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This title is all what PS VITA users needed!

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 Personally, I wouldn't want this game. I like Disney Infinity, and I enjoy it on a console, but a handheld system? I wouldn't want to carry around a base and figures with me, and if I'm home, I'd definitely choose the PS4 over the Vita. There really isn't any upside to this for me xD Now the thing that WOULD get me to play this is if I could connect the base ONCE, scan my figures in, and have them stay there without needing to keep the base connected (figures could just be updated with new levels and skills when you next connect them). If I could do that, I would absolutely buy this game. I'd love to play Disney Infinity on a flight or something without having to have a whole little set up of figures :P

Edited by StormRacer872
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I'm glad that this is happening as it will hopefully bring in more attention and money from a wider audience for the Vita. However, although I want to support the Vita as much as I can, I really don't want to be buying a never ending series of peripherals to plat this and keep it at 100% when the inevitable DLC follows. :S

I do hope this pays off though as it would be nice to see more western AAA titles in the next few years.

Dude, I platinum'd this on PS4 last year... I bought the Spidey playset because the only reason I wanted this damn thing was Spider-Man, and trust me when I say that

1. You only need one set, as in you can use the one that comes with it, for the platinum, and

2. Much like the first one, this game has and (almost certainly) won't have in the future, ANY DLC. On top of that, the third one is coming out soon with Star Wars and shit so odds are they'll drop number 2 really soon anyway, so even more reason to think there will be no DLC.


For you sir, and everyone else who's not yet played Disney Infinity... It's not the best game in the world, the toys are fucking stupid, and odds are you won't replay it. But if you have the money and a Vita, I'd recommend this to you. It's not perfect, but it's damn fun, and I'd easily say it's the best Spider-Man game since Web of Shadows. Iron Man and all the others, it's their best game by far too obviously, but then, they've never had any good games. Well I did half enjoy Iron Man 2008's game, oh well. Anyway, I ditched my Vita a week or two ago after a long story of them dying on me, and am very pleased to see this is compatible with PS TV. When this comes to Australia, you can damn well be sure I'll rebuy and replay it.

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Thanks for the info Stooge. Shows me for only doing half the research! I have always turned away from this games because although they have nice easy plats, I was under the impression that you need more of the figures to finish it. Now that I am a little wiser as to the required peripherals, I might just pick them all up :)

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YES, this is what the Vita needed.

I know my Brothers Son would kill to have his beloved Skylanders on his Vita. And Im sure there are a lot of kids (and grown ups) that wants Disney Infinity.

The fact is, if this sells good enough wich it could with the power of spoiled kids (lol) Skylanders and Lego will jump on the train. What this does is that all three creates sales for Vita and this can lead to more ports. Like NHL for example. Imagine that. When it starts to sell better se will for sure get the games that is for everybody. Like Bioshock for example. :)

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Don't understand the significance.


If a title, any title, sells gangbusters it will make it more appealing to any future publisher.


The fact that this title is coming, means that they have cheapened development costs and foreseen enough of a profit to make the endeavour worthwhile.  I'm very happy that this title is coming.  I won't play it, but hopefully a lot of people will.  The Nintendo handhelds have always been as the choice for children, perhaps this might sway some of the market this way.

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Thanks for the info Stooge. Shows me for only doing half the research! I have always turned away from this games because although they have nice easy plats, I was under the impression that you need more of the figures to finish it. Now that I am a little wiser as to the required peripherals, I might just pick them all up :)

Here's a few other things worth mentioning then,


1. Although the trophies are easy on your own, getting together a group for the lone 4 player trophy was a nightmare and took nearly a month to finally achieve.

2. Compatibility is weird. DI 1 base will work on DI 2 and vice versa ... DI 1 figures work in DI 2, but only in Toy Box mode (which is in some respects, a giant Lego box filled with Disney stuff and no real missions) but DI 2 figures don't work in DI 1 ... Bases from PS3 work on PS4 and most other consoles, but some don't support foreign bases, it's all documented out there somewhere, but it's stupid.

3. Don't bother buying Disney Infinity 1. Although the only real difference is the characters and missions, since DI 1 and 2 play more or less the same, DI 1 just didn't grab me, I didn't even bother finishing the bundled pack.

4. Don't bother waiting for the third one to drop in the hopes of the first one getting cheaper, everywhere around me is either clearing them out for 30 bucks now, or already has, and when most shops are out of stock, you'll end up having to pay more than it's worth for a preowned set.

5. While I'm still talking, the trophy list for DI 2 is just perfect. It's got several hours of screwing around in free roam factored into it and whatnot, but the trophies never really get grindy, which is probably why it's such an easy list, anyway, in short, you'll have a blast with the game and the platinum hunt shouldn't send you to the madhouse.


Bonus Round: If you buy the Vita version of DI 2, when you get bored of it, if Australia still doesn't sell the damn thing (as it's currently exclusive to GameStop) then send the stupid Bluetooth base and game card (I don't need the figures) over here and I'll pay you whatever you paid for it new plus postage.

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No real opinion on the matter.  Not really my type of game but if other people want it then more power to them.  Who knows maybe this will get people who don't own a vita to buy one and maybe that will put a rocket up sony's rear and get them to start doing more 1st party games like infamous or another uncharted.  I love my vita but I'm starting to drown in jrpgs over here.  Not a bad way to go but still.

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How does it work on a vita? Bear in mind I don't know how it works on PS3/4 either, I just assume you put a little statuette of Stitch in from of your PS4 camera?

Edited by Half-H3ro
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I think it's neat that it is coming to vita. However, I know quite a few vita owners that only play games that are free on plus, yet complain there are no new AAA titles. I miss my vita and wish I had not sold it. Soon I shall get another. Now there is helldivers, borderlands, ect, and I never tried persona. 

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I think it's neat that it is coming to vita. However, I know quite a few vita owners that only play games that are free on plus, yet complain there are no new AAA titles. I miss my vita and wish I had not sold it. Soon I shall get another. Now there is helldivers, borderlands, ect, and I never tried persona. 

People like that exist despite buying a Vita + PsPlus?

I'd buy this game if they had the 3ds Skylanders feature: save used character.

I'm not going to buy Psplus anytime soon though, i'm too scared that I might miss a sale where I already have the full game trial to.

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  • 2 weeks later...

ive been playing this game on vita and im sad to say it runs like trash. the constant slowdown is very frustrating. there is no multiplayer trophies on this version so no need to worry about getting 4 players. you will need 2 figures though and the starter kit only comes with 1. if like me you have lvl 20s from the ps4 (or ps3) version you can use those to get those trophies right away. id say avoid ths game, it runs so poorly that its not worth it.

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