baphomet said:


Definitely a very solid first platinum for 2023! How was the online grind? I've considered picking this up at some point (though I'm waiting to see if they announce a PS5 version), but I've heard the multiplayer grind is rough.


Yeah this one was a journey, I got the platinum now but spent most of 2022 playing the game, about the online.... not gonna sugarcoat it, it was awful, one of the worst experiences I had with an online game, not because it's difficult but because of the griefers, so.many.grifers, people would kill my horse for funsies, camp in front of quest givers just to annoy you, get into you posse to troll, and even for story missions you need other people, and you can't create a private lobby...ugh it was miserable, thank the lord it wasn't too long just absurdly boring, you can do most stuff by yourself but I highly recommend  boosting All is Fair and the MVP one, if you don't like PVP you really don't want to spend more time than necessary in this lame mode, I'd do the main story content  twice but wouldn't do the online again lol


Thanks for dropping a comment :highfive:

1 hour ago, jh7459 said:


Nice job on the RDR2 plat. When I did it I made it my 200th because I knew it was special. That game was an amazing ride.

Thanks mate, if my milestone was closer I would definitely make it RDR2, loved every minute of this game.

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  • 2 weeks later...




Platinum 236

- Ara Fell


- All Trophies :platinum:



- I found this little gem completely by chance while looking through the sales and I'm so glad I did, Ara Fell is an RPG made in the same mold as the classics from the Golden era of JRPGs such as Seiken Densetsu, Final Fantasy and Grandia, I loved every minute I spent with the game, the story is the basic JRPGs shenanigans, average teen girl/boy and childhood crush found out they are the chosen ones to save the world, it's the same basic stuff but done right and it got my attention all the way to the end, it's really well written and the jokes are never too cringe since they fit so well with the character's personality, the gameplay is turn based battle system that felt  to me like a mash up between  Final Fantasy and Grandia while the exploration it's like most JRPGs from the 90's, the graphics are very charming, the sprites really well done and the soundtrack really well made, the devs went for the 16bit era which I really loved since most indie games are rather obsessed with 8bit, I'm by no means complaining as I also love 8bit games but I grew up with a SNES and games like Zelda, Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy 4 so this game was a love letter, lastly the platinum journey wasn't so bad, just complete all side quests while grabbing some collectables, but these are my favorite kind of collectable since they actually have an impact on gameplay as they bestow permanent buffs for everyone in the party so there's a good reason to hunt them down, you can play the game on Expert from the get go but I always play on normal first in any game I start to get the intended experience, the game is rather short so it wasn't that bad running through the game twice, all in all a very enjoyable journey that was very nostalgic and at the same time simple but didn't feel forced neither overstayed its time, if you like classic JRPGs couldn't recommend more, it's truly a hidden gem.

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  • 1 month later...



-Platinum 237

-Legend of Dragoon


- Pure Legend :platinum:



-Seeing this game get a re-release in any form would make my day but then we even got a platinum, can't say how happy I am since it's one of my favorite games from the PS1 era, despite having played this game a lot back in the day I didn't remember much past disc 2 for some reason so the story felt a bit fresh, about the story, while it's nothing new it sure was unique in its own way, the whole mystery surrounding the Dragoons and the Moon that Never Sets got me hooked, won't say much because of spoilers but it was pretty nice, I liked most of the characters, just the luke warm relationship between Shana and Dart in the first discs that drags for so long ugh..not mention how desperate she was, I couldn't help but shake me head and think "Girl you need a glass of water because you thirsty" but it gets better as the plot moves on, gameplay wise it's your standard JRPG which suffer a bit from the 2000 jankyness but is all forgivable, the combat and additions are so much fun to do, I enjoyed them more than the Dragoon form, getting the last additions shreds enemies later on, even more than the dragoon spells, the graphics are pretty good for the time, specially the pre rendered backgrounds, the soundtrack is also very good with some memorable tracks, trophy wise is really simple and straight forward, you don't even need to collect all 50 Stardust for the trophy and there's no trophy for defeating the extra bosses sadly, but it was so much fun getting prepared for their fight, most trophies are related to story with only 5 related to extra stuff and none are missable, unless you cross the point of no return, now that the game has been patched I can recommend it to anyone who enjoys the golden age of JRPGs and wants a incredible experience, really hope this paves the way for a sequel or anything with the brand.

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- Platinum 238

- Wild Arms 2


- Second Ignition :platinum:


- I love the Wild Arms franchise, sadly it remained rather forgotten after the PS2 era but seen these re-releases really makes me happy, Wild Arms 2 is a game that despite playing it a lot I couldn't remember the ending, but after getting the platinum I understand why.....God this game is so cryptic and the bad translation doesn't really help, now imagine all that in a time before the internet and without a printed guide, just getting through the game was a nightmare, so this time I managed to have a good time with the game because of the amazing guides out there, other than the cryptic nature of the game the rest is amazing, the story is pretty nice with a few plot twists here and there but essentially follows a guy who was cursed with the powers to transform into a powerful demon/knight and get wrapped up trying to save the planet with an unlikely group that as the game progresses they become close friends, I like everyone in this game but there's just one character that I hate, that is Marina.... Ashley love interest, God she's so needy, arrogant, condescending and thinks the world revolves around her, the literal apocalypse is happening and she's like " Ashley doesn't come to see me, I hate him" ugh.....what's with the 90's and these insufferable love interests, it's like a trend, luckily she's a background character and only appears here and there to move the plot, I'll stop here to avoid spoilers, the gameplay is like the original game but the graphics are much better, the spells are better animated, it was a great upgrade, just the camera that suffers from 2000 jankyness but I got used to it after a few hours, one thing tho, the soundtrack is AMAZING every track is a blast, the opening specially the second one is amazing, gave me chills every time, trophy wise the game is super easy and straight forward, nothing is missable as you can backtrack from the bottom of the final dungeon to the outside world, and you'll kinda of need since the best armor for each character is there and they are a great help with the extra bosses, weirdly enough there's no trophy for beating Ragu O' (Wild Arms version of Omega Weapon) neither King Algamois, these two......are tough to say the very least, I defeated both through the sheer power of stubbornness, had to level up basically to 99 and manage skills, but it's not required I just did to get the sheriff star and to call it quits, all in all a great game that could have been handled better in the past, by that I mean the translation that at times it isn't even intelligible, but that's still a very good game, I super recommend....with a guide, really hope to see Wild Arms 5 on PS4/5 I love that game to bits.

Edited by Sunnyburrito
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- Platinum 239

- Rise Eterna



- Platinum :platinum:


- This one is a doozy, what got my eye in this game was the artwork, the characters design looked great and I bought this with pocket change so it couldn't be that bad right?....and it isn't really, but it's so generic and forgettable, Rise Eterna got its inspiration from the classic era of Fire Emblem, Shining Force and Feda, the story follows a girl who has no memories but fights like a demon and a random generic good guy who randomly appears when her village was attacked, the she's tasked to find her sisters in training to uncover the whole reason behind the invasion of their country, I'll leave at that to avoid spoilers, the gameplay feels like classic Fire Emblem but very, very barebones, it's a tactical RPG but little tactic is needed since enemies don't move unless you get in their range so I just sniped them with the Ranger, there are no levels and instead you are given gems which gives you status upgrades, there's also a skill tree but it's  not much of a tree since it's doesn't branch out, it's just slightly different upgrades, really lame, you also don't have equipment or armor, that was a real bummer because half the fun of RPGs for me is getting shining new weapons and armor, the graphics are ok, the sprites are well animated and the background also have a nice quality, like I mentioned the character design is really good but when other scenes happen it feels like they  were pulled straight out of Deviant Art or something, really inconsistent, the soundtrack is pretty decent but it loops the same track so much that I got tired of it, there are very few tracks in the game but they were good, and sometimes the background music doesn't fit the mood of the scene, to address the major issue I had with this game, there are 3 bugged trophies, all 3 are related to crafting, the game doesn't register what you craft if you close the game, so you have to craft 100 items in one go, and you have to manually craft them, hitting the craft all or mashing the button too fast breaks the counter, I could live with this but the absolute worst is the save system, the game has a glitch in which it doesn't save your game, you load your data to find hours missing, that happens 50/50.....I have no words to describe the level of trash this is, how the developers didn't see this is beyond me, luckily the game is short and not really hard so you can just blast through it, what worked for me tho was saving while over a city, Gaiacus to be more precise, since I started doing that I had no issues, to finish, it's an average, unremarkable RPG that aims at your nostalgia but hit your nerves, not bad not good just forgettable, I could recommend for the same cents I paid for but with these glaring issues I couldn't possible tell people to go through that, but if you still wanna try for that price be warned.

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- Platinum 240

- Resident Evil Village


- Ethan Winters :platinum:


- I'm a huge fan of Resident Evil but not so much of first person games, much like RE7 I put this game off for a while but what a surprise it was for me, surely I heard all the praise the game was getting so I knew it was good but experiencing it yourself is another thing, and just like RE7 I ended up loving the game much more than I thought I would, heck I loved this one even more than its predecessor, the story of this game was a bit unexpected for me since I never thought Ethan would have a kid let alone someone as ......"special" as Rose, there are so many plotwists that it's hard to talk about the story without spoilers, but the story got me hooked beginning to end, and there's much more to this game than Lady D, even tho she's easily one of my favorite RE baddies, the gameplay is FP much like RE7 but if you got the Golden Edition there's a 3rd person mode but it felt kinda janky, FP suits this game so much better, probably because it was originally designed like this, the graphics are really good, the RE engine is a miracle and this game felt in same graphic quality as DMC5, I played on PS4 so on PS5 it must be even more good looking I'll definitely platinum the PS5 version when I get one, the soundtrack is very good and fitting, this game also brought back the mercenaries mode....mercenary in this case since it was initially just Ethan, I really enjoyed it but probably because I'm not very good at FP games I had a bit of trouble with the Village of Shadows stages, but it was pretty good and had some nice rewards, trophy wise it wasn't so bad, it's your regular RE trophy list, beat on most difficulties, speedrun, knife only..etc, took me more time to platinum because I wanted to enjoy the game at my own pace and ended doing more playthroughs, but you once you know what you are doing you can beat the game in about 2:30h, so it's no biggie, to finish, it was a game I didn't expect to like much but ended up loving it, with memorable villains and many nods to the original games, I super recommend for veterans and newcomers, I had a blast with the game, can't wait for REmake 4.

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-Platinum 241


- Odin Sphere Leifthrasir


- Odin Sphere :platinum:


- I played the original Odin Sphere many years ago on PS2, I remember liking it a lot but not much else so playing this version the story still felt fresh, I'll just be straightforward, I absolutely loved this game, from the story, to the characters the beautiful soundtrack, everything, the story is a bit different than most RPGs as it spans across 5 characters showing different sides of the same story as they try to avoid their inevitable cruel fate that was predicted eons passed in a prophecy, all that while dealing with their own feelings, hardships and a war, the characters are all interesting and I loved all of them, gonna stop here to avoid spoilers, the gameplay is a 2D hack and slash that is really well done, all characters are very unique in their fighting style so every time I had to jump characters it was always interesting, I finished the game with double the time it was suggested mainly because I trained almost every character, like I mentioned I loved all characters but gameplay wise two were my favorites, the first is Oswald the Shadow Knight who controls darkness In a flame like way and can turn into a shadow beast and Velvet the mysterious chain wielding dancer, Oswald can control dark flames and is really fast, he can call forth 2 intertwining shadow dragons just like Hiei from Yu Yu Hakusho...not to mention that he has white hair and is super edgy just like Riku from Kingdom Hearts, my 13 old self can't resist edgy characters, Velvet on the other hand is just broken, once you unlock certain abilities you can stun lock bosses and enemies forever while burning them to cinders, she started rather weak but by the end she was unstoppable, the graphics are really well done, in typical Vanillaware style it's all drawn by hand it felt like I was playing a fantasy book, the characters are really well animated, the spells and skills are also very flashy and cool, the soundtrack is also amazing it fits the game and locations perfectly, trophy wise the game is really simple as nothing is missable, you can enjoy the story and then get everything, the guide here is really well done and helped wonders, Odin Sphere is a game that I super recommend to anyone that is a fan of 2D RPGs, it's a fantastic and emotional journey that's is memorable beginning to end.

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