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2016 Yuri's Journal of Babble


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January 25th, woke up at 5am. Let's that is because my nose is still obstructed inside and not because the surgery didn't have the desired effect. The doctor said my lower mouth bone is retracted inside my head which makes it take some of the throat space. I was hoping the nose surgery to fix my breathing issue, but it doesn't seem like it's happening.

Yesterday, before going to sleep, I've been really an asshole to a random girl that keeps constantly talking to me. I don't know why i did it, but some damage was done. I feel guilty, I'll try to fix it later today because i don't want to feel like this, not because i care about her. She is an annoying 15yo that only talks about eating all the time.

My legs are back to hurt again. I think all the pain medication weared off because goddammit i forgot how this hurts! At the very least i experienced 1 and a half painless days.

I'm almost done with SSX (like 4 race medals away, I'm platting it today for sure) and think I'll focus on broken age after, then maybe I'm doing Yakuza 3 after? Or focusing on SMB? All i know is that Long Horn on Antarctica is a complete and messy Devil's work. Other than that, Antarctica is really easy to get golds at.

I've got news that New N Tasty's Vita version is broken, just like the ps4 version is. A shame, i was really looking forward to it. I'll try to sleep a bit more, it's not even 6am yet. Woke up with Transistor's Paper Boats track stuck on my head, had to listen it.

20 days until my birthday.

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Holy shit, I've only just seen your photos from the hospital post (ngl I was more focused on telling people not to worry about warning points past your fourth as the fifth is inevitable)  and never before have I roared out laughing at my screen at 8AM like this, I'm really hope that was the intended effect otherwise I am an actual dickhead.

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Glad to see the initial surgery went okay, but that's unfortunate about the retracted lower mouth issue... Hopefully something else can be done about that


I'd also like to say that you look like a beautiful, feminine, pretty princess in these pictures. I love the blue dress - you better watch out for these hormone fueled, male teenagers


otherwise I am an actual dickhead.


You're already a dickhead

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Holy shit, I've only just seen your photos from the hospital post (ngl I was more focused on telling people not to worry about warning points past your fourth as the fifth is inevitable)  and never before have I roared out laughing at my screen at 8AM like this, I'm really hope that was the intended effect otherwise I am an actual dickhead.

It was intentional, on the post before i said i took some fucked up photos and i ended up posting only one of the four. It was a memorable day and i didn't want to let it go without some funny shit. You are still a dickhead regardless. :wub:

I'd also like to say that you look like a beautiful, feminine, pretty princess in these pictures. I love the blue dress - you better watch out for these hormone fueled, male teenagers

Thank you. :wub: I'm possibly undergoing another surgery later in an attempt to fix that too.


January 25th, holy shit, i was so sedated the past two days that i hardly felt any pain but now that the effects wore (i said weared before, ugh) off, my legs but like crazy again. Sadly no medication i have at home can give the same relief from pain, so I'll have to go back enduring this shit until i can sort it out. I got an exam in Feb 2nd that will point me toward the right direction and medical visit not long after. He is hoping toward improvement.

Just woke up again, time to go back to SSX to finish the last golden medals. I could have finished yesterday, but Ril was here and i was spending time with her instead. She is coming again tomorrow and i can't wait. Carol didn't talk to me again, which is kinda disappointing.

The post-surgery procedures are very annoying to perform, mostly using a liquid salt pump to remove the the solid blood inside the air channels. Isn't something nice to talk about so that's the most I'm saying about it. Mother will be staying home until tomorrow to take care of whatever i might need. I gotta enjoy this extremely rare scenario where the papers are inverted and i can demand anything.

I'm listening to the Transistor soundtrack, makes me relax. I love In Circles. Could link it if i was using the PC, but I'm on mobile as usually.

20 days until the surgery.

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It was intentional, on the post before i said i took some fucked up photos and i ended up posting only one of the four. It was a memorable day and i didn't want to let it go without some funny shit. You are still a dickhead regardless. :wub:


You're already a dickhead


Swear to god this is why I turned to memes


s a d b o y s

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January 26th, Ril spent a few hours here today and left because she needed to return a book. On friday. I couldn't spend more time with her because she didn't get her shit done when she had to. Queen of procrastination.

Alecrim slept on my bed last night. All fun and games. Ril doesn't like him. I didn't like cats before i got him either. I got some sweeties to eat some i played metro last light (did i mention i platinum'd SSX and tried to play Escape Dead Island again but it crashed and i gave up?) and he came up, i pushed him away from the sweeties and he lied down next to them. Alright, lesson learned. I got to a stealth heavy section and halfway through i noticed the piece of shit was eating my sweeties. Shot on sight, no questions asked. I had to trash everything. Breaking up never was this painful. Now he is lying next to me again with his angelical face. Wanna bet he is going to delude me again? You can't trust cats.

Metro Last Light is fun, but I'm struggling a bit to find good paths of stealthing. I think i fucked up Shadow Ranger. Oh well, I'm enjoying the first playthrough anyway, gonna speedrun the rest.

The scorpio girl is coming here tomorrow with sweeties and she said she will try to learn Traveler from Tearaway's soundtrack for me (I asked). Ril is returning Thursday (the day after). No sign of Carol. I kinda miss Bekka. What is wrong with me?

My recovery is going well, no visible blood or nose dripping anymore. Friday I'll go back to the surgeon to get the plastic straws removed from inside. That's how they make your body learn which path it should make for the air to go through. Removing it should be a painful fun experience.

I'm accessing Facebook less and less. Getting really tired of the political wars people make. It's really coming to downright insulting the ones with a different conviction for no reason at all. It's basically a flamewar. Pointless and a waste of time. Brasil biggest issue is corruption, people are always looking for a way to get better results with lesser effort, mostly resulting in use of cheating, lying and deceiving.

I love Brazil, it's a big and beautiful country, but i hate its people (that's why i rather use PSNP instead of mypst). To be a politician, you need to be a citizen first. It's plain obvious that rotten citizens turns into rotten politicians.

19 days until my birthday.

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January 26- eh, it's 1 am already. January 27th, I've just logged off from Facebook. Same bullshit as before. I wonder why people insist in spilling so much hate all the time. It's unbelievable to see people wishing death to others because of a different political point of view. Everything is so fucked up, why so much prejudice, why do much judgement on people choices, why so much hate??

Scorpio is coming here again tomorrow, bringing me a lot of sweeties. Seriously looking forward to it.

Carol talked to me again today. I confronted her about her intentions and she said "I'm not thinking about anything at the moment", enough for me getting tired of her bullshit. I said i didn't want to talk to her anymore if we couldn't have a real relationship because what we have isn't even a friendship. I attempted to imply i didn't want to talk to her anymore, period. Tired of her shit.

18 days until my birthday.

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January 27th, Scorpio just left and i couldn't care less. We are getting HELLDIVERS on February 2nd and I've wanted that game for MONTHS! Had it in my signature for ages too and now we are getting it for free! I was going to platinum SMB on my birthday but I'm doing Helldivers now. I'm so fucking happy.

6 days until helldivers.

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January 25th, holy shit, i was so sedated the past two days that i hardly felt any pain but now that the effects wore (i said weared before, ugh) off, my legs but like crazy again. Sadly no medication i have at home can give the same relief from pain, so I'll have to go back enduring this shit until i can sort it out. 


Heh, that reminds me of my post-surgery rehab. First, the anesthesia wore off too early, I awoke in the car and spent one half of the screaming my lungs out from the  hellish pain, and the other out cold because pain has shut me down. The really fun part is - I remember the pain and the screams from the following nights, but I don't remember the car ones. Repressed memory, I guess. 

And all because there were no sedation and painkillers were useless. You are lucky.


January 26- eh, it's 1 am already. January 27th, I've just logged off from Facebook. Same bullshit as before. I wonder why people insist in spilling so much hate all the time. It's unbelievable to see people wishing death to others because of a different political point of view. Everything is so fucked up, why so much prejudice, why do much judgement on people choices, why so much hate??


I lose my already feeble faith in humanity and rediscover new heights of idiocy every day. It seems the majority of the humans are still hateful narrow-minded monkeys deep down. I know I should steer clear of the comments yet I read them anyway. I will never learn.

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Heh, that reminds me of my post-surgery rehab. First, the anesthesia wore off too early, I awoke in the car and spent one half of the screaming my lungs out from the hellish pain, and the other out cold because pain has shut me down. The really fun part is - I remember the pain and the screams from the following nights, but I don't remember the car ones. Repressed memory, I guess.

And all because there were no sedation and painkillers were useless. You are lucky.

I lose my already feeble faith in humanity and rediscover new heights of idiocy every day. It seems the majority of the humans are still hateful narrow-minded monkeys deep down. I know I should steer clear of the comments yet I read them anyway. I will never learn.

Your case sounds way worse, I'm sure. I don't think I've felt any pain coming from the procedure at all, it was, if anything, disappointing to not experience the blacking out.

Yeah, i know, i go through the same. I know I'm going to disappoint myself and yet i keep reading them. It makes me sad to see such things but i end up convincing myself that they are nothing but the vocal minority and hopefully the majority doesn't think the same way. Still painful to go through.


January 28th (past midnight again, eh), this entry is only going to worship Ril.

I came to realize a few days ago (last time Ril was here, 2 days ago, a Monday) that we are working out alright lately and not nearly fighting. She isn't even annoying me as much (she is barely doing it) and that's mostly because she learned what to talk and what not. Is not that hard, honestly. The biggest mistake was acting like a retarded monkey going all nuts about shit, like swearing at the LOL people. I just can't stand HUEHUE BRBR shit anymore, I'm not 16 for almost 6 years.

I met her halfway through December and although i broke up with her in the Christmas eve, I'm happy that we are still together until this day, which is a relationship about a month and half long. I have no idea why, but i just couldn't break up with her again. I do not regret this decision.

All of the things said here, she knows already. I suppose this journal is really actually helping me to be more open with people. I guess people can change if they try hard enough and I'm trying. Not everything in life is easily achievable, but what would be the point in living if you don't have a direction to go with a constant risk of failure? Always winning is boring, failure is part of the process too.

I've derailed my own post. Goddammit.

I just wanted to say that Ril is being wonderful to me. There is no pressure in this relationship and i like it. She is always here for me when i need. I like it. I told her that she had been promoted to (raw translation) girlfriend-ish. To me, she is somewhere between a best friends and a girlfriend. We are fine with this the way it is.

Of course she has some bad things like her total lack of "should i say something like this out should i word myself better?" which in Brazil we call "tato". She doesn't have that, she is a brute. I don't even know if her lack of naughtiness is something bad at this point because i don't even think about it when I'm next to her. Well, at least not as much as I'm used to. I think I've adapted to get pretty well.

Well, that was it. If i end up breaking up with her in the future, I'm sure that reading this should make me really sad, but fuck it, I'm writing anyway.

Forgot to sign this:

5 days until helldivers.

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January 28th, Ril left not long ago. Had loads of fun south her today. I think it's incredible the synergy we are developing.

Didn't spend much time with Alecrim today but the little fella is making up for that by lying down on my lap now while i write this.

Ril knows that i keep this journal and yesterday i complimented her a lot (reason why i ended up making the journal entry). Mentioned the previous post to her and and today she asked about it. I asked if she wanted to read it and she started to babble about things being personal and some stuff shouldn't be share (like what, personal space and discretion are miths, i know nothing of this shit) then i cut through it with a direct "do you want to read it or not?" which stunned her for 2 seconds and then she slowly answered "...yes".

Not more than a second looking at yesterday's entry and she started screaming "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU WRITING THIS SHIT IN ENGLISH" i had to hold the laughter and we faked a discussion for 15 seconds, then i gave her some time to read it. Not 2 seconds later she started screaming again "WHAT THE FUCK IS WORSHIP, I DON'T WANT TO DEAL WITH YOUR PSEUDOCULT BULLSHIT" and at that moment i had tears rolling down my eyes and laughed hard for a couple seconds before translating it to her. She opened Google Translate but didn't actually use it since I'm not fancy writing shit.

Now onto the results. After reading the whole thing she breathed heavily, stared at me for 3 seconds and i asked what was it and if she didn't like. After all, Ril is a brute, but she is still a female and what do females do best? Complaining over small (often overlooked) details. She complained about the "retarded monkey". She asked if i really thought that of her. She was obviously waiting for an apology. Well, fuck that. I straight out said she did and that i wrote a fucking long post about her and all she noticed was the small bad detail. Table was flipped, two can play the manipulating game.

Then we spent the whole afternoon watching videos on youtube about SHOW SHOW while i was working on the rest of Metro Porn Last Light trophies. Got my platinum (yay), booted The Bureau (which was meant to be my next game) and then guess what, my 2008 PoP returned to me. Focus shifted toward finishing this game which happens to be my last PoP game, also possibly the one i hate the most. Hopefully i can finish this and The Bureau before the second day of February because as soon as Helldivers hit, I'm smashing that game hardcorely for 24 hours a day until i get the platinum. Project Fastest Platinum shall come in play. God bless me with no additional DLC releases in the future.

5 days until Helldivers.

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January 29th, i got an appointment to remove the straws inside my nose for today, but I'm lazy about going there. Should do around 3pm as the sun isn't as strong as now (11am). After this procedure, i should get to full recovery within a day or two.

Next week i have the legs exam on tuesday, Helldivers day, so I'm having something else to distract me while i wait the game to arrive on plus. I hate that the EU people are getting it hours before i do. DAMN YOU EUROPEANS!

I got back to Destiny, a lot of people need help again and i feel like doing more charity.

Asked if Ril would like to go to the doctor with me. She said she would like to, but lacks the money. We are seeing each other Monday, she thinks. I miss her already. :(

Played a bit of PoP 2008 when I woke up. Had a bit of fun. Maybe the game isn't so bad after all, i must played it on a bad week.

4 days until helldivers.

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Played a bit of PoP 2008 when I woke up. Had a bit of fun. Maybe the game isn't so bad after all, i must played it on a bad week.


It isn't bad, it's just different and gets the "DmC treatment" for daring not to be like the Sands games. Actually it's my favorite of them all, and that's coming from a long time fan who used to be absolutely nuts about the series and have bought WW and TTT day one. 

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It isn't bad, it's just different and gets the "DmC treatment" for daring not to be like the Sands games. Actually it's my favorite of them all, and that's coming from a long time fan who used to be absolutely nuts about the series and have bought WW and TTT day one.

While i do see your point, i disagree because i hated WW and TTT. I think i like 2008 better than any of those because i find it humorous at times, the dialogue looks very well done if I'm honest. I'll try to get back to it tomorrow/today.

January 30th, MY LEGS ARE KILLING ME! Every day the pain is increasing since the surgery, I've gone back to limping and dragging my carcass around the house. I want another surgery, anything to get rid of this pain, for the love of god.

Every time I'm going to make another entry to this diary, i have no idea what to post. The moment i start writing, stuff just come one after the one. I guess i such on pre planning, but I'm wonderful at improvising.

I went to the doctor today to remove some things from the surgery. Thought it was going to be painful, she took less than a minute to remove the things. Later she continued about how was the surgery and said she was surprised i didn't feel disgusted by it. Recognized the sadist in her. I said i didn't care what she had to do as long as it worked. the ends justifies the means. she laughed as if i was joking. I made sure she knew i wasn't. She asked me to return next Friday. I'll.

Played a lot of Destiny today. This team is quite good. There are two i would rather not play with again. Oh, I'm playing with Rayrooz, that's TrueWater's girlfriend. She is quite funny, the only one that barely talks in the group. Either people fear me, feel that they talking is irrelevant, don't care enough or just don't want to make contact. What if being asshole is a disease that you can get from someone else? I doubt so because Urushiro is still one of a kind.

My higher mouth is hurting a lot. Doctor said it was normal because she shred inside my face one side to the other and then burned it all because she wouldn't be able to "knytt" it. I was like "eh, that's fine".

I miss Ril. She said she is getting drunk tomorrow. I'm fine with that.

Mhi is working out nicely, we never again fought and yesterday i reassured that she is aware that i don't mind she seeing other people while we are away from each other. Nothing more fair, i think. She asked if I'm sure and i said i was, as long as she doesn't feel like telling me after.

Alecrim is going to sleep here tonight. He is just fucking around too much and my sister banned him.

3 days until Helldivers.

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While i do see your point, i disagree because i hated WW and TTT. I think i like 2008 better than any of those because i find it humorous at times, the dialogue looks very well done if I'm honest. I'll try to get back to it tomorrow/today.


Um... did you miss the "my favorite of them all" bit or what? Cause I was talking about 2008.

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Um... did you miss the "my favorite of them all" bit or what? Cause I was talking about 2008.

I meant better than WW and TTT, the games you mentioned. I prefer the original over the reboot and forgotten sands over any PoP game ever. I don't remember enjoying to get the platinum in a game before as much as i enjoyed POPFS. How is your RnC completion going?

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 How is your RnC completion going?


It isn't going, it's standing. I've derailed in the favor of SO4... and currently fightilng the urge to play Darksiders and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow.

(Also I have no idea how the hell am I going to get that 50 MP wins trophy in Brutal Legend. I'm diligently trying to shoo the scary thought away).

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While i do see your point, i disagree because i hated WW and TTT. I think i like 2008 better than any of those because i find it humorous at times, the dialogue looks very well done if I'm honest. I'll try to get back to it tomorrow/today.


Been reading this and I presume you mean PoP: WW and TTT!!! :o 

I have to say I hated Warrior Within, we are on the same page with that but I actually really enjoyed TTT not so much for its story but TTT was a huge improvement on the previous installment's game mechanics, The Sands of Time being the worst gameplay-wise by far, I couldn't stomach that in comparison to its predecessors. :D

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Been reading this and I presume you mean PoP: WW and TTT!!! :o

I have to say I hated Warrior Within, we are on the same page with that but I actually really enjoyed TTT not so much for its story but TTT was a huge improvement on the previous installment's game mechanics, The Sands of Time being the worst gameplay-wise by far, I couldn't stomach that in comparison to its predecessors. :D

I played them in order in the ps2 and ps3, so i can't talk much about that. I hated WW and liked TTT slightly more (or hated less). I liked throwing weapons, it was fun. To me, the games can be ordered like this:

1- forgotten sands

2- sands of time

3- reboot

4- TTT

5- WW

I hated getting stuck in WW, didn't happen as often in TTT. Reboot had a bad ending although the characters were very likeable. Sands of time is very good bit forgotten sands is the best game by far.


January 31th, the month is finally coming to an end. Also to an end has came the Prince of Persia games as one finished the last one today. The combo trophy was frustrating as fuck, it's horrible to be dyslexic and trying to input commands and pressing shit wrong because you didn't read properly.

Had some more attempts of flawless today and it was really shit. Some people were doing wonderful (Isteryka, AeonCatalyst, KIDFOX_87), others were struggling so much that i wanted to cry. Very painful when people don't know how to play properly, i just cringe when the level 40s don't stop dying over and over again in a level 26 raid.

Things get even worse if i start talking about the randoms that joined us. A guy called ToubStar randomly joined us and went all bossy and shit talking about how we are struggling and desperately needed help. Boy, there is a reason why I'm TEACHING these people how to play and that's because i want them to know what they are doing and why they are doing it. If I just wanted to beat the raid, i would be doing relic myself. Funniest part waa when he started acting like he owned the raid and kept dying. I think he pissed off Rayrooz quite a bit. I made a status update about this earlier and it simply disappeared when i returned. I wonder what forces are acting upon me at this moment.

Quite a few people added my alternative accounts for SSX. I'm happy about not getting one single add on my main, people are actually reading the whole shit. <3

I'm happy it's helping people too, hope they have an easier time with this than i did. The game is too good to be passed by. While i normally don't care about feedback, it's making me smile every time someone messages me thanking for my effort in helping them. I just hope they all platinum the game, that would make me really happy too.


2 more days until Helldivers. THE HYPE IS REAL.

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February 1st, helldivers is soon upon us, i can't wait. My plans for the day are Contrast and all 5 episodes of Monkey Island. I could start another game right now but i don't want another fucked completion time on my account, had enough of them because of the plat rain day event.

I don't know if i mentioned but Ril was meant to come over on saturday (2 days ago) and today. She didn't come Saturday and I'm expect her not to come today either.

I have some machinery to face tomorrow for my leg exam. Mother said it would hurt but i don't give a fuck. Regardless if she is saying that only to terrorize me or simply give me a heads up, i couldn't care less. I already feel pain all the time and this might be the path for the cure, I gotta do it. The ends justify the means.

Asked Flowers if he could help me with FC2 today, i got the digital version. He is busy today, so not happening. The digital version of Far Cry 2 doesn't read the physical version save. I'll have to get my physical copy eventually. Just didn't want to cross the town for it, also gotta call the store again to see if they can get the game separate for me to pick up.

Today is the last day for finishing the raids before they are reset. Hopefully we will have enough people later today.

Helldivers is near.

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I've played Contrast yesterday and enjoyed it, quikdrawjoe had five quite a good job with the trophy guide.

Started the Tales of Monkey Island games and i regret my decision. As if Broken Age didn't teach me well enough, i hate point and click games just because I'm beyond retarded to complete them or make any logical thinking about what to do. This will be fully played with an walk-through by the side which is honestly pointless since it will be a waste of time playing something just for trophies. I regret my decision.

Considering to start yet another game which could be Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. More shooting, more straight to the point without the BS figuring out what to do point and click games have.

Carol came talking to me today about how she missed me. Well, if wasn't you a complete and total coward, i wouldn't have move out of your life, now would i? She said wanna meet me Saturday, that will be Feb 6th, in 4 days. Also, about a week before she leaves ES. Don't you think it's a little too late? You had your chances, many times. Now i will just put pressure on you and show too much interest just to make you freak out and go away. GTFO.

Mhi is complaining about how little attention I'm giving to her. It's always like this, i either can't enjoy games and spend all my bored talking to someone, creating in them the bad habits of overly feeding attention or i get really hooked into something and can't keep up feeding the attention i used them to. It seems i can only enjoy one thing or the other, people or games.

Ril came here yesterday. She pissed me off once or twice, probably result of our time away from each other. I asked when could i see her again, she said Thursday was good. I have doctor Thursday and probably should still be insanely addicted to helldivers by then. We rearranged to friday, i should be in rehab by then.

Yesterday i read most of my posts and i came to realize how boring they are in comparison to the additional pornography i was intending to add to them. Porn makes all better, except when there are children involved. Or when pornography makes children.

Hours until helldivers.

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February 3rd, i still am getting used to write February instead of January.

Helldivers is sooooooooo fun. I hardly can stop playing it. 13/25 so far. I'm trying to fight sleep to unlock the car and start the kills grind tonight already. I'm very tired.

Zajac introduced me two guys for Destiny ps3. They are actually very good. We have set a session for Friday. That's probably going to hurt my helldivers time, but fuck it.

Tomorrow I'm doing my uni application or whatever is called when are signing that you are taking the course. Seeing Ril right after. I'm ditching helldivers to spend time with her. Priorities. <3

12 days until my birthday.

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February 4th, still writing January on the beginning.

I'm still addicted to Helldivers. My ps3 has been grinding kills the whole day and I've been playing on the vita. There are two savefiles, I'll delete the ps3 one when i get the kills trophy which should happen by Saturday morning. This is happening. I love this game.

Me and Mhi had a fight over nothing today, didn't talk to each other since 10am because of that. Everything was fine yesterday.

I slept better last night, but the time was little. Was kept awaken until 3am to unlock the tank in helldivers to start my kill grind and had to wake up at 6am. Good quality, bad duration.

Kill grind in helldivers is going good, i actually should be done by Saturday afternoon because tomorrow night in using the ps3 to run Flawless Raider on Vault Of Glass again. The group is good so I'm expecting to be complete tomorrow still.

I went to the uni today and got my subscription complete, I'm starting March 1st. I do not care, this isn't the course i wanted to take. Better than not doing anything though.

Did i mention i got the exam Tuesday, two days ago? It was really a painful exam, i got shocked and perforated with needles, all in the name of science and medicine. Results of this exam should be done by 17th day of the month. That's my mother's birthday and 2 days after mine.

Ril came here today around 11am until 3pm. It was fun seeing her, i missed her already. She is easily my best friend, other than being my lover.

Bekka came to talk to me today, first time since i broke up with her. She said she didn't accept how i gave up and shit. I didn't. I just didn't want to make her go through all the shit I'm in. I guess she kinda understood like we are together again. I'm okay with that.

11 days until my birthday.

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February 5th, a lot of things happened today.

I got emailed again by mypst that i was again talked the most skilled player. First time was last year, i got a couple trophies and there is a picture on my forum profile. Last year was about the vita, this year was the ps3, I'm betting SSX had great part of that. I'm not getting more trophies this time, neither i think i would want more either. I love my three ones as ironically as it might seem, i don't want a duplicate of those.

The kill grind in helldivers is almost done, 82k out of 100k and then i finally can turn off my ps3 which is on for about 48h straight at the moment of this post. I'm playing helldivers on the vita meanwhile, didn't make progress today, still level 17 and i was expecting to be 22. I guess I'm not reaching 25 tomorrow either.

My mother left on a trip yesterday. I like being alone. Ril is coming here again tomorrow, i can't wait. I was thinking lately, so many girls with so much potential, but it was Ril, which i found the most boring and frustrating one to be the one with me all this time. Funny how life is.

Alecrim keeps lying down behind the ps3. I don't want him to do that, he might fuck up the cables. I think he enjoys the hot air that comes out of it.

The destiny run happened, just not like expected. The two good guys who joined lately left just after. Had to run with the average. Disappointing, but not unexpected. Everyone got the clan trophy though, so there is that. We should play again tomorrow.

10 days until my birthday.

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I got a warning point here too, my first one since 2012. I think it was unfair. I do think there were many situations in the past where i could have received one, but this was honestly not one of them. I think i offend people often and i don't have the intention to. If i could just learn and apply what Urushiro tried to teach me about not looking hostile, this might have been avoided. Too late now, i guess.

I'm just reading this now (laziness and whatnot) and I tried to teach you something? This is news to me :P My brain is a little fried right now though so maybe I did and just forgot it.

That was me and my mother. I know we look like a lot, don't bother pointing that out. I look like 16 and she looks close to 30s. I'm 22 and she is 44. Looking younger than you actually are it's genetics work, unfortunately. Don't be an asshole Urushiro!



Nah. My mom is about 42 and I'm 21 and I can be mistaken as anywhere from 16-30 depending on when I last shaved. People usually say my mom looks around 30 and I'll often hear that we look like a couple or husband and wife <.< It's strange.

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