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Trophy Hunters League - Season 41 winner: Banana_Sausage47!

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Here are the matchups for Fixture 4:


Platinum League

GTA_Darren v Psy-Tychist

blu3st4rdust305 v Arctic Cress

Wavergray v X18JELLO18X


Gold League

microsamm v Krazy_99

AffectatiousDonk v iSkyIa

FallacyUnknown v ShogunCroCop


Silver League

theshywaterguy v Ichiban-Hybrid

dawnofthedead34 v Boooda

AmarisSkye v Flex_Da_Brent


Bronze League

freddie1989 v TheScruffyton

stupid0089 v Sptj7

BYE: Zach


Manganese League

odie8391 v me3lingual

Lucas v ApriIis

BYE: OmegaFenron


Fixture 4 began 2 hours, 8 minutes ago. My apologies for the delays.

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10 hours ago, ApriIis said:

@ShogunCroCop I think I accidentally got points for a gold and platinum trophy in inksplosion, it says I got two platinums when it should say one. Could just the platinum total that's wrong though, definitely worth a second look! 

Correct. Inksplosion does not count. I haven't updated the standings yet, so I'll adjust accordingly

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3 hours ago, ApriIis said:

@Lucas Ah, 2-1 to you. 1f602.png 

Hahaha, yep :ninja:. Glad I was able to still get a decent amount of points. I wasn't able to play nearly as much as I wanted to this week so I'm pretty happy with that score and that you went easy on me :P

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8 hours ago, ShogunCroCop said:


Standings and statistics will be updated tomorrow. On another note, @Jello is going to win our matchup in the tournament. Good luck the rest of the way.


Thanks, we'd be a lot closer if it wasn't for my UR plat tho.

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