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Hi! My name's David, I've been alcohol free for.... Wait what?... It's not that type of introduction? Oh ok let's start over.


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Welcome man.. kill the cat. 

I hate cats.  -_-

Hahaha I couldn't even if I wanted to, just not in my nature lol. Besides we had a great cat before this one! Good memories

Welcome to the forums! Hope ya have fun while you're here.

I've been around a little, just never introduced, I forgot to put in my post that this is definitely the nicest forum I've ever been on, and feel a little blessed by that. :)  btw love the HIMYM sig! Barney's the best man.

Edited by dav9834
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Welcome to the community! I've been alcohol free for 30 minutes. ;)

Hey that's a start lol! I've been cigarette free for 20 min!

Damn that's a long list of pets. I own two cats (one Himalayan and one Persian.) I hope to own a ferret soon too.  :P

Well, hi and welcome!  

Ya lol we've had some strange animals over the years (crocodile (small my brother dumped him on us when he moved, they're legal in PA but not CT) ended up bringing it to a better suited place, I mean we COULD have kept it in the bathtub, but I think that would have been a bit overboard lol)

Ferrets are awesome! And EXTREMELY curious, I had to get my sisters out of the heating ducts (it was spring no harm) a handful of times. Anything they can get into, they will lol. I have a rule for ferrets, if you think they can get into it, they can. If you think they can't, you're wrong. They can even get under doors with less than 1" opening!

Welcome to the forums.. officially! :P  Hope you continue to enjoy it around here.

Thanks Panda! Yup I'm official now, no going back!

Hi (again :)) and welcome to PSNP. I remember you said your first language was "bad English" in our last conversation, but I wasn't quite sure what you meant with that. Some years ago my neighbors cat scratched me until I bled, can't forget that.

Hey! Ya my writing is better than my speech imo, aside from all the commas, but in talk the non word "aint" comes out now and then among another gibberish sometimes lol. I just like to prepare people, and it's a good quote :)

Ya I'm mildly allergic to felines(which includes ferrets :( and, raccoons are apparently in that family, they can really get my eyes going) But I've taught myself never to touch my eyes never, not ever. But when I get scratched(cat), it's all over, itchy itchy. (And no I've never been attacked by a raccoon, safety first always, the thought of getting a shot in your stomach for rabies just doesn't sit well with me). :)

Oh and on the cat topic, I'm with Humonic. I'm terribly allergic to them and I've never been around a friendly one. xD

Ya I'm allergic too, only mildly(water eyes, itchy skin). My old cat was sooo nice though, never gave any problems, you would've like her I think.

Hey, David, welcome (officially) to the forums :P I've seen you around already and did a bit of FF conversing with you ^^


You have so many animals *_* I only have one (my dog), I used to also have a cat.

Hey! Yup I remember! Ya I saw the forum and said, "I should probably do something about this" haha. So yup I'm an official!

And ya it is a lot of animals.... But just enough that it's not overbearing, anymore pets and I think I'd have a stroke lol. What kind of dog btw?

I want to know more about the duck who acts like a human.  Is he more like Daffy or Donald?


Pictures are worth a thousand words. That's my Sunny, I like to say he brightens up my day! :)




(why does it keep telling me .jpg is a format that can't be used? Does it really want me to use .png and take up their server space that much?? Like heck I'm using .gif for a regular picture.)


That black thing is a duck diaper on his butt. It holds a regular baby diaper, no mess :)

Edited by dav9834
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Welcome to PSNp David !

Nice intro, and based on what you wrote, I can tell you'll fit right in ;)


And once again, canidae > felidae xD

Thanks! And yup I think I do lol! 

Ya I am more of a dog person than cat myself. ;)

It's about time you made an intro, dude! Now I can finally say officially, welcome to the forum!

I know right! And thank you! I look forward to prodding your brain over party chat about my guide that I will hopefully post before I die, because I presume you'll accept ;)

Welcome David!

You have great tastes in games and anime! Nice!

You also have a lot of pets. I once had a neighbor who had 3-4 dogs and 9 cats. We always fed their dogs cookies and she'd always complain about her dogs having diarrhea! ;) Oops! xD

Thanks! I appreciate you liking my game and anime interests! I'm not big on the dark anime(although kaze no stigma can go there a little).

Holy crap that's a lot of cats and dogs, we can have up to 5 dogs if my sisters bring them, I actually have a pretty funny google amazing wtvr they call it moving pictures. I'll post it when I find it. But that reminds me of that show animal hoarders, jeez 9 cats, but if they can handle it, then I don't judge! Haha ya sugar = bad. Hope they didn't get worms!


Found it! 




The duck fears not, in fact it's the 5 dogs that fear hahaha!

Oh and that's my dad not me, I'm not that old yet, even if I feel like I am ha.

welcome to the land of PSN, just be sure to drink plenty b4 typing anything spicy :lol:

lol I actually haven't had a drop in like 4 years, there's a story but it ends sad so I'll spare you guys :).

But I make sure to be plenty tired which can produce close enough to the same results lol

Edited by dav9834
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Your guide, huh? What game is it for? Or will you not tell me here? Whatever, I have no reason to refuse, so prod away.

Actually it's a secret till I'm done, I tend to not finish things if I say too much. Something weird in my head or something... But thank you! Then I shall prod when the time is nigh! 

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