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Hey there, newish user (just updated to premium!)


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Hello everybody.

I've been using PSN Profiles for quite some time now, but I've just updated my membership and thought it would be nice to introduce myself to the forums and participate more actively in the community.

I'm a videogame collector, so naturally I tend to have more games than I could possibly finish, but ever since I've discovered trophies (and I sincerely didn't know that they existed until the first one popped up on the screen of the first game I've played on the PS3, which was Final Fantasy XIII) I became quite addicted to these little trinkets -- so I try to get 100%/Platinum on as many titles I can. Since I play other systems as well, and adult life tends to get in the way, I'm still at a meager 7 platinums, 17 completed games and 626 trophies to date, but I'm quite proud of them nonetheless!

I also would like to thank the admins for running such a user friendly and well organized site, since the only thing I don't like about trophies is the appalling user interface to access them on both the PS3 and the Vita (don't have a PS4 yet, so I don't know if it was improved).

Please fell free to add me on the PSN!


Edited by fabmorais_2011
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Welcome to PSNP


Did you not enjoy Hyperdimension Neptunia?

Oh no, that's not that! :)

I just haven't had the time to play it through as other games got in the way and, well, sort of stole its place on my immediate to-play-list. In fact, I plan to get more J-RPGs this year, including HyperDimension mk2 and Victory, and focus more on them. It's funny, because I used to be a total J-RPG buff, but looking at my trophies I see that I kind of ignored them on this generation -- mostly due to lack of time I guess, and to the fact that I'm usually to tired to play something as immersive at the end of the day. Not to me mention that I've been getting my J-RPG fix elsewhere, since I've been playing (in an on and off kind of way) the first Etrian Odyssey for the DS and Dragon Warrior VII.

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