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Physical Release - Anyone buying it again?


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Since there is going to be a physical release, is there anybody else who is going to buy it again even though they have the digital version? I just like having a physical collection of games I own, and I'm so OCD about it that I would buy it again. Am I alone?

Edited by noahc66
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If it's 25 or less, I'll grab it. 


Even if that's mostly because I'd rather spend 25 bucks on a physical copy, than I would on more BS+ to play the digital version again.


Hell, I was gonna buy it day one, I fucking love SSARPBC, but then it came to Plus anyways.

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But wouldn't you need BS+ to play the game online anyway?

Never played it online anyways. I did a little bit of split screen but I prefer bots than strangers anyway. Bots won't randomly quit on me 3 seconds before a game ends because they're behind.

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