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Trophy Hunters League - Season 42 sign-ups still open!

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Congrats on your victory. I hope you'll be rested up by the face-off period for THTL because I'm sure there will be even larger numbers this time around. 


And thanks to all of the admins who help put this on. I just hope you guys srsly fix all the math problems in these horrifying math debates.

I still feel bad for that fixture. xD I won't do that ever again. I was definitely using the wrong dates that day. 

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Congratulations on your win, Andrea! Also, congrats to all the league winners for performing so good this season!


(Also I'm not sure if it's a character limit or what but my name is spelled wrong on each of the CWC S15 panels.)

Fixed that, I guess I just made a typo :).

Edited by LucasV9991
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Infamous First Light was one of my planned games, along with White Night and Taco Master.  Then I ended up laying down at 7.30pm last night with the intention of napping until midnight so that I could play through the night, but instead ended up sleeping through my alarm and to 11am this morning  :facepalm:


You got a well deserved win though :)  You're a great trophy hunter.  I'm dying to know your thoughts on Whitetail Challenge.


I was planning on putting a team together for the THTL but November is a busy month for me so that maybe one for future. 


Thanks you are pretty damn rad yourself. If you ever want to do THTL and we have someone leaving you are definitely welcome to join the reigning (and future) champions, Gotta Plat 'Em All!


Whitetail Challenge is the worst game I've ever played, and I've played an unbelievable amount of garbage on both Playstation and PC (I know I probably say this about a different game every month but I mean it this time.) It's the kind of game you'd expect to find in Steam Greenlight. THE WORST controls I have ever experienced, awful responsiveness, a field of view that actually makes my head hurt with no way to toggle it. It's a game based around walking (not running, you move at what can only be described as a glacial pace,) aimlessly in a forest desperately praying that you'll find a buck so the level can end, but then missing 10 shots from point blank once you actually do find one because the aiming is a joke.


Of course, you can also pass the levels by simply waiting out the timer, but I've never done this because it's unclear on how long it actually takes. Yesterday I came close I think, but accidentally went back to the main menu because quitting is simply two unintentional button presses (circle + cross) away. There is no autosave or dropping back in, so that was ~25 minutes wasted. I quit after that. I'll platinum it in the coming month but I'm already dreading going back to it. At least nonsense like Inner Kung Fu has the mercy to be an easy trophy list to compensate for the loss of brain cells and wasted money associated with playing it. I have nothing but shame and sadness to report from my time with Whitetail Challenge.


Congrats to Andrea and Rach on a great season and fun competitive final. Awesome win for Andrea, can't be anything left you haven't won now :)

Looking forward to staying out of Andrea's line of fire for at least one more season, bring on the next season


I can think of an invitational league, hosted by a certain someone, that I will be joining for Season 2 :)

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It's been a while since I checked in here, congrats to all the winners this season. Nice to see the league still going after all this time, good job everyone currently involved running it!


It's a pretty cool honor to have united the championships for the first time ever.


Andrea is on the verge of history as she tries to become the first person to be a THL and THTL champion at the same time.


Ahem, second person. I did it a while back. ;)

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I can think of an invitational league, hosted by a certain someone, that I will be joining for Season 2 :)

Ahh yes most definitely, now whether you can win that will be a real test. And thanks for not mentioning the name of the premier trophy hunting league in this thread, it seems to get some of regs in here a little hot under the collar

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It's been a while since I checked in here, congrats to all the winners this season. Nice to see the league still going after all this time, good job everyone currently involved running it!


Ahem, second person. I did it a while back. ;)


Well I was talking about the current version of the Team League. I wasn't around or aware of what happened in the original version. No idea what you old-timers were doing back then and didn't bother searching for an ancient thread or going through 700 pages of this thread to see if it was mentioned.  :)


Glad to see you back around btw. Every time I have a match against you, I hope you don't choose that time to come back around and get motivated to start putting up large scores like you used to. 

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I can think of an invitational league, hosted by a certain someone, that I will be joining for Season 2 :)

Ahh yes most definitely, now whether you can win that will be a real test. And thanks for not mentioning the name of the premier trophy hunting league in this thread, it seems to get some of regs in here a little hot under the collar



I remember couch asking me for the 2nd season aswell right after season 1 started. Not sure if he still remembers it though :awesome: so probably not just andrea you will be dealing with next season :D

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So I have awesome news. I found my Internet access buried under Andrea's floorboards with the rest of Bronze League. The salesperson at AT&T who has been helping get internet ready in my subdivision contacted me today. I will have legitimate internet access as early as next week, and they are allowing us to have higher speeds at no extra charge, since we were waiting so long. So if I may, I'd like to retract my retirement for Season 16, as I very much want to participate in the THL, but I don't want to be an admin anymore, as that portion of it takes up too much of my time.


Congrats on getting the internet problem fixed and glad you'll be back in action next season. Retiring as an admin though? Apparently you didn't see what happened to Don Prinny when he tried retiring and thought he could just ride off into the sunset. Well then, just go meet Dragon in the THL Lobby to turn in your security badges and receive your retirement gift.  :giggle:

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Congrats on getting the internet problem fixed and glad you'll be back in action next season. Retiring as an admin though? Apparently you didn't see what happened to Don Prinny when he tried retiring and thought he could just ride off into the sunset. Well then, just go meet Dragon in the THL Lobby to turn in your security badges and receive your retirement gift.  :giggle:


Ah, but that is the difference between Prinny and me..I renewed my license as Dragonborn today...Dragonborn Special Edition...so Dragon in the THL Lobby will be no match for Fus-ro-da.

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Congrats on getting the internet problem fixed and glad you'll be back in action next season. Retiring as an admin though? Apparently you didn't see what happened to Don Prinny when he tried retiring and thought he could just ride off into the sunset. Well then, just go meet Dragon in the THL Lobby to turn in your security badges and receive your retirement gift.  :giggle:


Um, I'm fine and I left unscathed. My prinny body double on the other hand though dood........

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Congrats on getting the internet problem fixed and glad you'll be back in action next season. Retiring as an admin though? Apparently you didn't see what happened to Don Prinny when he tried retiring and thought he could just ride off into the sunset. Well then, just go meet Dragon in the THL Lobby to turn in your security badges and receive your retirement gift.  :giggle:

Again huh? Sure, I have some things laying around, feel free to pick anything you want from the stash Shogun :awesome:



Ah, but that is the difference between Prinny and me..I renewed my license as Dragonborn today...Dragonborn Special Edition...so Dragon in the THL Lobby will be no match for Fus-ro-da.

Oh hell no, I'm out of here



Um, I'm fine and I left unscathed. My prinny body double on the other hand though dood........

Wait, what!? Something tells me I'm not cut out for this...


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The Dutch Alliance waste no time, the season has barely ended and I've already been kicked off the OP with Clawz having control of it. The Dutch Alliance is in full control now, the dark age of THL is upon us doods :|

The good news is that my strong friendship with the Dragon (even though he's a Dutch dragon dood) has gotten me out of the Dungeon! Now hopefully Stalker and I can keep the League in check.

Balance of power and all that. ;)

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The Dutch Alliance waste no time, the season has barely ended and I've already been kicked off the OP with Clawz having control of it. The Dutch Alliance is in full control now, the dark age of THL is upon us doods :|

The good news is that my strong friendship with the Dragon (even though he's a Dutch dragon dood) has gotten me out of the Dungeon! Now hopefully Stalker and I can keep the League in check.

Balance of power and all that. ;)

Mwuahahahahaaa, finally the time of EU math has arrived :dance:.




And yeah Zach has my seal of approval, now to bring Stalker to the dark side Dutch side :awesome:.

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Can I put in the waiting list? I can work on the posts limit. I only have 1 platinum though. :(  Would it help if Zach is my older brother? :awesome:


Since you don´t meet the requirements i put you on the bottom of the waiting list.


Likewise if theres space on the waiting list :)


I´ll put you on the waiting list :) Welcome back.

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