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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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ToxiKirby (18) vs ReimiSaionji9742 (4) vs Kochiya-Shana (49) vs dean_gustafson (10)




ToxiKirby vs Kochiya-Shana vs dean_gustafson


After one round ReimiSaionji9742 has been eliminated, onto Round 2 doods!



When do Golden Games get randomly generated?


Not too sure yet but I'm giving you guys until the end of the CWC to make your golden game suggestions dood

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  1. Shooter sabatour
  2. Rpg alpha protocol
  3. platformer prince of persia sands of time
  4. Racing need for speed most wanted
  5. Action/adventure assassins creed liberation
  6. Sports maden NFL 11
  7. Shoot em up/bullet hell NIER :edited to heavy weapon
  8. rhythm lego roack band
  9. puzzle quauntum conundrem


That's an RPG not a shmup or bullet hell refer to something like Touhou for the genre and you'll see the difference.




ToxiKirby (18) vs ReimiSaionji9742 (4) vs Kochiya-Shana (49) vs dean_gustafson (10)




ToxiKirby vs Kochiya-Shana vs dean_gustafson


After one round ReimiSaionji9742 has been eliminated, onto Round 2 doods!


I had to double check if Gal GunVolt qualified as I was sure it didn't when I played it yesterday but turns out I was wrong, well doubt I will win considering got to do some preparing for my birthday which is later on in the week and I am focused on certain goals/milestones so it'll take a miracle for me to get the win actually surprised I wasn't eliminated.

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That's an RPG not a shmup or bullet hell refer to something like Touhou for the genre and you'll see the difference.


I had to double check if Gal GunVolt qualified as I was sure it didn't when I played it yesterday but turns out I was wrong, well doubt I will win considering got to do some preparing for my birthday which is later on in the week and I am focused on certain goals/milestones so it'll take a miracle for me to get the win actually surprised I wasn't eliminated.


When is your birthday?

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That's an RPG not a shmup or bullet hell refer to something like Touhou for the genre and you'll see the difference.


I had to double check if Gal GunVolt qualified as I was sure it didn't when I played it yesterday but turns out I was wrong, well doubt I will win considering got to do some preparing for my birthday which is later on in the week and I am focused on certain goals/milestones so it'll take a miracle for me to get the win actually surprised I wasn't eliminated.


I hope you have a good birthday. ^___^ 


You're an amazing trophy hunter anyway and even if you don't win you tried your best is the way how I see it. :)

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That's an RPG not a shmup or bullet hell refer to something like Touhou for the genre and you'll see the difference.


I had to double check if Gal GunVolt qualified as I was sure it didn't when I played it yesterday but turns out I was wrong, well doubt I will win considering got to do some preparing for my birthday which is later on in the week and I am focused on certain goals/milestones so it'll take a miracle for me to get the win actually surprised I wasn't eliminated.


Hey, your birthday is fairly close to mine. Have a good one :D 

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its on the 3rd page

Sure enough :) that's hilarious though. It's definitely an action/RPG. I still need to go back and finish that game. I don't remember what distracted me from it originally.

Fun fact, I recognized Gilland's voice in Xillia last night. Turns out he was Caius Ballad from XIII-2/3, and he was also Grimoire Weiss from Nier! Had to look him up since I couldnt place him. I knew it was FF related at least. I did catch that Alvin = Snow on my own :)

Edited by Hemiak
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When is your birthday?

20th so Thursday.


I hope you have a good birthday. ^___^ 


You're an amazing trophy hunter anyway and even if you don't win you tried your best is the way how I see it. :)



Hey, your birthday is fairly close to mine. Have a good one :D

Thanks and seems your's is after mine, hope you have a good birthday yourself.

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Ok, I'll do my best to remember it. Looks like I have to forget something else in return. And the (un)lucky winner is "create an Anime Planet account".


I said months ago I would create an Anime Planet account and still have yet to do it. Sad thing is I went on there a few weeks ago to make an account and somehow still didn't make one dood :|

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I said months ago I would create an Anime Planet account and still have yet to do it. Sad thing is I went on there a few weeks ago to make an account and somehow still didn't make one dood :|


Lol, I also said that months ago, but I just forgot.


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So guess you'll never make that account then dood xD

Lol, well Boooda already joined the Epic Quest, so I may actually create it one day.


Yaaaay Boooda and Dragon are birthday buddies like Precision and yours truly xD are you also age buddies like we are? We literally were born on the very same day, it's crazy :D

I'll remember to wish you a great one guys ^^

Sadly no, Boooda is 4 years younger than this old dragon.

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Not trying to get in on the attention, but my birthday is on the 22th  :blush: 



Ok, I'll do my best to remember it. Looks like I have to forget something else in return. And the (un)lucky winner is "create an Anime Planet account".


Creating an AP-Account is like making a trophy checklist, the longer you wait, the more of a chore it'll become. Best to start early :P

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You're a real sonuva gun. I'll start it one day...hopefully theres like a tutorial trophy or something xD

Thnx buddy :D, you're all right too.



And no, there's no tutorial trophy, just a 30 minute tutorial. The first trophy you'll get is for defeating the first boss, which can be done around 1 hour into the story. 



Not trying to get in on the attention, but my birthday is on the 22th  :blush:


Creating an AP-Account is like making a trophy checklist, the longer you wait, the more of a chore it'll become. Best to start early :P

Nice, which means you're still a Leo. I've got Virgo as my zodiac sign  :rolleyes: . I wish mine was Draco :lol:.


I created my checklist when I had more than 50 plats, so I need to watch at least 50 anime to keep the trend going :P.

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