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The CRT should be held accountable for playing games with people for their own entertainment.

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I'd just like to highlight I've been flagged by the CRT for no reason and the bigger problem at play, is that the staff on this website are doing whatever they like outside the scope of the rules.


I was also messaged by beyondthegrave and had all my other accounts closed despite the fact I wasn't breaking any rules having them. (I was not using these concurrently, there are no rules about alts, only ban evasion which none were)

Here is grave saying I wasn't trolling on my other accounts, so they didn't mind. (nor am I on this one)

I understand that some people don't like shovelware but I should never have been targeted like this purely for the games I play. There are no rules stating shovelware isn't allowed and there never will be because 70% of this website would be flagged overnight. The way this has been done is terrible and affectively it's been a "I don't like those games so I'm going to ban you" and that argument is extremely short-sighted, nonsensical and totally outside of the rules that staff are supposed to follow.

This is not a post to try get myself cleared because I'm more than aware this has been targeted but it highlights a deeper problem that the CRT staff act with impunity and frequently do this to people. Going over the flagged forums you will see people who show adequate proof of their flag but are either ignored or the staff use their dislike of the user as a reason to not lift the ban.

Edited by MrShovelware
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