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The Great Australian Trophy Hunt - Season 1

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Continuing the downtrend for me this month (57 in June, 41 in July). Damn Overwatch. I might just have to start it again on this account - I mean, I have earned 81% of the trophies through natural play, how hard could it be to earn them all again? Famous last words, right? :lol:

Eh, 90% of my trophies this month were the same 6 trophies for Minecraft over PS3, Vita and PS4.

You scared me for a minute there. I thought they'd added yet another set of trophies to Minecraft. :lol:

I look forward to the day where i get ahead of my backlog  :P

That'll probably never happen for me. I have pretty much ceased buying new titles now since most of them drop to $20 in 9-18 months anyway, but my backlog's so large already that it'll take years to clear it. PS3, PS4 and Vita alone is 69 titles without counting anything gained from PS+; adding in Nintendo, Xbox, Sega and Steam and it's over 600. :blink:

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Yeah, I had a bit of a trophy hunting crisis. I smashed out 5 platinums in the first week, determined to blitz this month. Ended up burning out. I've tried chipping at AC Rogue but I really don't want to which is sad because I love the AC series. I also suffer from the "I have like a 100 games but nothing to play" problem  :angry:


The GT5 platinum would be awesome! I don't have a racing wheel and I do enjoy my racing games a lot. I lost all my PS3 data including saves I thought were backed up to the cloud a while ago so I have to restart everything again on PS3. GT5  level 40 A-Spec is going to suck hard as well as golding all the licenses and all events. I've spent most of the month playing Destiny and GTA V. I finally ranked up my online character to level 100 like 20 minutes ago and I got the infamous glitch where the trophy doesn't pop. I was hoping to end the month with 1 final gold trophy  :angry:


Oh, bummer about your PS3 saves. All mine were fortunately saved in the cloud and as I've just bought a pre-owned PS3 I was able to continue where I left off. It's been weird playing games I haven't touched for 4 years.


So far I've re-downloaded Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus (8 new trophies) and Magic Orbz (4 new trophies), downloaded LittleBigPlanet Karting (20 trophies). I downloaded LittleBigPlanet 2 too but I haven't started it yet. I've re-installed Assassin's Creed II (1 new trophy) from disc but the biggest new was I bought Diablo III (44 trophies) for $15 and a 1 trophy from the Platinum!


On the Vita front I finally got the last 4 DLC trophies in FROBISHER SAYS! for the 100% and the bugged friend request trophy in Wake-up Club for the 100%. I got a handful of random trophies in FREEDOM WARS, Run Sackboy! Run!, Proteus and Touch My Katamari.


On the PS4 I spent a lot of time playing Tom Clancy's The Division and Battleborn with my mates which accounted for 59 trophies in total. Also got 4 trophies in MONOPOLY FAMILY FUN PACK while I was multi-tasking on the PS3.


I'm pretty happy with this month in general. I could have pushed even harder if I wanted. There was a bunch of easy trophies to get in Assassin's Creed II but I'll save them for once I've finish LBP Karting. But I did what I set out to do and break my all-time monthly record of 99 trophies back in 2014 with 104 (82 Bronze, 16 Silver, 6 Gold) for this month and I hit Level 14 on PSN!

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Haha! Frobisher Says. I have that too. There's a couple of nasty little trophies there. I still haven't caught Ponsonby in 4 minutes yet. But I have the 2 expansions so I'd like to 100% it eventually. Congrats on beating your monthly record  :D

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Well I'm in for my first plat of the month..........


Toro (PS4)  definitely a must play game if you hate yourself or life.

Nice, cj. I should have my first plat for the month tomorrow.

As for Toro, I thought about importing it from Spain, but I never bothered. I did import Recotechnology's other release, Yasai Ninja, though. It's also awful and I'm not sure if I can stomach it long enough to plat it. :lol:

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