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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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1 hour ago, ShogunCroCop said:

Sorry these are so late.


Scores for Fixture 1:


Platinum League

microsamm (14.5) v (44.1) shadowhood1111

Wavergray (7.1) v (13.2) theshywaterguy

GTA_Darren (67.1) v (50.9) ShogunCroCop


Gold League

Redbeard-Rik (19.4) v (23.1) Psy-Tychist

BraveNoobWorld (0) v (94.9) iSkyIa

(1) Arctic Cress (95.5) v (29.6) Boooda


Silver League

me3lingual (12.6) v (167.2) stupid0089 (1)

Wdjat Prinny Doods (16) v (97.4) blu3st4rdust305

FallacyUnknown (79.4) v (95.1) X18JELLO18X (1)


Bronze League

Omar (0) v (17.6) OmegaFenron

AffectatiousDonk (26.9) v (0) Sylvie

AmarisSkye (0) v (23.9) Krazy_99


Manganese League

Sptj7 (0) v (86.9) Flex_Da_Brent (1)

freddie1989 (13.9) v (64.5) Ichiban-Hybrid (1)

BYE: Zach (35)


I'll update standings and statistics tomorrow.


I see the scores are reflective of people already moving over towards the X, well except for a few outliers.  Next season it is the achievement hunters league right :)

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13 hours ago, Krazy_99 said:

I'm happy with the win, but I'm also thankful you went easy on me ? That's all I could manage to score in the limited gaming time I had over the past few days


Not at all, congrats on the win. I couldn’t catch you. Goodluck for the rest of the season. 


I saw you were playing Hotshot Racing, enjoy a lot of fun. Props on the ESO too

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9 hours ago, AffectatiousDonk said:


Not at all, congrats on the win. I couldn’t catch you. Goodluck for the rest of the season. 


I saw you were playing Hotshot Racing, enjoy a lot of fun. Props on the ESO too

Cheers man, the expert difficulty required for some of the trophies are quite tough so going to need plenty of practice with those, and the online is dead so I think the only way in going to get the trophy for 9 wins is to boost with someone.


ESO is something I've been playing on and off over the years with a few friends and to be honest I'm not too worried about the trophies on that, I just mainly play it because I love these types of games.


Had a quite look at your profile and you're trophy collection is mightily impressive ? currently ranked 58 in the world! ?

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Fixture 4 matchups:


Platinum League

ShogunCroCop v shadowhood1111
GTA_Darren v Wavergray
microsamm v theshywaterguy


Gold League

iSkyIa v  Redbeard-Rik

BraveNoobWorld v Arctic Cress

Boooda v Psy-Tychist


Silver League

blu3st4rdust305 v me3lingual

Wdjat Prinny Doods v FallacyUnknown

X18JELLO18X v stupid0089


Bronze League

OmegaFenron v Krazy_99

Sylvie v Omar

AmarisSkye v AffectatiousDonk


Manganese League

Flex_Da_Brent v Ichiban-Hybrid

Zach v  freddie1989

BYE: Sptj7

Edited by ShogunCroCop
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Here are the Fixture 3 scores.


Platinum League

Wavergray (35.3) v (7.5) microsamm

shadowhood1111 (3) v (26.2) GTA_Darren

ShogunCroCop (42) v (28.3) theshywaterguy


Gold League

(1) iSkyIa (58) v (14.3) Boooda

BraveNoobWorld (0) v (41.1) Redbeard-Rik

Arctic Cress (28.6) v (54.5) Psy-Tychist


Silver League

blu3st4rdust305 (91) v (73.8) X18JELLO18X

Wdjat Prinny Doods (5.6) v (14.2) me3lingual

FallacyUnknown (67.3) v (55.5) stupid0089 (1)


Bronze League

Sylvie (0) v (41.5) Krazy_99

AffectatiousDonk (53.6) v (0) Omar

AmarisSkye (0) v (10) OmegaFenron


Manganese League

Flex_Da_Brent (39) v (36) freddie1989

Zach (45.3) v (0) Sptj7

BYE: Ichiban-Hybrid (2)


Standings and statistics will  be updated shortly.

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6 hours ago, Boooda said:

Not 1 person broke 100pts last fixture 1f62f.png busy time of year I suppose! 

Can't speak for others, but last season in Platinum League was really tough
and right now I'm working on my unearned trophies,
from 40 to 34 in this season, to raise my completion percentage up.

Edited by microsamm
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Fixture 5 matchups:


Platinum League

ShogunCroCop v microsamm
shadowhood1111 v Wavergray
GTA_Darren v theshywaterguy


Gold League

Boooda v  Redbeard-Rik

BraveNoobWorld v Psy-Tychist

Arctic Cress v iSkyIa 


Silver League

blu3st4rdust305 v FallacyUnknown

Wdjat Prinny Doods v stupid0089

X18JELLO18X v me3lingual


Bronze League

Omar v Krazy_99

Sylvie v AmarisSkye

OmegaFenron v AffectatiousDonk


Manganese League

Sptj7 v Ichiban-Hybrid

Zach v Flex_Da_Brent

BYE: freddie1989


Fixture 5 began one hour and 3 minutes ago. Good luck!

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