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Platinum Rain Day - Ended

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Update time


Well Ive decided to keep my list but I'm adding an 11th game to it. I really want to plat all the game I have on my current list so that's why I'm adding an 11th instead of replacing with something. It will be


11. Broken Age  - 45%  24/45     Seams like a pretty quick plat and its the only ps plus game I'm enjoying this month. Should have it done by tomorrow just in time for my Uncharted weekend! Pitty I have to work for a living lol

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Update time


Well Ive decided to keep my list but I'm adding an 11th game to it. I really want to plat all the game I have on my current list so that's why I'm adding an 11th instead of replacing with something. It will be


11. Broken Age  - 45%  24/45     Seams like a pretty quick plat and its the only ps plus game I'm enjoying this month. Should have it done by tomorrow just in time for my Uncharted weekend! Pitty I have to work for a living lol

Ok, I'll add it. Btw you have 13 games so far, not 11.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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11. Broken Age  - 45%  24/45     Seams like a pretty quick plat and its the only ps plus game I'm enjoying this month. Should have it done by tomorrow just in time for my Uncharted weekend! Pitty I have to work for a living lol


I heard about that game, the one with two different worlds and you switch between them? IGN had a ton of articles about it and I wanted to check it out but I never had the time. I won't put it or any PSN game on my Platinum Rain list but if it's out now I will download it since I have eight months left on that generous PS Plus gift card I was given. ^_^


Also, my update time - I have gotten to 34% in Rayman Origins Vita. Rescued all the nymphs and got a bunch of miscellaneous trophies and my poor wrists are killing me from all the tricky treasure chest chases I did - ouch! I don't think I'll be able to get any medals until I beat the game but I did win one Ghost Race Trophy. As soon as I get back from gym tomorrow, I'll buckle down and get to work on one of the Kingdom Hearts games. Ironic I find those games detestable after having played them so many times. :(


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Also, my update time - I have gotten to 34% in Rayman Origins Vita. Rescued all the nymphs and got a bunch of miscellaneous trophies and my poor wrists are killing me from all the tricky treasure chest chases I did - ouch! I don't think I'll be able to get any medals until I beat the game but I did win one Ghost Race Trophy. As soon as I get back from gym tomorrow, I'll buckle down and get to work on one of the Kingdom Hearts games. Ironic I find those games detestable after having played them so many times. :(

Nicely done with Rayman Origins. How can you find Kingdom Hearts detestable :o?

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Ok, I'll add it. Btw you havw 13 games so far, not 11.

OOps yeah i forgot. Gunna b a challenge for me to get all those done but I think I can do it.


I heard about that game, the one with two different worlds and you switch between them? IGN had a ton of articles about it and I wanted to check it out but I never had the time. I won't put it or any PSN game on my Platinum Rain list but if it's out now I will download it since I have eight months left on that generous PS Plus gift card I was given. ^_^


Yes it's the game with 2 different characters. It's good but I'd recommend using a guide or it will take you FOREVER to figure out what to do. At least it was for me until I finally said screw this I'm using a guide.



Forgot to update a game.


Assassin's Creed III Liberation  - 34%  17/45

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Nicely done with Rayman Origins. How can you find Kingdom Hearts detestable :o?


Don't get me wrong, the series is still one of my favorites, but the thought of having to go through lots of difficult tasks tends to make me icringe. That's why I put it off for so long, but I do plan on buckling down and doing them... eventually. I'm slowly working through Proud mode on the original Final Mix to get it out of the way, and I am in the first Land of Dragons part of Kingdom Heart II Final Mix on Beginner mode and I plan to finish it off there so I can prepare myself for the Crit Mode. I did get to the secret fight in The World That Never Was(spoilers) but he kept one-shotting Sora, so I plan on picking Shield this time around so I can learn the Once More and Second Chance abilities sooner.

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Don't get me wrong, the series is still one of my favorites, but the thought of having to go through lots of difficult tasks tends to make me icringe. That's why I put it off for so long, but I do plan on buckling down and doing them... eventually. I'm slowly working through Proud mode on the original Final Mix to get it out of the way, and I am in the first Land of Dragons part of Kingdom Heart II Final Mix on Beginner mode and I plan to finish it off there so I can prepare myself for the Crit Mode. I did get to the secret fight in The World That Never Was(spoilers) but he kept one-shotting Sora, so I plan on picking Shield this time around so I can learn the Once More and Second Chance abilities sooner.

Ok, good luck. 


Yeah the shield is almost necessary to complete the game on Proud.

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Anyways, whoever suggested Rayman Origins needs to be punched. J/K, but man, I have failed to get the medals in the stages - getting the required Lums is impossible right now as I have to be Superman to get a chain of King Lum and then a chain of Lums to double my score. I did at least get the Milk Tooth Trophy after three tries. I will try to get the last Lum in Punching Plateaus(I need to collect 300 Lums which is difficult at best) and then head over to Diggerdoo Desert and continue the story. In the meantime, I will spend tonight trying for some more Kingdom Hearts trophies. Plan on starting my first Easy Mode playthrough in Birth by Sleep Final Mix on 2.5 to get the first Adventurer Trophy. Wish me luck! :(


Thanks a lot, MStalker58. The LAST thing we needed was you encouraging a dragon with words like that! Now I have to get six more near-plats! :o:shakefist:


Yeah that Rayman Origins suggestion was me as well. Guess I'm to blame for you playing Origins and the new punishment for not getting 10 plats. How much do you hate me right now?  :devil:


Sorry about that. Maybe I remembered Origins being easier since it was one of my first platinums and it's been a while since I played it for trophies. Looking back through the trophy guides now, it looks a little harder than I remembered. Also, I played it on PS3 and wasn't thinking about you getting it on Vita. I should have been more specific in my recommendation. I haven't played it on Vita so maybe the controls were a little harder on it. Once you get used to the controls and practice the levels a few times it is very doable though. Hope you end up enjoying the game and good luck with it.


If you enjoy the game and ever think about getting Legends, you should know that the trophy lists for the PS3/PS4 and Vita versions are different. The Vita version has fewer trophies and requires you to get a Diamond Cup in the daily online challenges while the PS3 version doesn't require that and has more trophies. Legends is probably a little easier than Origins but takes a lot longer due to the online challeges. Depending on your skill it usually takes a few months to get the platinum. It's not very hard, just time consuming.

Edited by MStalker58
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For the potionbrewers and alchemists among us: there's now a Project Platinum: Atelier cross-over. The next ones will probably be Final Fantasy and a lot of shonen jump games (Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, One Piece, etc.).


Another quick update:


Assassin's Creed: Rogue - 45/47 or 98% - Ready to plat (Finally got down to one ship convoy left)

Awesome, congrats :yay:. Added it to the OP.

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Sorry to be a pain, but could you update my list slightly?  I'm now 8 trophies away from plat in LA Noire, and although i could hold it back until January, I'd like to make the plat my 5,000th trophy (currently at 4,977).  Plat numbers 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 have all been plats for me so far, so I'd like to keep the tradition going.  If you could remove Noire from my list and replace it with Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (which is currently unstarted), it'd be appreciated.


Also, my name isn't actually on the list yet!  I'm spot number 26, which has no name occupying it as yet. :D

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Sorry to be a pain, but could you update my list slightly?  I'm now 8 trophies away from plat in LA Noire, and although i could hold it back until January, I'd like to make the plat my 5,000th trophy (currently at 4,977).  Plat numbers 1,000, 2,000, 3,000 and 4,000 have all been plats for me so far, so I'd like to keep the tradition going.  If you could remove Noire from my list and replace it with Lego Pirates of the Caribbean (which is currently unstarted), it'd be appreciated.


Also, my name isn't actually on the list yet!  I'm spot number 26, which has no name occupying it as yet. :D

That's ok, I don't mind. 


Crap, changed it. Thnx for pointing that out.

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I played a little bit of Kingdom Hearts Final Mix tonight - finally got through Monstro on Proud Mode, pretty easy but the maze is annoying. Spent the next two hours grinding the Black Fungi in the Pegasus Cup. My first attempt at clearing the Pegasus Cup ended in retreat because Leon kept harassing Sora and I kept flubbing my guard timing so Yuffie's throwing stars kept hitting him for mass and she kept getting off her heals. I'll be so glad when Sora's at Level 40 - I chose the Path of Night so leveling is going slow until Level 40.


Dragon Archon, I think I will take Kingdom Hearts 1.5 off of the Platinum Rain list. There is no way in the Underworld I am going to get 9 story playthroughs before Christmas, and that's not to mention everything else! I still have Birth By Sleep, I can start work on the easy mode plays to get all the adventurer trophies, just need to figure out how to go about it. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix... I dunno, but I won't take that off the list yet. I might put Broken Age on the list, have to check its trophy list first. (The reason I put up Rayman Origins is because I bought it because I was told it was easy and I don't want to have 8 of the games on the list be LEGO games. I want to show everyone that I am better than cheap easy plats. If you know about Hakoom, he has over 1000 Plats but that's because he inflated the score by auto-skipping a hundred Japanese visual novels. I think we're better than that, right? :( )

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Dragon Archon, I think I will take Kingdom Hearts 1.5 off of the Platinum Rain list. There is no way in the Underworld I am going to get 9 story playthroughs before Christmas, and that's not to mention everything else! I still have Birth By Sleep, I can start work on the easy mode plays to get all the adventurer trophies, just need to figure out how to go about it. Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix... I dunno, but I won't take that off the list yet. I might put Broken Age on the list, have to check its trophy list first. (The reason I put up Rayman Origins is because I bought it because I was told it was easy and I don't want to have 8 of the games on the list be LEGO games. I want to show everyone that I am better than cheap easy plats. If you know about Hakoom, he has over 1000 Plats but that's because he inflated the score by auto-skipping a hundred Japanese visual novels. I think we're better than that, right? :( )

Ok, that's a shame, but understandable.


I've heard of Hakoom, but didn't know they had that many plats. In the end this event is all about having fun, so if you want to play easy games, no one will judge you.



Teslagrad 35/37 98% Ready to Plat

Nice, congrats :yay:.


Update: Dengeki Bunko Fighting Climax (Vita):  55/59 (92%)

Awesome, another plat that's almost ready to pop. 


This sounds extremely cool, count me in :)

Welcome to this event :highfive:.

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Ok, that's a shame, but understandable.


I've heard of Hakoom, but didn't know they had that many plats. In the end this event is all about having fun, so if you want to play easy games, no one will judge you.


Okay, thanks. I think I will try to get more LEGO games to put on the list. LEGO games are not that difficult, just time consuming because you have to get all the collectibles, but I like collectibles unlike most people. Banjo-Kazooie was my favorite game. ^_^


I heard a lot of interesting things about Ninjago, I've seen trailers for the cartoon but never thought about playing the games until now.


I can probably get near-plat on Birth by Sleep Final Mix, I'll just have to push myself to start work on the playthroughs to get the Adventurer trophies. That's going to be a serious struggle, but it's the closest to platinum of all my Kingdom Hearts games. I also plan on working on Crack in Time and starting into the Nexus for both this thread and to get Squishy Vanquisher in the Platinum Project thread you put up. :D


Hakoom is a trophy hunter who is legendary in his work - he's acquired as of now 44,476 trophies and has completed 1477. He's the highest on the leader boards at only 2% to Level 143. I just guessed at his platinum count last time, but after checking his site, he actually has platinums in 1078 games, a little higher than I had guessed. Don't believe me, check out his site on the Trophy Leaders site to see for yourself!

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Here is my list of games 

  • Lego Batman 2 (vita) - 0/32 Trophies (0%)
  • The Last of Us (ps3) - 0/24 Trophies (0%)
  • MLB 15 (vita) - 0/19 Trophies (0%)
  • Assassin's Creed II - 0/51 Trophies (0%)
  • Smart As - 0/29 Trophies (0%)
  • Jak 3 - 0/47 (0%)
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts - 0/51 Trophies (0%)
  • Battlefield 3 - 0/39 Trophies (0%)
  • Battlefield Bad Company - 44/51 Trophies (88%)
  • Sonic & Allstars Racing TF (ps3) - 46/51 Trophies (72%)
  • Modnation Racers Road Trip - 36/47 Trophies (57%)
  • Madden NFL 11 - 6/25 Trophies (14%)
  • Quantum of Solace - 26/51 Trophies (42%)
  • Jak II - 18/41 Trophies (31%)
  • Infamous 2 - 12/52 Trophies (25%)
  • Infamous - 0/50 Trophies (0%)

I might not get them all but I'll get as many as I can

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Here is my list of games 

  • Lego Batman 2 (vita) - 0/32 Trophies (0%)
  • The Last of Us (ps3) - 0/24 Trophies (0%)
  • MLB 15 (vita) - 0/19 Trophies (0%)
  • Assassin's Creed II - 0/51 Trophies (0%)
  • Smart As - 0/29 Trophies (0%)
  • Jak 3 - 0/47 (0%)
  • Call of Duty: Ghosts - 0/51 Trophies (0%)
  • Battlefield 3 - 0/39 Trophies (0%)
  • Battlefield Bad Company - 44/51 Trophies (88%)
  • Sonic & Allstars Racing TF (ps3) - 46/51 Trophies (72%)
  • Modnation Racers Road Trip - 36/47 Trophies (57%)
  • Madden NFL 11 - 6/25 Trophies (14%)
  • Quantum of Solace - 26/51 Trophies (42%)
  • Jak II - 18/41 Trophies (31%)
  • Infamous 2 - 12/52 Trophies (25%)
  • Infamous - 0/50 Trophies (0%)

I might not get them all but I'll get as many as I can

Good luck with Quantum of Solace. I met some awesome people and some horrible people while boosting that game :)

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Finally finished the story of Rayman Origins (I can't reveal the ultimate villain or I'd spoil the game but I was surprised!) and got eight skull teeth, got two more trophies to get to 40%, thought I am confused - how can 25/40 be 40%? That's has to be 60% at least. :unsure:


Anyways, I'm going to go on a limb and add Broken Age (PS Plus version) to the list to replace one of the Kingdom Hearts 1.5 games and bring my total back up to 10. It's going to take a while to get the cash to get any more games but that should push me to completing the games I should be doing, like Birth by Sleep Final Mix. I'll get a plan down and start spending the rest of October working on the trophies I planned out. Good luck getting the trophies for Jak 2 and Jak 3, jka, Those games are brutal with their races. B)

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It's okay. Those platinums you got would have been lingering for months. Already I want to platinum all the games I have on the list now so I can get my profile up - the games I have now will take a long time to get the rest of the trophies on. However, the joy of getting all of those games final trophies in a few hours is just amazing. :)


Dragon Archon says he doesn't mind if you get some garbage games and get to near plat on them. This event is a great way to clear the backlog of trophies. I still have all four Kingdom Hearts games, a couple of Ratchet and Clanks, and two long Vita RPG remakes to plat. :)

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Finally finished the story of Rayman Origins (I can't reveal the ultimate villain or I'd spoil the game but I was surprised!) and got eight skull teeth, got two more trophies to get to 40%, thought I am confused - how can 25/40 be 40%? That's has to be 60% at least. :unsure:

You are still missing 5 golds and 3 silvers. That is a lot of trophy points you are missing

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