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7/10 But that is because I have no idea of what are you using as a reference. Still, it kinda sounds unique.

Protip: It's not a reference at all, it's more or less my online persona name of made up syllables based on my own imaginationnnnnnn


Similarly, I got no idea what Ruliya is supposed to be, so I'm assuming it's supposed to be a similarly "unique" thing. And I likes it a lot, it has a certain... style to it? I'm not sure how to put it, exactly. Fantastic? Rural? Whatever, 9/10 :U


GATDURNIT NINJA. 5/10, too little self esteem and "alpha" is kinda generic anyway. HOW'S THAT FOR BEING TOO EASILY PLEASED!?

Edited by CediFonei
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Protip: It's not a reference at all, it's more or less my online persona name of made up syllables based on my own imaginationnnnnnn


Similarly, I got no idea what Ruliya is supposed to be, so I'm assuming it's supposed to be a similarly "unique" thing. And I likes it a lot, it has a certain... style to it? I'm not sure how to put it, exactly. Fantastic? Rural? Whatever, 9/10 :U


GATDURNIT NINJA. 5/10, too little self esteem and "alpha" is kinda generic anyway. HOW'S THAT FOR BEING TOO EASILY PLEASED!?


Too little self esteem huh? ;) 

You're not easily pleased but you're perhaps trying to hard not to be. :P 

6/10, not bad. 

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Well, calling yourself trash is one of the most low self-esteemy things I can think of. Granted, in my opinion, a 5/10 is still "meh", in between "OK" and "bad". Even if it's combining two words I'm not keen of in usernames, I feel like combining them both creates this ironic effect that makes it a little better :P


Ignore my post for the purposes of rating. Give AlphaTrash a second opinion :U

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