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Hey guys,  I've been a lurker here for a long time, and decided to finally join the forum and start posting.


I'm a fledgling trophy hunter, with only 5 plats so far.  But I hope to get that number up to double digits soon. :)  I am also the proud new owner of a Vita, and right now it's my favorite handheld system.  Some random info...I enjoy JRPGs and visual novels.  I'm also a big TMNT fan and I enjoy watching Studio Ghibli films.


Anyway, it's great to meet you all.  Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

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Thanks for the awesome welcome, guys!


Welcome to the forums buddy, I've got 5 plats too and working to double the number, enjoy your time :)


Haha, thanks Glory.  I wish you luck on your plat count conquest. :D


Hello and welcome to site fellow lurker panda-emoticon-46.gif?1292863515

*gasps* JRPGs and Visual novels... can you make me your adopted bro or something? panda-emoticon-56.gif?1292863518

hope to see you more in threads and site... panda-emoticon-40.gif?1292863513


Hey, what's up, JeieeM?  Adopted bro..sure, don't see why not.  Thanks for the welcome!


Hello and Welcome! If you want to be friends on your Vita, add me up!


Have you heard of Ni No Kuni?


Thanks NerdRage!  I'll send you a request as soon as I power up my Vita.  And yes, I have Ni no Kuni to play in my backlog.  I've heard great things about it!


Welcome to the forums!


If you like VN's, I highly highly highly recommend Steins;Gate ^_^


Thanks, Makise Kurisu.  Appreciate the welcome.  Also want to pick up Steins;Gate as soon as possible.  It really seems to be the ultimate VN. :D

Edited by Lauriferous
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Welcome to PSNP! There are a lot of JRPG fans here (including myself) so you should be right at home! What are some of your favorites? 


Hope you enjoy your time here at the forums!


Many thanks, WhiteWalls.  To name a few of my favorite JRPGs off the top of my head...I really enjoy the Persona series, a few Tales games, Lunar Silver Star Story, and Grandia.


Welcome to the site - hope you enjoy your stay ^_^


Appreciate the welcome, zorry.  Nice to meet ya.


Welcome to the forums, dude! Hope to see you around ^_^


Thanks, Skyes.  Great to be here!


Welcome to the forums! It's nice to meet you! :wave:


Thanks a lot, talithacs.  Nice to meet you too. :)

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Well welcome! Even though you only have 5 plats, I bet we can see you blossom and achieve a higher number!  :lol:


I'm glad you like visual novels and JRPGs because the Vita is chock full of them! Enjoy your new handheld AND the forum! 

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Hey guys,  I've been a lurker here for a long time, and decided to finally join the forum and start posting.


I'm a fledgling trophy hunter, with only 5 plats so far.  But I hope to get that number up to double digits soon. :)  I am also the proud new owner of a Vita, and right now it's my favorite handheld system.  Some random info...I enjoy JRPGs and visual novels.  I'm also a big TMNT fan and I enjoy watching Studio Ghibli films.


Anyway, it's great to meet you all.  Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.

Hey welcome to the forum hope you like it here


If you're a fan of JRPGs you might want to join the group i'm running that will go through the whole Tales series:


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Well welcome! Even though you only have 5 plats, I bet we can see you blossom and achieve a higher number!  :lol:


I'm glad you like visual novels and JRPGs because the Vita is chock full of them! Enjoy your new handheld AND the forum! 


Many thanks for the welcome, Winter.  Haha...yes, I hope joining these forums will make me gain the wisdom of an expert trophy hunter! :D


Hey welcome to the forum hope you like it here


If you're a fan of JRPGs you might want to join the group i'm running that will go through the whole Tales series:



Thanks a lot, superbuu3!  I will definitely be checking out that group.


Welcome to PSNP ^^ enjoy your stay :)


Thank you kindly, Ruliya.  Pleasure to meet you. :D

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