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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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Blah blah, Lego Avengers and DriveClub VR. And the whole copying of your stats thing. And "We're around 30 by the way"

I have a friend who doesn't play much but wants to get more trophies to rub it in the face of her friend who rubs it in her face that she's on level 7 (yes, someone is proud of being on level 7) so I did a few quickies for her the other day, with Lego Marvel, you know you can pop pretty well every single trophy for player 2 if player 1 has already done it in about 10 minutes, aside from the story missions? So basically her account now says she's activated the 100% fountain and played as all these characters and shit, but not beaten even mission one of the story. Lovely. And DriveClub, as you said, Bikes and the main game are linked in together weirdly well, I could see VR being put in the exact same thingy too. 


With your stats it's always been confusing. I copy it, the spoiler auto opens. I rewrite the whole fucking thing, the spoiler auto opens. I quote and dump into a spoiler, it auto opens AND looks like shit with the formatting. I actually always copy what you've written by the way, but I still had to keep it in the double spoilers. Until now. I don't know what you did, or what happened, or what, but it's working. The writing looks weirdly a little bit smaller than everyone else's so I might adjust it or something but I'm too scared because it's finally working right. Huzzah!


And I'm 20 in 2 days. When the first one hits 20, I won't even be 40 yet. This some young ass shit right here yo.



I would join this. But my backlog is non-existent, and Bioshock Collection and XCOM 2 are out next month! :D But I do have 80+ games I own on all my consoles I haven't played at all :/

Do it anyway, you get a crudely drawn trophy at the end of the event either way!



Oooops, i did it again :facepalm: ... another 4 games in my bag... damn you Humble Bundle :devil:


RE0 (PS4) and DMC HD Collection (PS3) added... trying to sell the other stuff to decrease amount of spent money xD

Nice. I saw that and was very tempted for the Resi remasters alone, since on more than a few occasions I'd nearly picked them both up when they were on sale for 15 or so EACH. Street Fighter 2 PS3 is legit dope too. Megaman would have been fun too I'd bet. There was a whole thing here about me explaining why I don't want to use a US account and why if they worked on Aussie accounts this would be a lot harder to resist, but then I remembered the money would be going to Humble Bundle and I wouldn't have to deal with the PSN US store not taking my card and now this is REALLY hard not to grab.



I am TEMPTED to comment but that would just cause a debate that belongs in the non-gaming forum, so congrats on being a daddy (again). :D


I'd participate but I'm already below budget because I spent money on Pokemon Omega Ruby. Yeah, I play Pokemon and that's why I am behind on my backlog. I love Pokemon, deal with it.

Just do it. I have no idea what debate you're referring to and this thread goes off topic a fair bit as it is anyways, mostly due to me though :)

Just do it, again. Just join. Why not? Also, I think that's the one I got the girlfriend. I know it's the orange one of those two. We were gonna go to the midnight launch of Sun and Moon too, but baby and whatnot so nope. 



Direct responses are out of the way now, awesome. First, thanks to everyone for the nice comments about baby 2, give it a few years and they'll both land themselves on here as well in all likelihood. Second, I've updated everyone I could see who needed updating, as always, I'm certain I've missed someone so throw your update up after this and quote me or something so I don't miss it, I know, I'm terrible. Third, I activated a trial of Xbox Gold the other day for some reason and so Beyond Good and Evil HD is now in my backlog as well, opinions, thoughts? Keen on next month of Xbox though, I'll be getting Forza Horizon and Mirror's Edge for keeps, I very nearly bought Horizon on disc for 6 bucks a few weeks back and this will keep me decently well into the competition. Also Assassin's Creed Chronicles China for Xbone is on that month so I'll be keen to FINALLY try out that one. All in all, pretty dope month, and there's also some other shitty game I don't care about, but anyway, that leads into the next point




I've said my story on this a billion times so I'll keep it brief, I sub'd to the service not long after finally moving out of the PS2 generation in late 2011. It was awesome. Shitloads of games for my PS3 AND PSP. I remember getting cool shit like the original Crash trilogy (which worked on both consoles and featured shit like cross saving, which I loved), Max Payne, Just Cause 2, Hitman Absolution, Asssassin's Creed 3, and countless AAA amazing games. It was incredible value and I championed the service hard, trying my best to shove it down everyone's throat. Then PS4 came along and made you need it for multiplayer. At first, the games were still decent, but at this point there's just about more chance that you will get some shit from 10 years ago than you will anything that's actually worth more than 10 bucks on it's own, and no, PSN prices don't count, I mean the actual value of the game, as in, if you can find it anywhere for 10 or less, or if you trade it in and they'll give you 10 or less, it's not worth more than 10 bucks. Anyway, tl;dr, PS+ has really gone down the shit chute lately. Look, in short


A few cents more isn't really enough to stop subbing to the service if you enjoy it, however, what those few cents more mean IS worth unsubbing for.


They put multiplayer behind a paywall.

They dropped the quality of the games substantially when they realized they had you by the balls by doing that to multiplayer.

Then, after getting you by the balls and making you their bitch, they decided to charge you more for the PRIVILEGE of doing what you can still do on last gen for free.


Look, I don't have the time to do a full thing on this, Billie is due to wake up soon, but to put it bluntly, not only are the games generally better on Games with Gold, not only is the multiplayer SUBSTANTIALLY better on Xbox Gold (that's coming from someone who always said PSN was just as good), not only is Xbox Gold cheaper, not only do ALL GWG games work on the latest platform so you don't lose anything by upgrading, not only do you get to actually OWN the 360 games from GWG every month (as in, you can play them when you're not on Xbox Gold anymore), but ignoring all that, I've seen people say that PS+ is worth it for the save game cloud alone. Well, guess what Xbox does for FREE for ALL members, Gold or not...they have a free UNLIMITED save game cloud for 360 AND Xbone, meaning your saves from last gen carry over to current gen too, where you can actually play a shitload of last gen games...without rebuying them.


In all honesty, here's the short version, you can go for whatever console you want, that's fine, you can do whatever, or you can be smart and play on anything and not have any stupid bias. Either way, Xbox Gold (and Xbox in general) is beating the shit out of PS+ and PlayStation at the moment. Don't believe me? Think about your last dealing with Sony support. Terrible, right? Odds are it was anyway. I've had to talk to Xbox support a few times lately, and guess what, I got through to a guy in a couple minutes, and EVERY time, they resolved my problem there and then, unlike Sony, who've on more than one occasion taken more than a month to change something on my account that they fucked up themselves anyway.


This is all coming from a lifelong hard core PlayStation fan who swore back at E3 2013 if he was so much as gifted an Xbox One he'd trade it in because of how much they fucked up there and then. They have come the fuck around so good, and it shames me so much to see my beloved PS+ fall even lower.


tl;dr Xbox is beating PlayStation ATM, fight me 1v1 irl scrub.

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So I bought the Humble Bundle Capcom PlayStation thing for you guys. Well, you guys and a friend.


Anyway, I'm gonna be throwing away most of the games on here except Resident Evil, Strider, and Megaman, so yeah. Those ones I'll be giving to someone for their birthday in a couple weeks and they love the Resi games.


So this is a gift AND a give away, so am I fine in terms of spending or?

Okay, so there's these guys on PS3


Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo HD Remix

Final Fight Double Impact

Lost Planet 3

Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix (fucking great fighter, I love it)

Okami HD

Remember Me


That is all, good day!

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Shortcutting at LEGO, stats, parental age, PS+


I know that's how you can do LEGO quickly (and do the levels once more while you're at it, in fast free play mode) but we're just playing together legit.


Have you tried looking at the raw code for the stats? They look fine now, except they're all in bold and with some unnecessary white lines. I have no problem with it if you do mine in the main post without any bold at all just like you're doing with the others, I'll keep doing my own posts with bold titles though because that's how I like looking at it. Posting my new stats at the bottom by the way but I have little doubt that I'll have posted more before you get to update them. I'll keep quoting you whenever I do new stats so you'll be able to find the most recent one quickly.


First kid before 20 is a bit young in my eyes, then again I posted that me and the missus are around 30 because that's the age that you're talking about getting kids if you don't have them already. To each their own, my wife has friends who are younger than us and already have a seven-year-old walking around.


PS+ is getting a touchy subject I think. People are throwing facts and opinions together all alike.

The facts are: PS+ hasn't been raised in price in years (if it ever has it was before I started on team PlayStation) even though everything else is getting more expensive. This price was around since the time when we only got four games a month instead of the six we get now.  Side facts: Now that NA goes from $50 to $60, they finally pay about as much as EU gamers have been paying for years (and still would have been paying less if the Euro's worth hadn't plummeted two years ago), and for me PS+ is still cheaper than Xbox Gold (PS+ is €50 to Xbox's €60).

My opinion is: PS+ is better than Xbox Gold, it was better two years ago and it is better now. Back then, Gold was only giving away titles I already owned and titles that were stupid. Right now, GOld is giving away some big AAA titles every month but it's still 4 instead of 6 games and it's still games that many gamers will have already. On the other end, for over two years now PS+ has delivered for me every month. There has literally been one single month in the last 27 where I didn't play and like at least one game from PS+, that was the month where I played Gone Home and didn't like it (it had been on my wish list though so glad I didn't have to pay for it), and it was the month of Echochrome which I like but already own. Every other month, I've played at least one game from PS+ and liked playing it, often it has been more than one and often it were games that I didn't know before and wouldn't have gotten myself. PS+ is making me expand my horizons. I don't mind getting the occasional big budget high profile game but I'd much rather get the fun unknowns.


 Giving a way shit


Yes, I multi-quoted you and then I paraphrased your arguments anyway. Because I can.


As awesome as it is that you're giving games away, I don't "get" it. You mean these games will be prizes at the end of the year, right? Or is your intention to give them out now?




Game update:




Still playing it, still enjoying it but I'm starting to get that feel, that feel that makes me quit any big sandbox game I start and play something else for a while, then forget about the big sandbox game. I'm doing Dead Kings now but I really want to get through a few big sandbox games this time around.




Started on the Dead Kings DLC. Got this for free back when the game was released because of the "glitches and bugs" which I personally did barely see anything of so yay for that. It got out after I had moved on however and I haven't played any of it until last april, when I did the first mission, got a bare few collectables, synched all four viewpoints and by then I wanted to play something else again because I had had enough of the game after doing all those treasure chests and accolades in the main game.


Yesterday, I started it again but I didn't really play anything except for the two multiplayer missions, which I wanted to get out of the way. I guess I'll do the story today, might do more but I might also be in the mood for some more Primal so we'll see when we get there.


Updated stats:


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)



Broken Age (continued on story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC (started)

(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24)




DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):





traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal



No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 12 games and 19 free games   -0

PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0

VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0

SNES 23 games                               -0






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Well, that is pretty great. And that kind of generosity should not be counted as a cave-in in my book but I don't know about the others' opinion. :P


I personally would like Okami HD the most since I have never heard of the other games before, well except street fighter but only because the franchise is so popular, I never played a streetfighter game before. :/

It's also pretty fitting since my own birthday is coming up next month. :P

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 Giving away shit

Well, that is pretty great. And that kind of generosity should not be counted as a cave-in in my book but I don't know about the others' opinion. :P


I personally would like Okami HD


Well, since he's not playing any of the games himself I don't think it counts as a cave-in.


If it's an 'ask for it' kind of give-away then I would love to have either Õkami or Remember Me, I have played neither but I have been tempted on both - just never got around to it, I guess.


I agree with Street Fighter II Turbo being awesome, already played it a lot on the SNES though so I'm not asking for a second copy :)


Wait, is this stuff region locked?

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Yeah, I play Pokemon and that's why I am behind on my backlog. I love Pokemon, deal with it.


That's ok, i do it too once in a while... and mostly 1st, 3rd or remake 1st edition :D ... and some of my friends are playing in a group of 5 ´people all around 30 too :)


comic on how old people consider themselves


Awesome and hilarious too xD<3


They put multiplayer behind a paywall.

They dropped the quality of the games substantially when they realized they had you by the balls by doing that to multiplayer.

Then, after getting you by the balls and making you their bitch, they decided to charge you more for the PRIVILEGE of doing what you can still do on last gen for free.


Xbox Gold is beating PlayStation Plus ATM


This! PS+ was giving me amazing games when i started using 4 years ago on ps3, but since ps4 is out we are paying to play the games i have and like on ps3 and vita... and on ps4 purely for mp... and as i am i trophy hunter and a completionist, i won't miss the chance in completing games with mp trophies :angry:


And in regard to Humble Bundle: yeah, knowing that you can pay with paypal or credit card made the decision much easier :D

And my best friend advised me today that i should be happier for this awesome deal instead of whining about having bought another game xD ... because even if i only consider RE0 for 15 USD it's still a good deal :)

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Yeah, I play Pokemon and that's why I am behind on my backlog. I love Pokemon, deal with it.



That's ok, i do it too once in a while... and mostly 1st, 3rd or remake 1st edition :D ... and some of my friends are playing in a group of 5 ´people all around 30 too :)



Awesome and hilarious too xD<3


I forgot to mention that in my first reply but yeah I have played Pokémon myself, though I tend to stick to earlier editions and their remakes. I didn't really need any Pokémon after 151. Really, a pig on a spring?


I didn't even intend to get into the series... In my early thirties now so I was around 15 when I first played I guess. I didn't even have a Gameboy, I didn't start on handheld until the Advance. My brother was playing Red and two of my nephews had gotten a Red and a Blue. Of course, I was the only one that actually knew some english so they kept going to me for advice, in the end they didn't even enjoy the game any more and I was playing on...



On the comic: forgot to mention the source but in case you don't know, it's XKCD. Can get a bit talky from time to time but many comics in that series are still gold.

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No Backlog but 80+ unplayed games? :huh:xD


Well pick up one game a month and start reducing your pile of shame :P:D


Well I consider a backlog; games on your trophy list that you haven't finished. In which case I guess I have the DJ Hero games but they are slowly ongoing :P

[i don't do DLC]

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Well I consider a backlog; games on your trophy list that you haven't finished. In which case I guess I have the DJ Hero games but they are slowly ongoing :P

[i don't do DLC]


Well i consider all games below 100% in my trophy list "my backlog" :D And i will complete some of them even with dlc trophies :D

Even though that will cost me quite a fortune xD ... but i am clever and look for Complete Editions or Season Passes to give away as few money as possible :D

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Well I consider a backlog; games on your trophy list that you haven't finished. In which case I guess I have the DJ Hero games but they are slowly ongoing :P

[i don't do DLC]

Backlog is anything you have bought/acquired but not played through (or 100%ed if you're a completionist). Can't cheat by not having them on your card, it's still a game you have bought without playing :)
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Backlog is anything you have bought/acquired but not played through (or 100%ed if you're a completionist). Can't cheat by not having them on your card, it's still a game you have bought without playing :)


If i take your word and look at all games at my disposal (bought directly or via ps+) and counting every game once regardless of trophy entries possible i have 160 games in my Playstation Backlog :(

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If i take your word and look at all games at my disposal (bought directly or via ps+) and counting every game once regardless of trophy entries possible i have 160 games in my Playstation Backlog :(

Well, that exactly is the reason why I separate "paid" backlog from "free" backlog:


Note that I count those games I trade as "paid". I still paid for those, I'd just have to calculate back to the first game I bought before I started trading. "Free" is PS+, gift from friend et cetera.

I also have a few rules regarding buying games in place for myself to prevent a large backlog from happening. It's a long story but I'm willing to share if you're interested. The most recent addition was joining this thread :)

But yeah, other than that: if you obtained it, it counts, except for PS+ games you have no interest in. Can't pretend those bought unplayed games don't exist...

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Okay, I give. I'll stop lurking and actually join, despite the late start, if I may...



Admittedly, most of that is bundle trash/freebies I'm never going to play.



Games Played:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth [PC]

Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves [PS3]

The Sims 3: Pets [PS3]


Games Beaten:



Games Completed (100%'d base):




1. Pokemon Sun or Moon [3DS]




DLC ($20):



Free stuff/PS+:

Great Secrets: Da Vinci [PC]

Normality [PC]

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And at the risk of derailing this thread any further... I had to comment on the topic and add my two cents. Sorry :(


Toddlers are the worst. You can't reason with them, you can't bear their squeals, and everyone around you expects to like them for some strange reason. 

Sure, when they'll start to grow up and get points to their Intelligence stat, it'll slowly start to become worth it, but it depends on the child, really.

Kids are serious buisiness, so it's a wise decision to wait until you ready and actually want them. Doing it "just because that's how it supposed to be" or giving in under the pressure of "friends" is not.


I don't like kids. For some strange, uncomprehensible reason, kids really like me. I have a lot of little cousins and nephews\nieces, and all of them insist on being near me when they visit. The most annoying, spoiled, hyperactive brat of them all started to treat me like a role model... despite the fact that I never played with them, showed them visible affection, or... well, did all these things you normally do for the kids.

Sometimes I just want to say "Why do you keep doing this? I'm the worst person to be around, the type most sensible parents would want to keep their kids away from, so they wouldn't pollute their minds with violence or something."

I actually asked this question to my oldest niece (who was 10 at that time), and she said something along the lines of "You walk strange, you talk strange, you do strange things. You treat me differently, and you are really weird... but I don't care what everyone says, I still love you."

Can somebody fluent in the kid-speak translate for me? Am I so popular with them for treating them like people and not little mindless human-spawns that are bent on creating misery and need to be constantly watched?


One of the reasons I shy away from the idea of having kids. Thank God that my parents aren't the kind of old people who whine "When are ye givin' me grandkids to keep on the family name?" (That and the duty of making my mom and dad grandparents was fulfilled by the older of my little sisters when she remarried. I think she might have gotten knocked up before they married but I'm not that crass to ask. :ninja:


If I asked my sister what she thought of M.J., my nephew under her, I am sure she'd probably say the kid was a handful, and he's just past four years old. But then again, we are getting so advanced in our intelligence we think that babies should pop out of the womb knowing three languages and Shakespeare. Leave them alone folks, until they're old enough to use the potty, they need to be watched like hawks. Remember, babies can remember how you treat them, and it'll come back to bite you in the @$$ when they're old enough to drink whiskey and have jobs. :pimp:


I prefer cats, but since I can't have a cat(due to my apartment policy stating I need to fork over $200 each month to house a dog or cat), I accept house-sitting my family's dogs(my other sister has two dogs, her steady has a wiener dog who has trouble using the backyard to go poop, and my parents have two dogs, one of them who is old and one who has an eyelid condition my dad refuses to fix due to it costing $$$).


Until Cinderella's fairy godmother(I won't accept anyone lesser, she's a grade-A professional), comes down from the sky and does her voodoo with the wand and "Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo!" to give me a huge windfall of money so we'd never have to hold a job for the rest of our lives, a nice house big enough to raise kids, and the perfect and unbendingly loyal woman as my wife(I choose my waifu Xion - she's really shy and could get into becoming a casual gamer for my sake :eyebrow:) who won't mind getting pregnant with a kid or two, I think I'll pass.


Okay, I'm not saying it's impossible for me to raise a family, it's just that I don't really the need to rush into romance, marriage and child-rearing. If more people thought like me, we'd have less of a population explosion leading to less bratty kids who grow up into spoiled adults that would fall to murder or worse to get what they wanted. (Sorry, just finished reading a mystery novel where the main character's old flame tried to murder his current flame.)


Sorry, I kept rambling. As I said, just my two cents. :blush:

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Gladly accept that statement :D

If it comes down to this i only have 30 games "paid" but not completed yet :D ... Wooooh... nice xD

I myself try to not buy games for a console when my paid backlog for that console has reached double digits. From my stats you can see that's not completely working but I'm close. Compare a year and a half ago, when just after getting a PS3 there was a flash sale and I had 40+ games in my PS3 paid backlog...

This arrangement is not only good for my wallet, but good for my gaming drive as well. Had 130+ games in my X360 paid backlog, mostly stupid stuff that I got on sales because I couldn't resist those prices. Didn't feel like doing anything in the end.

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I myself try to not buy games for a console when my paid backlog for that console has reached double digits. From my stats you can see that's not completely working but I'm close. Compare a year and a half ago, when just after getting a PS3 there was a flash sale and I had 40+ games in my PS3 paid backlog...

This arrangement is not only good for my wallet, but good for my gaming drive as well. Had 130+ games in my X360 paid backlog, mostly stupid stuff that I got on sales because I couldn't resist those prices. Didn't feel like doing anything in the end.


My thoughts exactly (as highlighted) :facepalm::D :D


At second look i noticed some free given games still in my number above... I have paid 15 PS3 but haven't played them and only 3 PS4 games so far... luckily xD ... but i fear that every day that passes the temptation rises higher and higher... today i saw RE Revelations 2 for ~16€... could increase my RE titles list further :huh:xD

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My thoughts exactly (as highlighted) :facepalm::D :D


At second look i noticed some free given games still in my number above... I have paid 15 PS3 but haven't played them and only 3 PS4 games so far... luckily xD ... but i fear that every day that passes the temptation rises higher and higher... today i saw RE Revelations 2 for ~16€... could increase my RE titles list further :huh:xD

Wait, was this the buy nothing event or buy as much as you can event? I'm confused.

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From my stats you can see that's not completely working but I'm close. Compare a year and a half ago, when just after getting a PS3 there was a flash sale and I had 40+ games in my PS3 paid backlog...


If I would load all trophy lists for my PS3\Vita backlog to my profile, my stats would've hit rock bottom. I shudder just thinking about it. The games currently displayed in my profile are just a fraction... 

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If I would load all trophy lists for my PS3\Vita backlog to my profile, my stats would've hit rock bottom. I shudder just thinking about it. The games currently displayed in my profile are just a fraction...

I have done such a trophy dive a couple of times already, those from the last time still have not fully exited my backlog...

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I noticed that my profile hasn't been updated on the OP so here it is again. I have added in Mafia 2 but I only have 1 trophy left which is the god awful 1000 miles driven in Jimmy's Vendetta. I have grown weary of The Last of Us due to the thought of like 6 playthroughs! I have popped 11 plats for plat rain day but I won't post all of them as they took about 5 minutes a piece.


Games played
Infamous: Second Son

Hunted: The Demons Forge

The Last of Us

Assassins Creed Syndicate

Mafia 2



GTA IV, The Lost and The Damned (already owned)

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I have grown weary of The Last of Us due to the thought of like 6 playthroughs!


6 walkthroughs? You can get all walktrough related trophies with 2 playthroughs :) ... one should be normal and the second can be either survival + or grounded + depending on dlc available or not. Then it probably needs half another one to get enough points for joel fully upgraded as well as his weapons. I have planned to do this when i'm closer too 100 plats because TLOU shall be my plat #100 :D



I think it's time for a status update since i bought some games and obtained some trophies :)


I proudly present Metro Last Light (PS3) on 100% finally <3 ... 4 trophies were missing...

This damn tower hindered me for half a year of this milestone... until 3 days ago i found a video walktrough and finally made it passed the 1st of 5 waves... it was the hardest to me :( ... doing the final walktrough on highest difficulty seemed like a walk in the park in comparison :facepalm: because i could sneak almost completely through <3


Also made good progress in Bioshock 2 mp only need 3 more levels and all mp trophies are earned :D ... but before going to SP i dive further into Bioshock :)


I added RE0 and DMC from the Humble Bundle Buy because i don't want to keep all other games/coupons and maybe i can get some money back; i offered all games on ebay and hopefully get a few € back...


New Status


Currently Playing


Grand Theft Auto 5 (PS3) - 40/59 (55%)

Bioshock 2 - 45/69 (57%)

Ether One - 1/13 --> 3/13 (3--> 15%)


Games to be played next


Bioshock - 9/66 (10%)

Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (PS3) - 16/56 (23%)

Crysis 3 - 52/61 (80%)

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - 7/34 (13%)

Fat Princess: Piece of Cake - 3/13 (15%)



Games completed so far


:platinum: Dante's Inferno - 55/55

:platinum: Dragon's Crown - 49/49 

:platinum: Metro Last Light (PS3) - 71/71 (100%)

:platinum:Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (Vita) - 56/56

:platinum:Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 89/89

Life is Strange - 12/61 (18%)


Probably buying


Virtue's Last Reward

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

Project Cars GOTY


Bought already


Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition + Bioshock Infinite 3€

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 6,20€

Resident Evil 0 HD (PS4) + DMC HD Collection (PS3) 13,47€


DLC bought already


Playstaton All-Stars Battle Royal - Fearless 1,59€

Outlast - The Whistleblower 3,27€

Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake + Nightmare in North Point 12,08€

Edited by Evil_Joker88
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Quick update:


I asked the Blizzard support for a few days of WoW gametime to check out the Legion pre-launch event. They actually granted me a whole week of playtime (the support of other companies that I've had to deal with would have blatantly shown me their finger at such a request, so props to Blizzard for that :D).

So I've been playing for 2 days and I've got pretty much exactly enough free time left to play until Legion launches. It's really fun and right now there's invasion events that reward incredible amounts of EXP, so I'll spend most of the next few days on leveling my abandoned alts. :P


As for the relevant stuff:

I've decided to change my allowed purchase of "World of Final Fantasy" to "World of Warcraft: Legion" (including 1 month of playtime so I can actually play it until I get enough ingame gold to play for free again). If everything goers like I planned I should still have enough money at the start of the next month to buy Legion and the additional month of playtime. That is unless the price on G2A gets bumped up after the pre-order phase ends. In that case I'll have to wait a month until my birthday comes around. T.T

Edited by xFalionx
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your stats

Unless I quote you again on this, my most recent stats can be found in this post. Are you getting annoyed by how often I'm posting updates yet? Because I can also wait with quoting until you say you're doing an update round again :)


Also, seeing as I'm probably going to do a fair amount of gaming this weekend, there's probably a few updates yet to come.




Game update:





Well, I only got myself to blame for this. Since playing Unity at launch, I've not only played Syndicate but I've also gained a PS3 wich means I replayed the Ezio trilogy, III and Rogue (I already had Black Flag again on PS4). This means that I can now see every mistake they made with the controls in Unity painfully clear. Laggy controls, moves that are either too responsive or not responsive enough, broken combat... The list goes on.


As free DLC, Dead Kings is mediocre. It does not really tell a compelling story, it adds another few annoying "riddles" in irritating places (surrounded by guards who hack and slash on sight), and the ending - while being cool because we finally get to wield an artifact of Eden again - is just trying to recreate the same moment from Brotherhood, and falls flat because it adds nothing while removing a few iconic bits of the mission from Brotherhood. On the ohter hand, as always Ubisoft creates a great setting, and it's still fun to have some extra Assassin's Creed to chew on while waiting for a new game. Also, they added a 100% trophy so people have to complete the murder mysteries and what not. I think it's annoying that so much content in many AC games goes unrewarded, every AC game should have a 100% completion trophy. So in the end, I'm glad I finally played this extra chapter.


On that note, anybody feel like doing the AC III MP with me? I feel like if I get that little bit churned out, I'd be motivated to complete the rest of the game.


I might do an updated stats thing tonight,I don't know yet what I'll play this evening but I wanted to write down my thoughts on Dead Kings right after finishing. I may go back to Primal but I might just do some more Assassin's Creed stuff, and save Primal for the weekend when I can game for a longer time.


Updated stats:


BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC

(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24, completed 2016/08/26)




Broken Age (continued on story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4, continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (tried to do remaining levels on hard)

(already played through the complete game but for the complete story trophy, you need alll missions on the same difficulty and I have done 6 on medium instead of hard. Game glitched at the end of the level I did on hard like it did so many times before so now I'm really done with trying, trophies are not worth such a bother)




DLC (AUD 20 out of 20 REMAINING):





traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal



No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE


BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 23 games



PS4 11 games and 19 free games   -1

PS3 10 games and 29 free games   -0

VITA 0 games and 10 free games    -0

SNES 23 games                               -0







Also, probable future buys:



Moto Racer 4, Ezio PS4 Trilogy (if the rumours are true), RIse Of The Tomb Raider



LEGO Marvel Avengers: season pass, Assassin's Creed Syndicate: Jack The Ripper

Edited by BillyHorrible
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