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Hello all I am Donkey_68, or Beth if you'd prefer.

I am new to this site and to forums in general so thought I'd introduce myself.


I have been a gamer for as long as I can remember (I'm 21) with my first console being the N64 before I moved onto the PS1 and ultimately became a Sony fan (although I still have my N64 and will probably treasure it for a long time).


I became interested in trophies several years ago, and I play video games both for the enjoyment of gaming and for trophy hunting.  I'm pretty open to playing different genres but my ultimate favourite is RPG's.  Haven't played a lot of Japanese/Anime games but it is a genre I would like to explore so suggestions are welcome!


Have to admit the majority of my friends aren't gamers (I don't know how/why) so I'm hoping the forums will be a good place to get to know people and be able to have some proper gaming chats! Feel free to ask any questions or add me on PSN.


PS. Will be purchasing a PS4 in the next couple of months, so again game suggestions are welcome!



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For a new person I'm sure i've seen you on the forum already :huh:


OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooo thats why you mentioned hunted the demon's forge the other day :D


Welcome to the forum adn hope you like it here, if you like coop let me know I do to.


EDIT: none of my friends are gamers either and I just hide how much I actually play games from them lol

Edited by Superbuu3
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Thanks I'll put that on my buy list for payday!

Yeah I've been looking in the forums for the past week or so trying to get to grips with it and then spotted the introduction section so thought I'd add something in!


I let everyone know I play video games - I'm the geekiest one in my friendship group so I have nothing to hide B) 


Did used to keep it quieter but not anymore :)

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Thanks I'll put that on my buy list for payday!

Yeah I've been looking in the forums for the past week or so trying to get to grips with it and then spotted the introduction section so thought I'd add something in!


I let everyone know I play video games - I'm the geekiest one in my friendship group so I have nothing to hide B)


Did used to keep it quieter but not anymore :)


I never forget a person i've spoken to, I was gonna say I always remember a face, but that sounds weird especially as people can change their faces here and its really weird they can do that O_O.


Oh people know I play games, they just have no clue how much I actually play games, assuming you haven't traded in loads of your games you got a few things I still need to finish myself and you're in my time zone.

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Welcome to the site. :)


If you like RPG's, I'd suggest a Vita. There are sooooo many RPG's on the Vita.


I can relate to not having any gamer friends. My friends would rather drink or something, but I'm destroying myself in a much healthier way by gaming. :awesome:


Enjoy your time here :D


I never forget a person i've spoken to, I was gonna say I always remember a face, but that sounds weird especially as people can change their faces here and its really weird they can do that O_O.


Oh people know I play games, they just have no clue how much I actually play games, assuming you haven't traded in loads of your games you got a few things I still need to finish myself and you're in my time zone.

You forgot me in my late introduction... I'm not really a person, though.

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Welcome to the site. :)


If you like RPG's, I'd suggest a Vita. There are sooooo many RPG's on the Vita.


I can relate to not having any gamer friends. My friends would rather drink or something, but I'm destroying myself in a much healthier way by gaming. :awesome:


Enjoy your time here :D


You forgot me in my late introduction... I'm not really a person, though.

You changed your face thats hardly my fault. I still remember you as the cheery guy kinda saluting with a yellow jumper and reddy pink hair. Also maybe I was trying to wind you up because that sounds like something i'd do :P

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Yeah I tend to keep hold of the majority of my games ... it's always so hard to get rid of them!


Will look into the Vita :)


Drinking is fun but gaming is better.

We could make gaming a drinking game, like take a sip everytime you have to fire a bullet O_O. Thats also great to hear because i got new and old games I need to finish :D.


I'm also pretty sure my gaming ability increases drastically the drunker I am.

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Welcome to the forums! Please help yourself to a complimentary cup of tea / coffee / brown liquid  :coffee:  and enjoy this wonderful community. Not many of my friends are gamers either but I have met some great people on here. Have fun!

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