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Anything to expect out of this game?


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some moderate gameplay fun, a nicely rendered Chicago setting, a lot of cookie-cutter mission boredom, and probably a mild migraine from all the eye-rolling you'll be doing whenever any dialogue happens!


...sequel is pretty good though.

Edited by DrBloodmoney
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14 minutes ago, AJ_Radio said:

This has been on my backlog for years.


Anything to expect when going for the platinum? Online looks like it needs boosting these days. Never played Watch Dogs before.

A great game the best caracter on watch dogs universe aiden pierce is really cool ,hacking is good but sequels did better , the driving is clunky , story is great , dlc of bad blood is cool to ,trophies so of them are ez to get ,other need online as dlc and main game , and the drinking mini game is by far the worst trophie ,also stell many people cus you will need the songs and some are random to get from peoples fones

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18 minutes ago, Baranov_925 said:

I had one in a billion chance, I've earned online trophies without boosting session. But since it was very rare, I'd like to recomend you to do online trophies first.


This! Servers are wonky at best, so get this done asap.

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Serviceable campaign made more tolerable by playing like you're John Wick. The grind for the platinum was one of the greatest slogs I've encountered; not the longest by any means but definitely one of the most mind-numbingly boring ones.

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1 hour ago, AJ_Radio said:

This has been on my backlog for years.


Anything to expect when going for the platinum? Online looks like it needs boosting these days. Never played Watch Dogs before.


When I started this game years ago I was prepared for it to be pretty bad because I've heard so much bad stuff about it but I thought it was alright game. I do have to say though that main character is one of blandest characters ever.

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On 5/19/2022 at 10:35 AM, AJ_Radio said:

This has been on my backlog for years.


Anything to expect when going for the platinum? Online looks like it needs boosting these days. Never played Watch Dogs before.

I’m back onto this game myself (the task I’d set myself was to try and get as much side quests etc completed before I finished the story) Social Lubricant felt impossible initially but I now have it done, songsneak I’m missing 2 required songs (should come from missions)


 I actually really liked the game some of the controls are slightly clunky but it is an old game now, I personally don’t regret pre ordering the special edition and getting it before I even had my ps4 lol 

Edited by Stevieboy
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