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Greetings to all :)


After using this awesome website for while now, figured I'd finally introduce myself to the community.

Let me just start by saying that I really love how this site was designed, with its awesome looks and conviviality. Kudos to it's maker(s)! Keep up the good work!


As for me, I am former PC MMORPG player, recycled into a console (PS3 and PS4) completionist (damn this MMORPG achievement whoring habit, it stuck to me with trophies on PSN). Today, I don't feel I have completed a game unless I got it's platinum.

Gaming for me is a spare time thing and since I quit MMOs because I no longer had enough free time to invest, the trophy raking isn't very fast. But hey, besides that occasionnal gaming session, nobody expects you to be online 4 evenings a week for that 25 player raid. ;-)


In terms of gaming preferences, I generally stick to adventure, RPG and some action games.

My preferred titles are Transformers: War for Cybertron, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, and all of the Assassin's Creed and Uncharted titles.

I don't play (also read hate) FPS games on consoles unless it is Move and 3D compatible like Killzone 3 and Resistance 3.


Event though I am described as a Sony Fanboy by my friends, I still have my pet peeves against Sony for the PS4 console, like the lack of 3D and Move support/compatiblity; Sony, please bring MOAR 3D support!! I love my passive (RealD) glasses and love to play games and watch movies in 3D and I am sure I am NOT (forever) alone! 3D is NOT DEAD!!!



Anyways, looking forward to meet you all on the forums and/or in a gaming session!


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You're probably the only person in the entire world, who loves 3D haha. 

Maybe there's 2, I don't know. 

I'm more concerned that they aren't 4K ready, I hope they aren't planning on having this gen for 7 years, it has 5 years at best. 

Anyways I'm rambling, welcome to the community, have fun man. :)

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Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :D



Welcome to PSNP! Hope you enjoy the community. I'm sensing a love for Transformers as well?


Indeed :) I am a nostalgic Transformers collector, mainly toys and comics, though my collection is pretty modest and has not grown for the past 2 or 3 years. I am not so much into the stuff related to the Michael Bay movies, but I feel compelled to plat its games anyways ;-)

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Greetings to all :)


After using this awesome website for while now, figured I'd finally introduce myself to the community.

Let me just start by saying that I really love how this site was designed, with its awesome looks and conviviality. Kudos to it's maker(s)! Keep up the good work!


As for me, I am former PC MMORPG player, recycled into a console (PS3 and PS4) completionist (damn this MMORPG achievement whoring habit, it stuck to me with trophies on PSN). Today, I don't feel I have completed a game unless I got it's platinum.

Gaming for me is a spare time thing and since I quit MMOs because I no longer had enough free time to invest, the trophy raking isn't very fast. But hey, besides that occasionnal gaming session, nobody expects you to be online 4 evenings a week for that 25 player raid. ;-)


In terms of gaming preferences, I generally stick to adventure, RPG and some action games.

My preferred titles are Transformers: War for Cybertron, Transformers: Fall of Cybertron, and all of the Assassin's Creed and Uncharted titles.

I don't play (also read hate) FPS games on consoles unless it is Move and 3D compatible like Killzone 3 and Resistance 3.


Event though I am described as a Sony Fanboy by my friends, I still have my pet peeves against Sony for the PS4 console, like the lack of 3D and Move support/compatiblity; Sony, please bring MOAR 3D support!! I love my passive (RealD) glasses and love to play games and watch movies in 3D and I am sure I am NOT (forever) alone! 3D is NOT DEAD!!!



Anyways, looking forward to meet you all on the forums and/or in a gaming session!


This is me! Although I haven't played Transformers. Love the films though! 


Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. 


P.s. Was the MMO the dreaded World of Warcraft!? Destroyer of life as we know it!?

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This is me! Although I haven't played Transformers. Love the films though! 


Welcome to the site and enjoy your stay. 


P.s. Was the MMO the dreaded World of Warcraft!? Destroyer of life as we know it!?


Hahaha :) Yes, in the most part :)


I started my MMO downfall with Final Fantasy XI, played for almost 3 years, then switched to World of Warcraft which I played close to 5 years, then Eve Online for another 2 years before quitting MMOs altogether ;-)

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