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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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League tables updated doods

I had no idea the seasons were that close to each other. I think I'll stay in bronze.


good luck and good gaming zach....I'm certain I'll lose but all the same.  :lol:

I generally try to start a new season a week after the previous one ends but it depends on how many people we need to start a new season so it isn't set in stone.

Also you are currently in a promotion spot so if you keep doing well you'll be in silver next season dood

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I generally try to start a new season a week after the previous one ends but it depends on how many people we need to start a new season so it isn't set in stone.

Also you are currently in a promotion spot so if you keep doing well you'll be in silver next season dood


Yea but my other opponents except allenbird  and now zach really wasn't competing...so I don't really feel ready for silver yet. I'd rather stay in bronze or come back the season after the holidays are over (if there's room). Gives me time to become acquainted with my 3ds and the games I ordered for it and other stuff.

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Hell yeah, just beat the boss in MGR chapter 7 in 1:08 minute without taking damage and got an S rank. Last chapter here I come B).


Also a heads up for the THL admins: I've been playing Sound Shapes for that non-violence event, so don't bother counting those. Although Death Mode is making me pretty violent :ninja:

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Also a heads up for the THL admins: I've been playing Sound Shapes for that non-violence event. Although Death Mode is making me pretty violent :ninja:


I know how you feel. Death mode is annoying as fuck. Especially when you get a couple of good spawns and then make a stupid mistake and die, which happened a lot to me  :facepalm:

Edited by Zone Hunter
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Made it to the final phase of the final boss fight in MGR :dance:. Now to wait until January 1st to beat him and unlock the plat.


I know how you feel. Death mode is annoying as fuck. Especially when you get a couple of good spawns and then make a stupid mistake and die, which happened a lot to me  :facepalm:

That happens to me more often than not :(.


The new rule is you get negative points for every Sound Shapes trophy right? :ninja:

Don't worry, I have plenty of Battle Trophies to make up for it ;).

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2nd trophy-less night in a row. Probably be a third tomorrow as I'm getting ready to leave with the wife for several days. Whoever my next opponent is, I won't be scoring any points the 29th through the 2nd, so you can play whatever you like.

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Well we've had like 4 retires already, so come back and being 13 other people and you shall get your wish. :)

I'm aiming for my personal goal of being promoted to, and relegated from, every league. So if we bring back manganese and I finish out this season as poorly as I started it I could bet my shot at being relegated to the mang league. :) Seriously though, this has been a ridiculously close season for me, and I could easily be 4-1 now instead of 1-4 and looking at a 5th straight loss. Bad thing is that my daughter just started up softball again, and next Thursday is my 10 year anniversary, so the wife and I will be out of town for about 5 days. So unless something miraculous happens I'm staring at the bronze league again for sure. :(

Happy Anniversary.


Wow. Fixture 7 already. Time flies.

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Geez Clawz, I get it YOU WIN! :P The weekend started off well for trophies then I had to study for a college test :( I always get the big fixtures at the worst times...but well deserved victory bud :)


Hows everyone else doin? Just a few hours to go0o0o0o0o0


Yhea same for me i had no time at all saturday because i had a race (managed to get 5th place and get a real trophy :P) and sunday had to play 2 football games which got me tottally exhausted. So just wanted to make sure i would win since you started of with a 100 point lead or something.

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Geez Clawz, I get it YOU WIN! :P The weekend started off well for trophies then I had to study for a college test :( I always get the big fixtures at the worst times...but well deserved victory bud :)


Hows everyone else doin? Just a few hours to go0o0o0o0o0

Not_like_therest was a great opponent and I look forward to the final score.

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Hows everyone else doin? Just a few hours to go0o0o0o0o0


Doing alright so far but been pretty busy this fixture. Went out to visit a friend from Friday-Sunday so didn't get too much playing time and have had a cold the last couple of days so haven't played as much as I could've. Luckily Monster Monpiece throws trophies at you, especially the online.

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