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Project Platinum: General info and leaderboard


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Hey dude, I wanna know, is it okay to start PP for Kingdom Hearts in the meantime then lock it until 2.8 comes out?


I don't see why not. Is Kingdom heart 2.8 the last game to make the franchise eligible ? (i.e will it have 5 games then?) You can reserve a date to post/unlock it just like Rach did with the Far Cry PP.

Edited by Zone Hunter
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I don't see why not. Is Kingdom heart 2.8 the last game to make the franchise eligible ? (i.e will it have 5 games then?) You can reserve a date to post/unlock it just like Rach did with the Far Cry PP.

Yep 2.8 will probably add 1 if not 2 plats to the franchise. Cool then I will inform you once the date is decided.

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someone could start up a Star wars project platinum using the following games ( Lego star wars is excluded)


SW: The Force Unleashed

SW: The Force Unleashed 2

SW: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes

Angry Bird Star Wars

SW: Battlefront 


and the various 100%s


SW Pinball

SW Bounty Hunter

Super Star Wars

SW Jedi Starfighter

SW Racer Revenge

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someone could start up a Star wars project platinum using the following games ( Lego star wars is excluded)


SW: The Force Unleashed

SW: The Force Unleashed 2

SW: The Clone Wars Republic Heroes

Angry Bird Star Wars

SW: Battlefront 


and the various 100%s


SW Pinball

SW Bounty Hunter

Super Star Wars

SW Jedi Starfighter

SW Racer Revenge


I'll take this if no one else wants it, should be fun :D

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Which is why I didn't mention it :P and yes, true, but Rockstar did help with the development of it in some of their studios. In any case though, I think zadorvp has claimed it for his potential crime-solving PP so I guess that easily settles the eligibility of that :P

@Zone, if you (and others) are willing to allow Rockstar as being the first developer-specific PP, I'd like to reserve it for when a new unique game is announced that features a platinum since there is only currently 4 Rockstar games with obtainable plats

The 4 games (excluding L.A. Noire for now) with obtainable plats are



Max Payne 3 (PS3)

Red Dead Redemption (PS3)

You still need to put Midnight Club even if it's not obtainable anymore. Edited by Winston
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What happens if someone wanted to make a Tom Clancy's PP. There are 8 games now with 3 more incoming but some of them are being used in the frontilne PP


I never really saw Tom Clancy as a whole franchise but if you want to make a PP you can discuss it with lilly.



someone could start up a Star wars project platinum using the following games ( Lego star wars is excluded)


Do we really want to stain the Star Wars PP with the angry birds spin off? :P 



With Little Rach now banned I'm kind of fucked for graphics :facepalm:


I'm still the reserve graphics guy so if you need stuff, message me. 


Rach did leave without really notifying me so currently i will take her place as graphics admin. Unless someone else steps forward. 

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Makes no sense? Wut?

You know... project Platinum...? How does adding unobtainable Platinum make sense? =D

Well let's say we do the Rockstar PP..

1- without Midnight Club it wouldn't be complete

2- what if I got that platinum? It will just be useless?

3- what if a game become unobtainable later after the PP is created? You should remove it from a PP if the rules remain like this..

Unless a platinum trophy was unobtainable from day one it should be counted IMO

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Well let's say we do the Rockstar PP..

1- without Midnight Club it wouldn't be complete

2- what if I got that platinum? It will just be useless?

3- what if a game become unobtainable later after the PP is created? You should remove it from a PP if the rules remain like this..

Unless a platinum trophy was unobtainable from day one it should be counted IMO

What's the point of the event if it can't be completed?

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