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Sony Sucks


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Well in the summer i got hacked 7 times by the same guy and i couldnt activate my account on my ps3. i never stopped trying until i could. now i cant activate my ps4. i called sony and they said that i had to wait 6 months but ive just waited 6 months so im screwed. theres 1 trophy that i cant get because of this.

:rolleyes:  :devil:  :angry:  :facepalm:  :spank:



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I'm a little confused...

You were hacked 7 times by the same person and contacted Sony... When? After the 7th time or every time you were hacked?

Also, did you wait 6 months after the 7th time?

Also, if you are being hacked, how is that stopping you from getting a trophy?

Lastly did you ever change your password after being hacked? I would make it extremely long and complex to make it ridiculously hard to hack again.

If I was you, If you can still log in, change your password, email address, etc.and clear your PS4 data.

If that isn't possible, I'd start fresh unless you'll lose a ton of downloads. If you lose a ton of games, harass Sony until they fix it.

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If Sony knows who is doing it, why don't they ban that account, or (If possible) disallow the hackers from creating a new account on that system?

Also, Sony's CS is terrible because a bunch of people cry wolf of being hacked to try to get free plus and games out of them. Therefore, procedures are long and painful to make sure you are genuine about your claim. At least, that's what I'd like to believe!

Edited by Beyondthegrave07
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i am genuine. ive got psplus. its cos its disabling me getting a few trophies

I'm not saying your claim isn't genuine. I'm saying Sony purposely puts you through hell before they fix it to make sure you are genuine. Complaining to us and proving it is genuine to us will fix absolutely nothing.

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Actually yes. It's called a horribly simplistic password. Which the OP obviously keeps using if he's been hacked 7 times.


Even then, is that "hacking"? Moreover, the OP must have been using some extremely simple passwords if someone were to have guessed it correctly 7 times.

Edited by Aela
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