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Star Wars Rogue One trailer


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I don't like the way they portray the main character here. She has like a straight face throughout the whole trailer, and in TFA trailers you see Rey make all sorts of facial expression. 


Hopefully there's more depth to the character though, definitely going to see this one regardless.

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I really liked that except for that siren noise? Ruined that whole section of trailer. Pretty stoked on that though. I guess now we get star wars movies yearly

it sounds like an elephant getting fondled  

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I really liked that except for that siren noise? Ruined that whole section of trailer. Pretty stoked on that though. I guess now we get star wars movies yearly


Thought it was just me - it annoyed the hell out of me.


Aside from Jones' acting, one gripe that's going to bother me is the fact that we have to take Stormtroopers as a liable threat now, as goofy and outrageous as they are. What's also disappointing is how it's essentially a ragtag group of members taking on the empire. I probably shouldn't let me personal opinion get in the way but why couldn't we have a special forces team do the job? This whole movie screams YA to me with the rebel girl who takes on a mission that bigger than her  :rolleyes: Why couldn't we have something like Star Wars 1313? Something that's not related to the main trilogy all too much and actually produces some fresh story telling. 


And I'm not sure why a majority of people are giving Star Wars a pass for yearly installments  :facepalm:


inb4 "It's Star Wars and there's plenty of room for more story"  <_<


EDIT: Is it me or does this film look considerably cheaper than E7?

Edited by Paul Walker
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I like the main character, mainly because she seems like she can't believe how full of shit everyone around her is but she's trying hard (and failing) to not let that fact show on her face. I like heroes who are problem children. Wide-eyed farmboys/girls get tiring after awhile.


For me at least it really captures the feel of ANH. Or maybe it's just my nostalgia kicking in. Oh well I'm pretty excited for it.


That's probably because Rogue One is the story about how the plans for the Death Star got into the hands of the Rebel Alliance in the first place.

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Think it'll end up with a completely different outlook on the whole Star Wars franchise. I kinda liked the trailer and it doesn't give us a story based on the MAJOR characters in the Star Wars universe, more of a close quarters gritty feel.

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To me it doesn't have the Star Wars feel because it's a spin-off and there is no recognizable characters. It could be alright and I'm deffinately going to watch it though.


For me personally, this feels more like a traditional Star Wars film than TFA, simply because the saga wasn't solely about the Force when it first began.


I think Rogue One has the opportunity to take said saga back to its roots and deliver a truly memorable film; the trailer alone has got me pumped for the future of this franchise after Abrams' folly.

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In her defense, Felicity Jones is an actress, not a screenwriter.


Watch "The Theory of Everything" and then get back to me.

What does not being a screenwriter have to do with delivering a line like a robot? A teaser trailer is supposed to tease you to watch the movie. I saw someone playing "Hollywood Tough Girl" and she came across as very robotic. I am assuming she is actually a droid in disguise and that will be the big twist.


If she was good in another film...then great...but this teaser made me hate the main character and that is the opposite of what a trailer is supposed to do.

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In her defense, Felicity Jones is an actress, not a screenwriter.


Watch "The Theory of Everything" and then get back to me.


I agree 100%.  She was great in that movie, but the first movie I saw her in was Like Crazy, and she was brilliant.  I'm stoked for this partially because of her (but of course mostly because I grew up with the original Star Wars movies).  I'd love to see this connected on a greater scale to IV and the main cast of characters.  I still need to see VII, didn't get around to it in theatres, but will be borrowing a friends bluray copy next week.  One of the reasons I love comic book movies is cause they all have tie-ins and seem to flow together, so I would be pretty stoked to see some references to the original trilogy and the new trilogy in this one (still forgetting about that partial abortion of Lucas' that he gave up on midway through which has been half dangling between legs for the past 10 years).

Edited by Matto_lsi
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What does not being a screenwriter have to do with delivering a line like a robot? A teaser trailer is supposed to tease you to watch the movie. I saw someone playing "Hollywood Tough Girl" and she came across as very robotic. I am assuming she is actually a droid in disguise and that will be the big twist.


If she was good in another film...then great...but this teaser made me hate the main character and that is the opposite of what a trailer is supposed to do.


Engaging in such hyperbole really serves no purpose (a teaser isn't going to make you hate an actor, and if it does, then I suppose that says more about you as a person than it does about their range). Teaser trailers serve to entice the masses to view the film in question; this particular one has pulled me in, and if it hasn't you, then hopefully the trailers that follow do.


We don't know the context of the scene in question or why Jones' character said what she did, i.e. whether it was meant to be deadpan to mock another character offscreen, etc. To unpack my initial reply a bit, I intended to say Jones has to work with what she's given, meaning if a screenwriter has a particular scene written in such a way that an actor is forced to deliver a line you and others deem stupid, then they're pretty much fucked in that it's literally impossible to make a ridiculous line sound amazing (unless, of course, you're Christopher Walken detailing the events that led to you receiving your father's watch despite him being held as a POW):




At the end of the day this is an ensemble film boasting incredible talent, replete with an Oscar nominee (Jones) and a winner to boot (Whitaker). Let's not forget the fantastic Donnie Yen, Mads "I'll eat your face" Mikkelson, Alan Tudyk and Ben flipping Mendelsohn.


Honestly, Felicity can't do any worse than Ford did in TFA (you know what scene I'm talking about), and I say this as a big fan of his.

Edited by TheLakota
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I apologize. I thought this was a forum board where people can have different opinions. I personally think she sounded and acted wooden and robotic...that has nothing to do with the lines she was given. If you think this enticed you, great, I didn't.


Also the lines in a script have nothing to do with what goes on in a film. Ring Lardner won the Oscar for best Adapted Screenplay for MASH and barely any of the original script made it into the film as the actors improvised most of the dialog. Actors change up the dialog and script all the time, Dustin Hoffman used to cross out all acting directions in a script because he was going to do the role his way (one of most famous lines "I'm Walking Here" was completely improvised). Robin Williams used to improvise almost everything and the directors would have to work around what he was doing. In Godfather 2 they purposely didn't tell an actor that the door was locked because they wanted his real reaction when trying to leave the room after angering Vito. So in other words...if you are good at what you do then you can make it work.


Final thing, Oscars don't mean shit. I mean I just pointed out how someone won an Oscar for a script that didn't even make it into the final film. Sandra Bullock and Jamie Fox are both Oscar winners...enough said. I like Forest Whitaker (check out Ghost Dog) but it doesn't mean the movie will be good. I mean Episode 1 had several Oscar nominated actors in it (Samuel Jackson, Liam Neeson, Kiera Knightly, Natalie Portman) and it is regarded as a movie with terrible acting (although it isn't as bad as 2)

Edited by Dr_Mayus
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I apologize. I thought this was a forum board where people can have different opinions.


I wasn't aware I said you weren't allowed to have a different opinion; rather, I merely said engaging in hyperbole (saying a teaser trailer caused you to hate an actor/actress or their portrayal of a character) is a bit much. Calm your tits guy, I'm not attacking you.


Also the lines in a script have nothing to do with what goes on in a film.




If you'd just admitted you engaged in hyperbole in the first place we wouldn't have to be having this conversation. Now you've gone ahead and done it again by saying lines in a script have NOTHI--ugh, fuck it. You're right, I'm wrong.

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