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Strange Questions that you've been asked?


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I got asked yesterday if I would like to attend a training programme to improve my psychic abilities.


I said no, because the last time I got angry half the room furniture got smashed.  The person asking the question said would you not like to control your telekenic abilities.

I said I have no telekenic abilities I simply smashed up half the room because the other person in it kept asking me stupid questions.


I dont anyone to know that I can levetate cars and juggle them.

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I've been asked many mind-boggling questions in my time on this earth, but the first that pops into my mind is from whenever I was around fifteen-years-old. I was living in the small town of Westport in the west of Ireland, and I was strolling around the street one day and I got stopped by a bunch of American tourists who came up to me and asked, "Excuse me, sorry, but where can we find the leprechauns." Naturally, I started living my arse off, but then I looked at their stone faces and realised, "Wait... are these guys being serious right now?" 


I asked them to repeat themselves, and they asked the exact same question with the exact same stony expressions on their face. That's when it dawned on me that these people were genuinely expecting to see a fucking leprechaun on their holiday to Ireland. Like, legitimately... a leprechaun. I did the only thing I could really think of doing and told them, "That way," while pointing in a very nondescript direction.


I still wonder to this day if they ever found what they were looking for...

Wait....wait..... There aren't real leprechauns in Ireland?

Cause a wild haggis and the Loch Ness Monster told me there definitely was! ;-)

The tourists will be livid

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There's so many strange questions I've been asked. The most common is on any type of voice chat, 'Are you really a girl?'. I think the most random one I've ever been asked is a schoolmate ran up to me one day and asked, 'Are you Mexican?'. Which I'm actually not, so that really confused me and doesn't help my impression of the South. In their defense though, there weren't many Asians in that city.


Hmm... ultimately the strangest question I can remember at the moment is, 'Do you like tentacles?'. :facepalm:  :rolleyes:  :facepalm:

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ok i have two

1: i was at a resturant with my friends and i had stepped out to have a smoke, when this huge guy walks up to me and asks if i had some weed to sell or if i knew where to buy some.

2. when i was 17 i was at the mall with my mom. i was out at the car cause she was birthday shopping for me. when this gorgeous mexican girl came up to me and asked if i wanted to get married. when i asked y she said so she could get her green card or something like that. lol. what a trip.

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ok i have two

1: i was at a resturant with my friends and i had stepped out to have a smoke, when this huge guy walks up to me and asks if i had some weed to sell or if i knew where to buy some.

2. when i was 17 i was at the mall with my mom. i was out at the car cause she was birthday shopping for me. when this gorgeous mexican girl came up to me and asked if i wanted to get married. when i asked y she said so she could get her green card or something like that. lol. what a trip.


Definitely should have said yes to the "gorgeous" Mexican girl. Worst that could have happened? Divorced at 18 but at least you would have had a good story to tell at a dinner party and you'd probably would have got to tap it.....


I think the weed story isn't so strange....

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believe me i was tempted. but when i realized she just wanted a green card, its like finding out someone is dating you for your money. just couldn't do it


Definitely should have said yes to the "gorgeous" Mexican girl. Worst that could have happened? Divorced at 18 but at least you would have had a good story to tell at a dinner party and you'd probably would have got to tap it.....


I think the weed story isn't so strange....

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I was in the mental hospital some time ago, there I received a booklet with a fuckload of wierd questions.

I've received a lot of wierd questions in my life, but I remember one I got when I was in 2nd/3rd grade. In a recess, my and a friend was walking by a muddy, shallow water when a girl came by and asked: "Do you attend the Catholic church?" And I was like :blink: "No." (There's a long way to the closest Catholic church and most people here is in the Evangelical Lutheran church.) I don't know if this was super wierd, but a girl that age asking that felt a bit wierd.

Edited by LCDR_McGarrett
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