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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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I've been playing SO4 a lot even though I really should be getting 19 more points to avoid being kicked from THL :lol:. Luckily I have these games to do that:

  • Conception II
  • Dark Souls
  • Demon Gaze
  • Diablo III
  • Mirror's Edge
  • Tales of Hearts R
  • WipEout HD

Getting 19 more points should be easy  :D ..... :) ....... :| ......depressed2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928


It's good to hear the dog is getting better.

Awesome, thnx bud, I appreciate it. Are there some new stuff that should be added to the guide? I already changed the amount of paid DLCs from 1 to 2 in the PS4 version.


Is the PS3 version getting the new DLC?

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Hey buddy, especially for you, brought you by toothless rescue company


EA may had abandoned you guys, but your mate here wont :D

Is that Steven Blum as the Legion of the Dead captain?


You actually need 39 points since you need 120 to avoid the purge :P You won't get kicked though, I just send a message asking if you want to stay or leave and you have 2 days to respond. If you're already confirming you want to stay for next season then that saves me the trouble of sending the message since you're active on the thread anyway dood

NOOOO noooo-onion-head-emoticon.gif?1292862514. When did that change dood? Yeah, I'd like to stay for season 10.


Is the PS3 version getting the new DLC?

No, it's only going to be released for the PS4 and XB1. EA stabs last-gen gamers in the back.

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I still don't know much about it but I'll be back to the descent later today, so far it's related to the origins game

Sweet, time for some answers Architect evil-smile-onion-head-emoticon.gif?12928. Heres hoping Oghren has a cameo, it's been more than 10 ingame years since Origins.



As far as I know it has always been 120 dood

Whaaat!!!shock2-onion-head-emoticon.gif?129286251 Dood, I think someone or something is messing with my memories these past few days. 

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Yeah. A few hours after my sister got her, she got hit my a car and it ended up dislocating her hip. Unlike humans, who can easily get their bones back in place, she had to get surgery. But problems still ensued after; it took her a whole 5 days to get her to take a dump just once and she still has trouble walking on all fours. She's more of a running dog, so she keeps wanting to just run on three legs. It'll take another week or two for her injuries to heal up, but as for now, she is being a happy dog.


She is gorgeous, glad she is on the mend!
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Woohoo time to grind some more things in SO4, which means I'll start watching a new anime. SAO here I come.


Im pretty sure it was 100 aswell, must be something wrong with the US math's again.

Oh right, that didn't even occur to me :facepalm:.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Im pretty sure it was 100 aswell, must be something wrong with the US math's again.


Woohoo time to grind some more things in SO4, which means I'll start watching a new anime. SAO here I come.


Oh right, that didn't even occur to me :facepalm:.


lol if there was a change to the rule it was before I took over meaning this has nothing to do with the superior US math doods :P

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I don't think he has taken his meds dood, best to just carry on as if nothing happened



Me and pete were wondering what the highest score was in this whole competition (all 9 seasons). does anyone know?


I have no eye deer dood, I heard there was some crazy high scores in the very first season when the rules were more lenient

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lol if there was a change to the rule it was before I took over meaning this has nothing to do with the superior US math doods :P

There must be something wrong with my eyes, because for a moment there I thought the post said "superior US math". We all know those words can never be used in the same sentence :P..



This is the part where you back away slowly without disturbing him :ninja:.

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There must be something wrong with my eyes, because for a moment there I thought the post said "superior US math". We all know those words can never be used in the same sentence :P..


This is the part where you back away slowly without disturbing him :ninja:.


You read that correctly but just in case you are still in doubt dood......



lol if there was a change to the rule it was before I took over meaning this has nothing to do with the SUPERIOR US MATH doods  :P

Edited by Wdjat Prinny Doods
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