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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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I remember Faith actually reflecting in the glass windows and whatnot in the original... I should go back there and check...


Correct, that's why I can't get my mind around how EA screwed it up the second time


Game update:



Looked at the trophies to see what the devs wanted me to experience before putting the game down. DId the "walk slowly in the first mission" bit, god that was boring. Did the side missions, wouldn't have minded seeing more of those and less of those stupid collectables I'm not going to look at. Seriously, there's so many collectables in this game... Secret documents, audio tapes, secret bags, computer chips, hackable billboards, and then for some reason "data leaks" which are just yellow balls floating in the air for some reason. And that's not even counting the plethora of runs out there. I also did some of those special moves needed for trophies, which were fun for the most part but I didn't finish the last one because the controls were not responsive enough and Faith kept vault-slide-jump-wallclimb-turn-jumping while I needed her to be vault-slide-jump-wallclimb-turn-wallrun-turn-rolling.


Nothing what I did changes my opinion. It's a mediocre game, a bit better than the first one but EA didn't fix any of the mistakes in the first game and added some new ones. Main reasons why it's better is because it's a sandbox now which feels better for the game and they dropped the cartoon cutscenes and replaced them with actual cutscenes making me at least a wee bit invested in the story.



My wife occasionally games along but she can't control a camera to save her life so we only play LEGO and the occasional co-op 2D platformer. We actually did the first mission in this game a while ago but haven't touched it since. Did another level yesterday. Much of this game will be played one level at a time.


The story is a bit all over the place with this one. The intro level was the intro from Age Of Ultron, then the second level was the intro to the first Avengers film and it seems like the next few levels will be assembling the Avengers with stuff from their respective movies. Except for Hulk who just gets to be picked by Black Widow like in the movie since everybody's ignoring the Edward Norton film these days apparently.




Really enjoying the simplicity of Primal - kill mammoth, almost get killed by sabretooth, kill cannibal cavemen, kill wolves, kill cannibal cavemen who were killing wolves, befriend wolf, kill cannibal cavemen together with wolf. along with the nice graphics and animal AI and I think I have my game for the week.


This is one of those games for which I turn off my trophy notifications by the way because I do not want to be distracted.




Updated stats:


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)



Broken Age (continued on story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)




DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):





traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal



No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 12 games and 19 free games   -0

PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0

VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0

SNES 23 games                               -0









Edit: I've also been thinking about my three allowed games of the year I'm thinking about not just listing the first three VR games I buy there (if I even get VR, getting to experience it for the first time next month), but listing three big games I actually plan on buying. If I decide on something right at the start of VR, I'd still call that a cave-in.


I guess for now I'd say the three big games I actually plan on buying are Rise Of The Tomb Raider, Ace Combat, and Driveclub VR. That last one might still count as DLC for the original game though, since I have the original digitally and the digital version seems to work together with Bikes in one interface, VR will probably do the same.


As for smaller games: there's a list of things I'm looking at but nothing much is definite yet. I don't like it that Batman VR is priced at €20 while it seems to be an experience of an hour or two at best, and I might still not actually buy X-Wing VR but just get it for free with Battlefront, depending on how my trades go.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Ok, finely finished MK9 :) , but I feel kind of dead now.. I think in the end it was almost as painful to grind the fatalities and X-rays as it was to grind the 30k x2 kills on SO4...


And to relax, I decided to start a brand new game, that being Lost Dimension on the Vita.


And the weekly update..



Games Played (Games started that I plan to play or complete during the session time):

·         Currently playing:

Thief (PS3)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 12% Trophy complete, Chapter 1 complete.

→ 12th of July 2016 - 14% Trophy complete, Just got a random trophy and decided to play actively this game again.

→ 14th of July 2016 - 17% Trophy complete, Chapter 2 and events between Chapter 2 and 3 complete.

→ 30th of July 2016 - 27% Trophy complete, Currently on Chapter 5.

Kingdom Hearts Re:Chains of Memories - 87% Trophy complete, both playthroughs on easy done, need 4 more playthroughs

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 87% Trophy complete, both playthroughs on easy done, as well as most of the misc stuff, 4 more playthroughs to go as well as getting Riku to lvl99.

→ 10th of August 2016 - 90% Trophy complete, Got Riku to lvl99, missing the 2 Normal and Proud Playthroughs.

Resogun (PS3/PSV)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 67% Trophy complete, missing last level on Experienced and Veteran, clear a stage on Master, clear a full game without losing all lives and getting a 15x multiplyer

→ 10th of August 2016 - 67% Trophy complete, Started playing the game again. Trying to Co-op Veteran and 1CC trophies.

→ 12th of August 2016 - 79% Trophy complete, Got Experienced and Veteran complete trophies while playing Co-op.

Lost Dimension (Vita)

→ 22nd of August 2016 - 0% Trophy complete, Just started the game.

·         On and off or on hold:

Rocket League, no paid DLC :platinum:

→ 2nd of July 2016 - 66% Trophy Complete, Have the Platinum and all the Utopian Coliseum trophies, working on the Neo Tokyo trophy set, missing the 2 Certified Item related trophies.

→ 3rd of July 2016 - 68% Trophy Complete, Have the Platinum and Utopian Coliseum and Neo Tokyo trophy sets at 100%.

Race the Sun (PS3/PS4/Vita)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 19% Trophy complete, Only played a bit, and I’m level 11.

→ 11th of July 2016 - 47% Trophy complete, Got to max level (25) and got the Knight trophy (1.000.000 points) and Circus trophy (touch a cloud).

Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 11% Trophy complete, Story somewhere not far from the 1st heist. Online lvl5

→ 12th of July 2016 - 12% Trophy complete, Just played a bit of online. Now lvl6... and got a random trophy..

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker (PS3) - 58% Trophy complete, online trophies and Story finished

Bloodbourne, no DLC - 3% Trophy complete, killed 1st story boss..

Muramasa Rebirth, no DLC - 14% Trophy complete, finished story of 1 character

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Platinum gotten ages ago...

→ 30th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Some (a lot) online matches..

Blazblue Continuum Shift Extended


→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 82% Trophy complete, missing the trophy for unlocking all abyss stuff, 5 challenges for the trophy and 3 character specific trophies.

→ 16th of August 2016 - 82% Trophy complete, Just did 1 more challenge... 4 missing for the trophy :lol:

·         Games Complete (100%):

Ni no Kuni :platinum:

→ 1st of July 2016 - 2% Trophy complete, Currently heading out of the 2nd city.

→ 4th of July 2016 - 8% Trophy complete, Finished the events in Fairyland, along all available hunts and all, but 1 errand. 21 hours played according to in-game clock.

→ 6th of July 2016 - 13% Trophy complete, Story: Got 2 of the 3 stones for Mornstar, finished all available hunts and all errands except 1 (Show 3 Creatures to Derwin, currently evolving the last 4 needed). 95/100 Hidden Treasures, 93 Creatures Tamed (Including Dinoceros). 41 hours and 30 minutes played according to in-game clock.

→ 8th of July 2016 - 59% Trophy complete, Story Finished. Completed all hunts and all errands except 1 (Alchemy related errand). Got all Hidden Treasures and Treasure Chests, 139 Creatures Tamed and 90 different items created. Also got the trophies for getting 500.000 gilder, exploring all areas and buying all VIP stuff in the casino. 66 hours and 50 minutes played according to in-game clock (this includes some hours of idle time…).

→ 10th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete , Story Finished. 100% Tasks and Wizard Companion completion, 90% Creature Compendium complete, 91% Alchemy complete. Got all Hidden Treasures and Treasure Chests. And got the platinum.. 81 hours and 30 minutes played according to in-game clock (so about 80 hours removing some idle time, didn’t took as long as I was expecting to platinum, and the grind didn’t felt all that bad, only 10 or so hours of grinding for the alchemy trophy and then another 6 or so hours of grinding to get the 250 familiars).

Street Fighter x Tekken (PSV) :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 98% Trophy complete, Missing 16 missions.

→ 12th of July 2016 - 98% Trophy complete, Missing 4 missions (#4, 17, 19 and 20).

→ 14th of July 2016 - 98% Trophy complete, Missing 2 missions (#19 and 20).

→ 17th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Didn’t took note of the total playtime, but was around 40 hours, 20 of those after this event started.

Street Fighter x Tekken (PS3) :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 65% Trophy complete, Missing the grindy part plus 13 missions. Online: 300+ matches played and 50 wins gotten.

→ 12h of July 2016 - 84% Trophy complete, online boost working for 100 perfects, 100 wins and 500 matches played. Cleared most of the missions (missing #4, 17, 19 and 20).

→ 14th of July 2016 - 84% Trophy complete, Missing 2 missions (#19 and 20).

→ 16th of July 2016 - 84% Trophy complete, Missing 1 mission (#20).

→ 18th of July 2016 - 94% Trophy complete, all missions clear and some of the grindy trophies gotten, only missing the 300 Finishers and 500 Uses of Cross Arts and Cross Assaults.

→ 20th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Platinum in about 74 hours.

Natural Doctrine (Vita) :platinum:

→ 1st of July 2016 - 0% Trophy complete, Game started, online trophy boost.

→ 2nd of July 2016 - 43% Trophy complete, All online trophy acquired, 2 story dungeons clear.

→ 22nd of July 2016 - 71% Trophy complete, Somewhere around 9/10th of the story done, only trophies remaining are for story stuff (2 are from NG+ only) and the Super boss.

→ 24th of July 2016 - 95% Trophy complete, Story complete, got all trophies except the 2 NG+ ones, and started NG+.

→ 27th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, NG+ complete, Platinum, probably took around 40-45 hours.

Rainbow Moon (PS3/Vita) :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 32% Trophy complete, 30 hours into it, somewhere in the middle of the story.

→ 30th of July 2016 - 35% Trophy complete, 34 hours into it, some progress in the story made, I'm looking for the 2nd artifact if I'm not wrong..

→ 9th of July 2016 - 62% Trophy complete, 71 hours into it, at the 2nd battle of the final boss, currently grinding somewhere (ya, we are allowed to explore/grind and whatnot, between those final battles..)

→ 10th of July 2016 - 72% Trophy complete, 75 hours into it, at the start of the postgame.

→ 15th of July 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Got the platinum in 112 hours and 25 minutes.

ModNations Racers: Road Trip :platinum:

→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 68% Trophy complete, Online done, and 3 initial Tours won.

→ 15th of August 2016 - 73% Trophy complete, Tour 4 won and beat the developer times, clear the challenges and got the tokkens for the first 16 races.

→ 16th of August 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Got the platinum.. much easier than expected.

Mortal Kombat (PS3) :platinum:


→ Before 1st of July 2016 - 91% Trophy complete, Missing masteries for 16 characters.

→ 21st of August 2016 - 100% Trophy complete, Finely got the platinum.


Persona 5 (PS4)

Final Fantasy XV (PS4)

Tekken 7 (PS4)


Nothing so far.


Nothing so far

0/13.45 €

Backlog (Games not started yet for whatever reason, although it's mostly PS+ content)

Ar Tonelico 3 - Bought for no reason ages ago (along Atelier Rorona, check my trophies for the date..)

Batman Arkham Asylum - PS+

Batman Arkham City+DLC - PS+ and I bought the DLC..

Beyond Two Souls - To borrow from my brother..

Deadly Premonition: Director's Cut - PS+

Deception IV (PS3) - Bought it for no reason for PS3.. I tough it was the Vita version at the time :/

Dragon's Dogma - PS+

Dragon's Crown (Vita) - PS+

Dishonored GotY Edition (PS3) - To borrow from my brother..

Grand Theft Auto V (PS4) - To borrow from my brother.. (not likely that I will play it.. again)

Hitman Trilogy - bought long ago

I Am Alive - PS+

Kingdom Hearts II - Bought long ago, only played Birth by Sleep from this KH collection and I want to at least plat Chain of Memories before playing this one

Kingdoms of Amalur - PS+, no DLC

Mafia II - To borrow from my brother (unlikely..)

Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS3) - Bought, part of the MGS HD collection, never played much MGS, except for Peace Walker..

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zero (PS4) - PS+

Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines - PS+

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments - PS+

Sports Champions 2 - To borrow from my brother (unlikely..)

Styx: Master of Shadows - PS+

The Crew - To borrow from my brother..

Watchdogs + DLC (PS4) - To borrow from my brother

Anything that I find interesting from PS+ at any time or that my brother buys..


Changes for the 1st post:

Move Mortal Kombat 9 (PS3) from games played to games completed (got the platinum, and I forgot to add the platform of it before... also I think you can omit the 100% or platinum tag in the Games complete section, since I only move games to this section if they are at 100%, and if the platinum is available, then it's obviously included in the 100% too).

And Move Lost Dimension (PSV) from Backlog to Games played.

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This challenge is not a help for my wallet, really... i bought another dlc and for some hefty money this time xD

Bought 10 GBP to get the DLC for Sleeping Dogs... finally :D

I altered the prizes for the shown dlc in terms of money really spent... prior was the prize spent from psn wallet, but i have 20% discount in germany and 33% in USA so i spent only now shown money for real :) ... considering this i name all 10 GBP as 12€ for Sleeping Dogs, because these few pences i have left are leftovers for all eternity :P:D


I didn't finish any game in the last days, but changed the titles named as "currently playing" a bit to adjust it to the titles i played within last 2 days :D

To the contrary since i have a PS4 now i added more games to my trophy list and am above 2.000 unearned trophies again :( ... hope to reach 1.500 by the end of this year xD


I completed the Tower Pack in Metro: Last Light yesterday finally... i found a video walkthrough so i survived the 1st of 5 waves at least because i saw where you can hide  :)  i obtained 3 out of 4 missing trophies :) ... now only need one playthrough on Ranger Hardcore for final trophy :D


After getting all heist trophies in GTA 5 Online i am almost done with this part... only need 10 more levels for final mp trophy but as i am doing some more heists (or finales at least) this will come soon too...

Now next online part is Bioshock 2 most of the time... and i only need 10 level more there too :D



New Status


Currently Playing


Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3) - 40/59 (55%)

Metro Last Light (PS3) - 70/71 (93%)

Bioshock 2 - 45/69 (57%)


Games to be played next


Bioshock - 9/66 (10%)

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (PS3) - 16/56 (23%)

Crysis 3 - 52/61 (80%)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - 7/34 (13%)

Ether One - 1/13 (3%)


Games completed so far


:platinum: Dragon's Crown - 49/49

:platinum: Dante's Inferno - 55/55

:platinum:Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (Vita) - 56/56

:platinum:Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

Life is Strange - 12/61 (18%)


Probably buying


Virtue's Last Reward

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

Project Cars GOTY


Bought already


Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition + Bioshock Infinite 3€

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 6,20€


DLC bought already


Playstaton All-Stars Battle Royal - Fearless 1,59€

Outlast - The Whistleblower 3,27€

Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake + Nightmare in North Point 12,08€

Edited by Evil_Joker88
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Like rabbits, I tells you...


My wife's friends are all off getting pregnant for the first or second time and they all shove their brats in her arms to try to get her to like kids. It's not working yet, mainly because damn their kids can be annoying. At our first date she actually said that I shouldn't expect children ever, and I was like "sure, whatever". At the moment, she's  starting to go "maybe, two or three years down the line", and I'm like "sure, whatever". We're around 30, by the way.


But congrats SFSG, on another mouth to feed :)




P.S. and O.T.: my stats from two days ago are still the most up to date ones. I played a wee bit of Far Cry Primal but I'm mostly off doing non-gaming hobbies these past two days. Today probably as well, though I might have more news in the trade department this evening, considering Catalyst.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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I found out the other day my girlfriend is pregnant again, yo. 

Good luck with your kids, when they get older they're gonna be a lot harder to manage.


Like rabbits, I tells you...


My wife's friends are all off getting pregnant for the first or second time and they all shove their brats in her arms to try to get her to like kids. It's not working yet, mainly because damn their kids can be annoying. At our first date she actually said that I shouldn't expect children ever, and I was like "sure, whatever". At the moment, she's  starting to go "maybe, two or three years down the line", and I'm like "sure, whatever". We're around 30, by the way.

Wise decision. :P

I have two 9 year old brothers running around the house and they are literally demons. I don't know if it's due to their upbringing but they and their friends made me hate children. They are constantly causing our parents grief and creating tons of work for me. They have a friend who constantly hurts and kills animals, basically anything that he sees and that's smaller than him and I don't even know what my brothers are up to if they're hanging around with guys like him.

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My wife's friends are all off getting pregnant for the first or second time and they all shove their brats in her arms to try to get her to like kids. It's not working yet, mainly because damn their kids can be annoying. At our first date she actually said that I shouldn't expect children ever, and I was like "sure, whatever". At the moment, she's  starting to go "maybe, two or three years down the line", and I'm like "sure, whatever". We're around 30, by the way.


Toddlers are the worst. You can't reason with them, you can't bear their squeals, and everyone around you expects to like them for some strange reason. 

Sure, when they'll start to grow up and get points to their Intelligence stat, it'll slowly start to become worth it, but it depends on the child, really.

Kids are serious buisiness, so it's a wise decision to wait until you ready and actually want them. Doing it "just because that's how it supposed to be" or giving in under the pressure of "friends" is not.


I have two 9 year old brothers running around the house and they are literally demons. I don't know if it's due to their upbringing but they and their friends made me hate children. They are constantly causing our parents grief and creating tons of work for me. 


I don't like kids. For some strange, uncomprehensible reason, kids really like me. I have a lot of little cousins and nephews\nieces, and all of them insist on being near me when they visit. The most annoying, spoiled, hyperactive brat of them all started to treat me like a role model... despite the fact that I never played with them, showed them visible affection, or... well, did all these things you normally do for the kids.

Sometimes I just want to say "Why do you keep doing this? I'm the worst person to be around, the type most sensible parents would want to keep their kids away from, so they wouldn't pollute their minds with violence or something."

I actually asked this question to my oldest niece (who was 10 at that time), and she said something along the lines of "You walk strange, you talk strange, you do strange things. You treat me differently, and you are really weird... but I don't care what everyone says, I still love you."

Can somebody fluent in the kid-speak translate for me? Am I so popular with them for treating them like people and not little mindless human-spawns that are bent on creating misery and need to be constantly watched?

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If anyone feels like stabbing their backlog some more than they are already doing, I joined this event:




It's for completing 5-10 PS+ games you haven't started yet from the first of september to the end of the year. Should work well alongside this event.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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Sorry that I've yet again fallen behind on the updates, but this time I at least have an excuse other than laziness / time constraints, namely,


I found out the other day my girlfriend is pregnant again, yo. 


I am TEMPTED to comment but that would just cause a debate that belongs in the non-gaming forum, so congrats on being a daddy (again). :D


I'd participate but I'm already below budget because I spent money on Pokemon Omega Ruby. Yeah, I play Pokemon and that's why I am behind on my backlog. I love Pokemon, deal with it.

Edited by DetectiveCJ
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I am TEMPTED to comment but that would just cause a debate that belongs in the non-gaming forum, so congrats on being a daddy (again). :D


I'd participate but I'm already below budget because I spent money on Pokemon Omega Ruby. Yeah, I play Pokemon and that's why I am behind on my backlog. I love Pokemon, deal with it.


  1. That debate has been caused, gone on for a short fun while and died already.
  2. I don't think anybody on this site will make fun of someone who likes Pokémon.

Few people have stopped to think about this but have you ever thought about how long Pokémon has been around? The first game entered the US/EU marked in 1998/1999. That means that many children who played and loved that first game are in their mid-thirties now. Yeah, let that sink in for a while.


Also, The Lion King came out 22 years ago. Feck.

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Few people have stopped to think about this but have you ever thought about how long Pokémon has been around? The first game entered the US/EU marked in 1998/1999. That means that many children who played and loved that first game are in their mid-thirties now. Yeah, let that sink in for a while.

Also, The Lion King came out 22 years ago. Feck.




Such is life.

The games are still considered to be a "kids thing", yet a big chunk of gamers are anywhere between 30 to 40. And the "gamer age" stat will continue to get older and older, because gaming isn't something that you can just up and leave behind. Games burrow their way into your heart and stay there forever. Leaving them behind means tearing a part of yourself and throwing it away.

And these gamers will pass their passion for the medium to their kids, increasing the amount of the gaming populace even further and further...

Someday everyone will play games. Everyone will be assimilated into the geekdom.

Edited by NetEntity
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Such is life.

The games are still considered to be a "kids thing", yet a big chunk of gamers are anywhere between 30 to 40. And the "gamer age" stat will continue to get older and older, because gaming isn't something that you can just up and leave behind. Games burrow their way into your heart and stay there forever. Leaving them behind means tearing a part of yourself and throwing it away.

And these gamers will pass their passion for the medium to their kids, increasing the amount of the gaming populace even further and further...

Someday everyone will play games. Everyone will be assimilated into the geekdom.


I wanted to use the comic below but even that is already five years old. How's THAT for making you feel old. Just add 5 to all the people and movie ages.



Also, yeah gaming is definitely less of a kid's thing. One of my aunts was surprised a few weeks ago when I said I was on my PlayStation, she asked if it wasn't a kid's thing any more. I reminded her that I was a kid when I started with the SNES, I just never stopped, and with me many others.



Sorry that I've yet again fallen behind on the updates, [...] I'll try to update you guys whenever I get a chance tonight or tomorrow


Quoting you so hopefully you'll see this post before you update me and I've made you do an outdated one yet again :)


Once more: I hope you'll try to just paste over everything of me instead of adding the new bits,  because I fixed the double spoiler error and the white line error a few updates ago but they're still in the main post.


Updated stats:


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)



Broken Age (continued on story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)




DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):





traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal



No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 12 games and 19 free games   -0

PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0

VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0

SNES 23 games                               -0







So, no news on the gaming front: still playing only a little, still only Primal, still the same opinion about it, but I traded on Catalyst today. Traded it for Star Wars Battlefront and Assassin's Creed Unity, and this is where I deviate from my modus operandi. I usually trade on for new games I haven't played yet but I've already played Unity and I have no intention of playing Battlefront. I just wanted to do something good for my backlog with trading so I decided to look for games I already (partly) played. Now I only need to re-find Watch Dogs and Dragon Age and I think I'll have enough to get me through the year.


Mirror's Edge Catalyst: As said before it's not a bad game but I can see its worth going down pretty soon, I did not want to hold on to it if I could get something good out of it.


Star Wars Battlefront: Just got this so I can get the X-Wing VR Mission. If that ends up just being €5 or less I might still just go ahead and buy it, but I had the option to get Battlefront now so I figured why not. Its value will probably remain the same over the next two months so if I decide on buying X-Wing Mission then I'll just trade this on again.


Unity: Already played through it at launch. I traded it in at the game shop soon after while it was still worth a damn, but I always had the intention to some day re-get it because I want to have all the Creeds. Had it for a short while and platinumed the main game during that time but someone asked for it and was willing to part with a game I wanted more at that time. It's now only €15 (I think I traded it in for €30 or something) but hey, getting it for free as part of a trade works for me. I'm now only missing Syndicate but with so many Creed games in my possession, I have enough to play and wait it out. And the Ezio trilogy might be released remastered as well... So I think I'll finally play the Dead Kings DLC this week. Even when I'm done with that, Unity will not be leaving my physical collection any more (unless it gets remastered for PS5).


Also: *gasp* new discounts! Must... resist...

GTA TRILOGY!!! must.... resist....

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Yeah, I think I'm gonna pass on PS+ now...

Just like the last time, I refuse to click on a video that looks like a homeless person is going to try to tell me what to think while yelling.

Also, it's weird that 83 cents a month is causing such a commotion. What makes it extra bizarre is that with this increase for NA, they're finally paying as much as EU has been paying for years.

It's 83 cents a month. The PS+ price hasn't increased for years while everything else is getting more expensive but suddenly now 83 cents a month is too much. And that while, when you started to pay this amount, you were getting only four games a month instead of six.

P.S. I don't know how I feel about that discussion spilling over into other threads.

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I found out the other day my girlfriend is pregnant again, yo. 

Congratulations!! :)


I'd participate but I'm already below budget because I spent money on Pokemon Omega Ruby. Yeah, I play Pokemon and that's why I am behind on my backlog. I love Pokemon, deal with it.

Aw, come on! That could just be one of three pick ups. Maybe this challenge will do you good to get you back on track with your backlog? :P



Anyways, no real update for me. Still steadily going along with No Man's Sky, just explored all three planets (and one moon) in my home star system. Been running into bugs lately:  sometimes there are waypoints underwater, and yet when I go there, there's nothing there... or my ship moves through air as though it were mud. I really do like the game, but it's been slowly losing its charm. Dx

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Also, it's weird that 83 cents a month is causing such a commotion. What makes it extra bizarre is that with this increase for NA, they're finally paying as much as EU has been paying for years.

It's 83 cents a month. The PS+ price hasn't increased for years while everything else is getting more expensive but suddenly now 83 cents a month is too much. And that while, when you started to pay this amount, you were getting only four games a month instead of six.

P.S. I don't know how I feel about that discussion spilling over into other threads.

The change is only for NA? I'm glad about that but I think I still won't get it despite it staying at 50€ in EU. The only thing I'd get out of it would be 4 random games every month and if I were to spend those 50€ on games I'd actually want to play I'd get more out of it. That kind of money is a lot for me, which is still one of the main reasons why I joined this challenge in the first place. :)


I think the main complaint about those 83 cents a month are that they are required for online play. Being used to PC gaming, I can understand the complaints, I mean I'm not into online gaming anyways but it would still suck to pay 50€ a year just for the privilege of playing online. No matter how many games they shove up your rear, that fact still remains and it's honestly something I can't understand.


Yeah, I only posted this video because I changed my mind and saw it pop up in my youtube feed. Don't know about any other discussions but I don't really follow everything on the PSNP forums, otherwise I'd probably never actually get to playing anything because keeping up with everything would take me so long. 

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