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RPG Mania 2024 - Trails of Final MegaDimension-verse: Echoes of an Alchemists Sceptre/Staff/Book VI

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49 minutes ago, AppleKratue said:

The 2023 thread has been closed so I can't comment on the latest events in that thread,

I have closed the thread for the time being because I didn't want anymore pointing and poking to occur as I look into it fully in the near future.

I will reopen it and post for final thoughts when I have time to go over everything in detail.


14 minutes ago, AlterArchuria said:

I said my piece in the other thread and well just like apple I will also be asked to be removed from the event. But you know one thing i will say is a phrase that come to mind after recent events and that is: "Silence speaks louder then words". With that I wish everyone remaining good luck in the competition and I bid you adieu.


If that is what you want then sure. Then again, I haven't put out any statement about why I did close the thread so it is a little premature to guess my intentions. If anyone thinks I'm favouriting anyone or not being fair, thats your opinion. For transparity, I will go through all 30 pages and examine every game if it meets RPG criteria and award points accordingly. By the time I get through it all, the final score won't likely matter anymore but it will be final. In any case, you'll have answers to your posts in due time.

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38 minutes ago, Psy-Tychist said:

I have closed the thread for the time being because I didn't want anymore pointing and poking to occur as I look into it fully in the near future.

I will reopen it and post for final thoughts when I have time to go over everything in detail.



If that is what you want then sure. Then again, I haven't put out any statement about why I did close the thread so it is a little premature to guess my intentions. If anyone thinks I'm favouriting anyone or not being fair, thats your opinion. For transparity, I will go through all 30 pages and examine every game if it meets RPG criteria and award points accordingly. By the time I get through it all, the final score won't likely matter anymore but it will be final. In any case, you'll have answers to your posts in due time.

Thanks for doing this and the transparity. Honestly, if you had shared a statement in the 2023 thread before closing, there wouldn't have been the need to post here.

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We're in June now so that means we have a new Seasonal Bonus to come!


With it being time for me to put in my final assignment and would be time for all UK teens to be getting ready for and finishing up their end of year exams that seems as fitting as any I can think of.

Junes theme will be Time to Pass that Exam! Anything that has the wording exam and having to complete said task will be countable.


I will not be updating the form until after my assignment which is due on the 4th of June.


In any case, have fun with your gaming time!

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Posted (edited)
On 6/1/2024 at 7:35 AM, Psy-Tychist said:

Junes theme will be Time to Pass that Exam! Anything that has the wording exam and having to complete said task will be countable.

Uh... what exam? 😕


EDIT: Oh, the theme is doing a test or with the word "exam" in the trophy. Well, I doubt that anything I pop in June will get that bonus as I am working on games I did in Kill Your Completion and there are no schools or exams in any of them. :lol:


I haven't been active but now that June is here and the game quarantine is over I will probably have an update soon.

Edited by ProfSeajay7
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Update #5


Odin Sphere: 100 + 36 (B) + 3*2 (S) + 4*6 (G) -21,44 (Rarity) - 0 (Percentage was under 10% with 4B trophies) = 144,56 + 50 (seasonal stacker) = 194,56


Total Points: 654,27 + 194,56 = 848,83 points


Seasonal Stacker - Time to Pass that Exam! 


Odin Sphere is focused on 5 protagonists, each one with his/her story, one of them being Prince Cornelius, a Prince who has been cursed and transformed into a Pooka which is basically a Rabbit-looking beast. In a chapter 2, Cornelius ends up visiting the Kingdom of Ragnanival and meets King Odin, telling him he does not mean any harm and claims to be Prince Cornelius. The King, however, doubts his claims and to test him out, requests Cornelius to duel the Kingdom's Top Warlord, General Brigan.




Note: IMO, I think this fits this month's category, but if you think it doesn't, I have no issue with that. ;)



Edited by Caju_94
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Update #3:


Dead Age:  100 (base) + 67 (trophies / 2G + 6S + 43B) - 5.77 (platinum rarity) + 50 (speed bonus / 15th fastest completion time) = 211.23


Just a pedestrian RPG to fill the time between my previous title and SMTV coming out today.  With trophies padding the platinum more than your typical, insecure high school girl's bra.  Niche enough that it doesn't yet have a guide, although my muse has been aggressively nudging me in that regard for the past few days.


At least this padding wasn't "leave the console running to hit an arbitrary time mark" thing.  So, instead, I left my console running last night to download SMTV, something I've never had to do before in all the years I've had a PlayStation.  (/rimshot)

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Another game down!




100 + (3G 12S 28B) 70 = 170 - 29.31 = 140.69 + 50 (seasonal stacker) = 190.69.


Not sure if the seasonal stacker counts. It's a bit of a stretch, but the characters do go through individual trials to unlock their ultimate class. For example, for Kevin to get the instinct sphere from his father, he has to fight him in a test to prove his worth to obtain the item and show he's worthy of the throne. It's maybe a bit of a stretch, but I actually think it should count. Each character goes through a similar test to get their final class. Seems appropriate to me.


Anyways, this game is pretty much your typical hack n slash RPG. Special moves? ✔️ Magic? ✔️ Stupid AI partners? ✔️ It has the trifecta needed for a hack n slash RPG. The class system, leveling up, etc. is all really neat. My only 2 gripes about this game in general are that all the characters are ridiculously boring and bland and the AI could not be any more stupid. They all have zero personality even though the game forces you to play as all 6. Angela and Hawkeye are probably the only ones with any personality, but one is your typical stuck-up princess and the other is your suave womanizer. Nothing new or inventive. They all have interesting backstories that kind of redeem them a little, but I was left wanting more from them personally. Not the worst thing in the world, just a bit disappointing.


Now, give me some space to rant about how stupid the AI is because this was far more egregious. I thought Kingdom Hearts AI is stupid, but this game is a whole new level of dumb. The game shows where the enemy will attack and the AI will do NOTHING to dodge them. If you play on anything harder than easy, they just constantly die to the point of obnoxiousness and decided to turn it down to beginner because it was just so frustrating. Not only that, but they do also not use their skills very effectively and even though I have "focus on healing" for a character. They only heal when the person is about to die (and normally die before healing is used). Even more infuriating, all the bosses have a timed, charged attack that can be broken if you simply attack 3 posts, 3 enemies, 3 balls of energy, 4 icecicles etc. AND THEY DO NOT ATTACK THEM!!! It's so freaking frustrating getting blown up by a huge attack just because the AI are too stupid to attack the 3 or 4 things to stop a massive attack. The superboss on hard mode was so freaking obnoxious that I decided to just fight as the healer, dodge myself, spam summons, and say "fuck you" to my dead partners. It was super annoying considering if they dodged at least a little, it would make it 10x easier. It's probably the worst AI I've ever seen in a game since Yorda and ICO... 12 years ago!


It's worth playing on PS+ extra if you want a relatively easy JRPG platinum, but I would not pay full price for it. There are much better games out there on PS+ extra. Especially in the RPG area. Go try Atelier instead, hahaha.



Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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