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Financial Year Backlog Challenge Thing

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The Spidey figure got delayed until after I'd beaten the game, sadly. I'll probably be keeping an eye out for a cheap copy of 3, though, and use him in that as much as it'll let me. Have to say, though, of the ones I've played (none on PS2), Amazing Spider-Man was probably my favorite. Really fun, wish the sequel hadn't added those ridiculous timed missions. Shattered Dimensions was great too, I just didn't want to deal with the speedruns...

I'll update your stuff in a bit when I do a big one later today some time, but


Ignoring the ones before the PS1 era (Maximum Carnage on SNES is pretty dope too though), here's what you want

Spidey 1 PS/64 - pretty dope

Spidey 2 PS - more of the same, still good

Spidey movie 1 PS2/XB/GC/PC - similar to above 2, but way more expanded, worth a few bucks

Spidey movie 2 PS2/XB/GC - you want this, get this, this is the shit, it's still literally the best


Ultimate PS2/Xbox/GC/PC - 10/10 if you like the cartoon one in Dimensions you will love this. It's beautiful, no Spider-Man 2, but damn close, and you can be Venom.

Spidey movie 3 PS3/360/PC/PSP - it's pretty okay but kind of undoes a lot of number 2 and is still worth a few bucks but not worth hunting down

Web of Shadows PS3/360/PC/Wii - pretty damn sweet, mixed reviews, most people have come around though, at the time it was gorgeous and the swinging was so good

Dimensions PS3/360/PC/Wii - Solid level based Spidey game ala the PS1 era

Edge of Time PS3/360/PC/Wii/3DS - IMO a better version of Dimensions with less clutter and better story, same gameplay

Amazing 1 PS3/360/Wii U/Vita/PC - average in comparison to Spidey 2, decent if others are taken out of equation

Amazing 2 PS3/PS4/PS3/360/PC - more of the first one, slight improvements here and there


Bonus round: Other versions

Spidey movie 1 GBA - solid platformer, nothing particularly great though

Spidey movie 2 GBA - solid platformer, with quasi 3D swinging segments that blow your 8 year old mind

Spidey movie 2 NDS - actually worse than GBA, big let down, not horrible, but let down

Spidey movie 2 PSP - level based game with controls like first movie game, no open world, still a fantastic portable Spidey though

Ultimate GBA - last time they did something new with the GBA, cartoon graphics and whatnot look nice on it, decent game, nothing special

Ultimate NDS - better version of GBA basically, get this instead

Spidey movie 3 PS2/Wii/PSP - open world last gen version, slightly different story and a few new things, as a portable it's pretty sweet, at home though, get PS3 gen

Spidey movie 3 GBA - eh, they'd clearly given up on GBA at this point, this is just the Ultimate engine with a new suit and whatnot. Not horrible though.

Spidey movie 3 NDS - improves on the DS version of number 2, "open world" segments here and there, all 2D though, not horrible, not great, worth a fiver though.

Web of Shadows NDS - 10/10 solid platformer, I loved this in the day on the R4, it's one of my fav DS games, well worth it if you can find it cheap

Web of Shadows PSP/PS2 - still a sidescroller like the DS, but entirely different levels and story, really short, looks nice, not horrible, worth a few bucks

Dimensions DS - more of the same with WoS but new suits to run around in. PRetty cool, nothing special, but pretty cool.

Edge of Time DS - The DS is really showing it's age here, same as before, but this time you can get a perfect port on the 3DS so get that instead

Amazing 1 3DS/Wii - same story, same everything as the console version, just no open world. I prefer this tbh, as the open world underwhelmed the shit out of me in Amazing 1.

Amazing 1 Android/iOS - actually not half bad. Smaller map and less levels (in it's completely different storyline) but as a phone game it's open world is sweet.

Amazing 2 3DS - whole different game, back to lazy sidescrollers instead of great ported versions, not worth it. I clocked it in like 2 hours and never went back.

Amazing 2 Android/iOS - same story as the first, but with a lot of fixes and prettier graphics. Well worth the price, especially if you see it on sale.


That's all the ones I can remember, there was also Ultimate Spider-Man: Total Mayhem or Total Destruction or something for phones which was pretty cool, and Battle for New York on DS which was basically another retooling of their Ultimate engine into a lesser game, both are worth a couple bucks though.


In summary


. Buy Spidey 2 on your console of choice.

. Throw Amazing 2 on your phone if you want a portable fix, because Amazing 1's Vita port isn't the best.

. The 3DS ports of Edge of Time and Amazing 1 are really good and they're 10/10 worth grabbing if you have a 3DS.

. Play the rest of the games whenever the fuck you want and don't listen to what some other asshole on the internet says about them.

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My Vita came today.


Currently copying stuff over from the PS3, I forgot how fucking slow this is. Ugh. Why didn't I just put my PS TV's memory card in you ask? Well, the guy was nice enough to include his 32GB memory card without any warning, so that was a sweet surprise, what a champion right?


Anyway, it's thrown a spanner in my plan though, I intended on using my 32GB in my Vita, leaving the new 16GB in the girlfriend's Vita, and then sticking her old 8GB into the PS TV. Now we have an 8GB card with nothing to do with. I'd put it on here as a give away but postage wouldn't be worth it, it'd be cheaper to just buy a new one. But the 32GB ones still fetch a pretty penny, so I'm pretty stoked on that to be honest. Gonna be fun trying to copy saves and whatnot without the almighty PS+ cloud save system, if only they kept the PSP style of save files, willy nilly copy them where ever the fuck you want with no care required, sure there's trophies and stuff nowadays but I couldn't care less about them, block trophies all you want, just let me continue my progress pls.


Anyway, that's my Vita, and hopefully Caitlyn's will come in the mail in the coming days, gotta have them portable Resogun matches again. Good shit.

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Okay, I need to update a few things.


Move from Current Progress to Games Crossed From Backlog:

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (PS3) [FINALLY]

Sound Shapes (PSV) 


Add to Current Progress:

The Guided Fate Paradox (PS3)

Freedom Wars (PSV)

Little Big Planet (PSV)

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Game Update




Decided yesterday that it would be a cool idea to use F-Zero to get me back into gaming. Hadn't played on a console for almost three weeks now.


I played through all three leagues, so I immediately played through the whole game as well.


Wow, this has been fun. I really liked playing F-Zero again. For a whole lot of years, F-Zero and Mario Kart were the only racing franchises I really played (on the N64 they were joined by Star Wars Episode I Racer and Rush 2). I really needed something as simple and basic as this to get me going again.


I drove with Pico in the Wild Goose, for those who want to know. He has always been my favourite, even if his character artwork for the N64 and GC were atrocious.


It's funny to see how much I remember from the tracks... Go across that electrified bit to cut off a bit of track, go across that braking part to miss the mines easily...




AC III was the game that got me back to playing PlayStation after my little break from gaming. I had planned to do the multiplayer with SyIaris and ratchet2425 a while ago and so we did... As of this writing, I have just obtained the final multiplayer trophy in the game (first time ever I obtain all multiplayer trophies/achievements in an AC game), so now thanks to Ezio re-releasing without MP the only thing I have to do is the Black Flag grind.


As said before, I bought the season pass on sale for the story DLC. I did part one of Tyranny today, and I'm finding it pretty mediocre, not only is it not real history (even in the AC timeline) but it also has uninspired missions. Worst thing that has happened to me: the game presents the line "Respect the power of the tea" while trying to sound serious, and I cannot unhear that.

BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016

Ratchet&Clank (played through story)
(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)
DOOM (continued and finished story)
(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)
Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)
(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (played through story)
(obtained on 2016/4/23, played first sequence on 2016/5/2, restarted on 2016/8/27, finished story on 2016/8/28)
Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (played through story)
(obtained on 2016/4/23, started on 2016/8/28, finished story on 2016/8/29)
Broken Age (played through story)
(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4 (finished Vella's part of Act 1), continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, returned and finished on 2016/8/29)
Donkey Kong Country (played through Gorrilla Glacier, Kremkroc Industries Inc., Chimp Caverns and Gang-Plank Galleon)
(played through this game a bunch of times before. Started on game again in the months before the event, played the first three worlds. 2016/9/1 - 2016/9/3 played through the rest)
Journey (played through story)
(PS+ September 2016, played through story 2016/9/12)

Amnesia (played through one world once)

(PS+ September 2016, started 2016/9/15, finished story for the first time 2016/9/18)

F-Zero (played through all three leagues)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Played through the whole game again on 2016/10/3)
No Man's Sky
(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)
Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC
(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24, completed 2016/8/26)
MouseCraft (finished remainder of game)
(PS+ July 2015, started as part of Hemiak's pro-reducing-backlog anti-completion event July 2016, finished 2016/9/2)
The Swapper
(PS+ January 2015, played from start to finish 2016/9/3)
(PS+ September 2016, played from start to finish 2016/9/11)

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)
(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)
Far Cry Primal (started)
(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19)
LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)
(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)
(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)
Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (tried to do remaining levels on hard)
(already played through the complete game but for the complete story trophy, you need alll missions on the same difficulty and I have done 6 on medium instead of hard. Game glitched at the end of the level I did on hard like it did so many times before so now I'm really done with trying, trophies are not worth such a bother)
Tomb Raider: Underworld (continued on story)
(obtained on 2016/5/22 as part of the trilogy, started on 2016/5/28, last played before event 2016/6/1, played a bit 2016/8/30)
Shütshimi (tried to get through the game again)
(PS+ April 2016, played from 2016/6/6 to 2016/6/13, played a bit again 2016/8/30)
Super Mario Kart (played through all 50cc cups and the first two 100cc cups)
(completed this game so many times during my youth I lost count. 2016/8/30 (50cc cups), 2016/08/31 (100cc Mushroom and Flower cups))
Super Mario Bros. (tried to get further in world 7)
(completed this game a bunch of times before. Played world 1-6 before the event, decided to go the hard route and did not use a warp pipe. Played 2016/9/3)

Assassin's Creed III: (post-story freeroam stuff, multiplayer, DLC)
(played on X360 on release in 2012, played on PS3 in April 2015, story long since finished, not part of official backlog but I did buy the DLC recently)


Rise Of The Tomb Raider (pre-ordered by trading in games)

DLC (AUD 20,61 spent out of AUD 20 allowance):

LEGO Marvel's Avengers Season Pass (sale for €5,99 from €9,99, current AUD translation of €5,99 is AUD 8,83)

Assassin's Creed III Season Pass (On sale for €7,99 from €29,99, current AUD translation of €7,99 is AUD 11,78)


traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity
traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3
traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal

No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, completely bought by trading in other games)
South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE
Horizon Zero Dawn CE

BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01
PS4 12 games and 19 free games
PS3 10 games and 29 free games
VITA 0 games and 10 free games
SNES 22 games

PS4 9 games and 18 free games   -4
PS3 10 games and 31 free games +2
VITA 0 games and 12 free games  +2
SNES 20 games                             -2

€13,98 or AUD 20,61

  • DLC: AUD 20 allowed with an overflow of AUD 0,61
  • additionally, spent €25 on PSN store credit, also had a few euros left on there before the event
  • of the expenses listed above, €13,98 was PSN store credit


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Thanks.  I have a few pre-orders already so those will make up one of my lists.


Games Played


Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy - PS3 - 30%

Rayman Origins - PS3 - 1%

Batman Arkham City - PS3 - 23% 




Tomb Raider - The Rise of the Tomb Raider

Final Fantasy VII Remake






I was doing well at this until E3 happened and now I have pre-rdered a few games.


Games Played

Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy - PS3 - 30%

Raymans Origins - PS3 - 5%

Batman Arkham City - PS3 - 23%

Jurassic Park: The Depths - PS3 - 66%

Jurassic Park: The Survivors - PS3 - 80%

Dead Island - PS3 - 0%

Mass Effect - PS3 - 4%

Grand Ages Medieval - PS4 - 84%

Fallout 4 - PS4 - 32%

Assassin's Creed Syndicate - PS4 - 43%

Fahrenheit - PS4 - 0%

Sherlock Holmes The Devils Daughter - PS4 - 15%

The Unfinished Swan - PS4 - 61%

Gone Home - PS4 - 57%

Prison Architect - PS4 - 48%





Tomb Raider - The Rise of the Tomb Raider

Final Fantasy VII Remake



Mafia 3

Final Fantasy XV

Almost Human: Detroit

Crash Bandicoot

Mass Effect Andromeda

God of War 4



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Mafia 3

Final Fantasy XV

Almost Human: Detroit

Crash Bandicoot

Mass Effect Andromeda

God of War 4

Well, looks like someone's taken the lead in the race to most cave ins. Lucky for you when I eventually get around to putting up the categories for prizes and shit, there was always gonna be something relating to buying too much stuff.






If you don't care about it, just move on.


Anyway, Modern Warfare Remastered. It's (for now at least) exclusive to the expensiver(er) editions of Infinite Warfare. People, including me, were scared that the game would only function with Infinite Warfare's disc in, then they said it was standalone and people rejoiced, then last minute they went back on that and said you'd need the disc in, despite the game being a full 40GB download on it's own. I believed it could be on it's own entirely, only because of the 30 days early access deal they had, I mean, how can you put in Infinite Warfare's disc, if the disc isn't even printed yet? But lo and behold, almighty Activision managed it, you know on your PS+ games when it says 25 days remaining or however much time your sub has left remaining? Same deal, this game is gonna stop opening for me in just over 24 days. When that time comes, I'm assuming people will have to either redownload the entire game, or maybe putting the disc in will magically reunlock it, it will be interesting to see.


Either way, you don't need a month to plat it.


Now I'm in a fun situation, at first, I was gonna be like everyone else, grab Infinite Warfare, get Modern Warfare, ditch Infinite Warfare. I was gonna use the code and return the game like the asshole I am and be done with it. Activision, seeing the obvious, did what they could to stop people from doing that. The 30 day early access code though, was given to me on a receipt at the time of preorder, which then had to be put into Activision's website, which would then produce another code to put in the PSN. Worked fine, downloaded the game, all was sweet. Next day I get an email from EB Games with another download code for Modern Warfare, and I gave that away like a good little boy. See the fun part of this situation? Activision tried to get people to buy their new CoD by locking away the old CoD people want in it, and instead of giving in, I gave them the finger, and they gave me two copies of the good game. Although since it's basically just a month long rental if you don't get the Infinite Warfare disc, I doubt they care too much.


And that's just it, you won't need even a month for it. Sure, the multiplayer is the good part, and that's the part you want, and you don't get that now, and I'll probably dive back in when they release it on it's own for a reasonable price, but without the multiplayer, Modern Warfare's campaign is still just as good (or bad, depending on your thoughts on it) as it ever was, but even with that, it's not huge. I played it on veteran difficulty, slowly, and even skipped a day entirely, and the plat was done in 3 days. The day in the middle I didn't even turn the PlayStation on, so it's a quick and easy plat no doubt. The Mile High Club trophy is as hard as it was back on 360, but other than that, it's a really easy, really enjoyable trophy list and it's the first game in a long while that I went into it wanting to plat the thing from the start and damn was it fun. If nothing else, Modern Warfare Remastered has taken me back to 2013 when they announced Ghosts and made me once again think "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST DO THE SAFE THING AND DO MODERN WARFARE 4? THE SERIES IS ALREADY FUCKING MILKED TO HELL AND BACK, AT LEAST LET ME STAY FAMILIAR WITH THE CHARACTERS AND SHIT AND STOP THIS BLACK OPS 2 ROBOT SHIT, IT CAN'T GO ANYWHERE GOOD!" (spoilers: it didn't, they should rename the series Robot Warfare at this point)


Anyway. Ghosts, I enjoyed but it was entirely forgettable. Ghosts 2 got shitcanned because of Ghosts 1's reactions. Infinite Warfare is getting even more hate than CoD usually does, and it's only saving grace is Modern Warfare Remastered. So the fans hate that CoD is so similar, but then hate when it tries new shit, and then buy the new shit to get a remake of the old shit because they want the old shit but don't want the same shit but don't want new shit either but will buy new shit if it gets the old shit they don't want because the series is the same shit every time? Wut. I think it boils down to JUST FUCKING MAKE MODERN WARFARE 4 ALREADY. It doesn't even have to be good, it probably won't be, but I'd be more interested in it than any bloody CoD since MW3 came out. Legit, Blops 2 didn't have any interest, still don't care for it. Advanced Warfare was surprisingly not too shit but even still, nothing Kevin Spacey's bald head could save. Blops 3 was somehow less interesting than Blops 2. And Infinite Warfare looks like it could be alright if it wasn't a CoD game, like, it's gonna have the exact same gameplay and shit it always does, but if it had have fully committed to space and shit instead of just putting a space skin over CoD it could have been a lot better but whatever.


Just shut up and make Modern Warfare 4. Stop trying new things that are really the same thing and just go balls to the wall sequelitis time.




And also, how to we handle shit like endless runners in the list? Like, on the Vita I've been playing a bit of Run Sackboy Run again, but there's no end, so do I put it in the list or not, since I'm only putting in shit I've completed?

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And also, how to we handle shit like endless runners in the list? Like, on the Vita I've been playing a bit of Run Sackboy Run again, but there's no end, so do I put it in the list or not, since I'm only putting in shit I've completed?

That's why many of us mention games played :) personally I think "games played", "games played through" and "games 100% completed" catches everything. Regardless of runners, are you expecting to finish each and every game you play this whole year?

OT: Friday afternoon I got a text from my game store that I could pick up my Rise Of The Tomb Raider pre-order, while it's not officially out until Tuesday... so I'm not really talking much here but spending my spare time on playing it :D cool game but it's still more reboot TR and less classic TR which I think is a shame especially as the prologue and the flashback that follows are classic TR. Still really enjoying it though, even if I saw a "big twist" coming from miles away.

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Just shut up and make Modern Warfare 4. Stop trying new things that are really the same thing and just go balls to the wall sequelitis time.




And also, how to we handle shit like endless runners in the list? Like, on the Vita I've been playing a bit of Run Sackboy Run again, but there's no end, so do I put it in the list or not, since I'm only putting in shit I've completed?


It's a surprise about CoD right? Even my friends who went from MW1 to BO3 back and fourth say "please new CoD!!... Oh, new CoD? Shit... getting back to predecessor!!!" And now everyone talks about MW1 Remastered and no one seems interested in IW but buys it nontheless :blink:xD


As for games like Run Sackboy! Run! it's easy: get to 100% trophies and set it as "completed" :P:D


Little Update from my side:


During my vacation last week i played a bit of Fat Princess (PSV) and got 2 new trophies... i would've prefered Broken Age but couldn't play that long because of missing internet connection... damn bug :angry:


Came back today, played 5 min of Kingdoms of Amalur and bing! Another trophy <3xD ... currently boosting R.U.S.E. so my trophy grade went from E to D already :D ... but i'll focus on Amalur until :platinum: and 100%  :P 

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Well, I caved in and grabbed Lego Star Wars for Vita. I paid a whole 4 dollars for a new copy, I could not help it, but it's still a cave in so I'll have to add that. One left, and it's obviously gonna have to be Spidey, so I guess I'm done with all the chances at this point. 

It's a surprise about CoD right? Even my friends who went from MW1 to BO3 back and fourth say "please new CoD!!... Oh, new CoD? Shit... getting back to predecessor!!!" And now everyone talks about MW1 Remastered and no one seems interested in IW but buys it nontheless :blink:xD

I mean, I jumped in right before MW3, but in the months prior I played through MW1, MW2, and Blops. Since then I've plat'd CoD1, played 2 and 3 on 360, and then every game that came out after MW3, even the PSP and Vita ones, and a couple of the DS ones. 


So with all that in mind, CoD 1-3 are okay, MW 1-3 are great, Blops 1 is great, AW is less good but still sweet. The rest are entirely forgettable. With that in mind, it makes sense I want more Modern Warfare, but then there's 3 of them and Blops and WaW played basically exactly the same so there's plenty of that sort of shit, enough to justify wanting something different, but then when we get something slightly different it's not as good as MW1 so then it's like fuck it make more of the same.

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Do you know any trustworthy places that sell these for a reasonable price?

EB here has preowned ones on sale for 51, normally 68.  They have them new for 85, but not in stock so ignore that. Fuck, I think it's actually pretty good of the guy to include the memory card now, I knew they still went for more than they were worth but not that much, damn.


Anyhoo, your best bet, at least in my opinion, is to tough it out with a 16gb one, if you play a lot of retail games it shouldn't be a problem either. The reason I say this is because you can usually find 16gb cards in a pack with digital games for pretty cheap. We got a couple of the pack ones back on our old Vitas. I got a 16gb with a stack of Lego games for around 50 bucks, and the missus got an 8gb with a pack of action games for around 30. I know, still a bit expensive, but the games make up for it a bit. The Lego pack had Harry Potter 2, Star Wars 3, Pirates of the Carribean, Batman 1 and 2, and Indiana Jones. Bats 1, Indy, and Star Wars were PSP versions though so eh. The action pack thing had one of the PSP God of Wars (I think Chains), Batman Arkham Vita, Killzone PSP, Injustice, and PS All-Stars (both for Vita and PS3). We swapped codes since I wanted the action games and already had most of the Lego ones, and she loves the Lego games so win win for us. 


There's several other bundles out there too you can get, I know there's an indie one with Hotline Miami, Thomas Was Alone, Limbo, Men's Room Mayhem, Flying Hamster or something, Floating Cloud God HD, and however many other games you need to make it to 10 because I know there was 10 in it.

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There's a sale on the (EU) PSN store, two games for 50% off. As Bound is in there, which is new and VR compatible, I'm taking the opportunity to also buy Shadow Of The Beast, which I have been eyeing for a while and has never been on sale. Bound is €20 so €10 now, Beast started on €20 but became €15 earlier this year so €7,50 now.


Still on Rise Of The Tomb Raider, by the way. Will do a larger update this weekend.

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Mafia 3

Final Fantasy XV

Almost Human: Detroit

Crash Bandicoot

Mass Effect Andromeda

God of War 4


Wow, this is a shopping list up to date :D

Thx man, now i won't be the guy with the most games bought neither with most money spent :D

But have you paid full prize for each game? :huh:


Update Time


Big Update, since there are several changes since the current Update on Main Paige...


I am close to finish my 1st walktrough in Kingdoms of Amalur :D have finished almost all trophy related sidequests.... and done several misc trophies too... but i am wondering why the dlc quests (2 of them) are not visible :(


I have finished the campaign of Lost Planet 2 now officially... damn you Secret Passage in Chapter 1-3 :P ... and i am very happy to say i got all coop related trophies in Battlefield 3... especially the go silent, unseen trophies needed several tries, but we did it after some hours :)


Furthermore i just need to complete my 3rd walktrough in LotR: War in the North to achieve :platinum:  :D ...  boosting with the same guys some trophies in R.U.S.E. every day... we are already lv 30 of 60 :D


Driving in Project Cars now and then, just for fun :) ... it doesn't strike me as good as Shift 2 though, among others i think the sound of the engines are in PC quieter :( ...


And last but not least another new trophy in Broken Age... but OMG, point & click adventures can be hard... harder than some Shooter or Racing game, where i normally know where to go and how to that :facepalm: ... in Broken Age i wander back and forth and hardly understand what riddle can be solved next... but i am eager to solve this riddle about a monster eating some girls on my own (no guide used up to now :P) :D


Time for an Update


Currently Playing


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Broken Age

The Lord of the Rings: War in the North

Project Cars



Games played or completed so far


:platinum:Crysis 3 - 100%

:platinum: Dante's Inferno - 100%

:platinum: Dragon's Crown - 100%

:platinum: Ether One - 100%

:platinum: Metro Last Light - 100%

:platinum: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (Vita) - 100%

:platinum: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (PS3) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

Battlefield 3 - 28%... Campaign (Easy) + Coop (Hard)

Lara Croft & the Temple of Osiris (100%)

Life is Strange - 18%... Episode 1 complete

Lost Planet 2 - 18%... Finished Campaign on Normal


Probably buying


Virtue's Last Reward

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

Project Cars GOTY


Bought already


Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition + Bioshock Infinite 3€

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 6,20€

Resident Evil 0 HD (PS4) + DMC HD Collection (PS3) 0€


DLC bought already


Playstaton All-Stars Battle Royal - Fearless 1,59€

Outlast - The Whistleblower 3,27€

Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake + Nightmare in North Point 12,08€

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Time for a new update I think. I see that you've gat me all bold in the OP by the way, probably time for another full replace.


I now started using the PSN store credit I obtained by selling No Man's Sky to someone else. So technically I did not pay for any of those games but I'm still listing them under bought games, since I could have used that money for something else as well. I'm listing Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes as one of the three games I could buy since I talked about getting it before it was released, while the other games were more of a "what the hell, sure why not" decision. In doubt about where I should list Bound - I talked about getting it after I tried the demo but I caved only when it was on a "2 for 50%" sale. For now I'm just listing it as a cave-in.


Game Update




Like the game, dislike the VR. The VR camera is stationary but not at set locations, you have to control it yourself with the right stick, and it's not working well. I notified the devs, asking if they could make the tracking camera from the normal game an option in VR for people who don't get motion sickness and perhaps this will be fixed in update 1.03 (1.02 is about to be released).




Liked this game a lot, now they should do a big party game! This game has a couple of fun minigames, crisp graphics and cute bots. I loved Robots Rescue as a Super Mario VR demo and together with two others the game we enjoyed the most was the Western one. I've started on the guide for this one




Great little game. The VR player sees a bomb and has to disarm it, while someone next to him tries to search for the clues on how to disarm in the manual. Fun idea and good execution.




Cool sci-fi arcade shooter, enjoyed it for as long as it lasted. Might go back to it some day.




When I could pre-order this by trading in two used games and paying a bit extra, I decided to get it new anyway instead of waiting for a used copy.


I'm enjoying the game but it is too much like the first title in the reboot series for me, I would have enjoyed a classic Tomb Raider game more. Less shooting, more going to different locations for some platforming.




Found out about this game. Only €5, VR compatible and you're just floating around in a microscopic environment... Color me interested. Played the water level and liked it, I'll try the other levels for sure.



BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, played first sequence on 2016/5/2, restarted on 2016/8/27, finished story on 2016/8/28)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, started on 2016/8/28, finished story on 2016/8/29)

Broken Age (played through story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4 (finished Vella's part of Act 1), continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, returned and finished on 2016/8/29)

Donkey Kong Country (played through Gorrilla Glacier, Kremkroc Industries Inc., Chimp Caverns and Gang-Plank Galleon)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Started on game again in the months before the event, played the first three worlds. 2016/9/1 - 2016/9/3 played through the rest)

Journey (played through story)

(PS+ September 2016, played through story 2016/9/12)

Amnesia (played through one world once)

(PS+ September 2016, started 2016/9/15, finished story for the first time 2016/9/18)

F-Zero (played through all three leagues)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Played through the whole game again on 2016/10/3)

EVE: Gunjack (played through all levels)

(bought, started and finished on 2016/10/16)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC

(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24, completed 2016/8/26)

MouseCraft (finished remainder of game)

(PS+ July 2015, started as part of Hemiak's pro-reducing-backlog anti-completion event July 2016, finished 2016/9/2)

The Swapper

(PS+ January 2015, played from start to finish 2016/9/3)


(PS+ September 2016, played from start to finish 2016/9/11)

The Playroom VR

(free on PSN, started on 2016/9/13, platinum trophy earned 2016/9/15)


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19, last played 2016/9/5)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (tried to do remaining levels on hard)

(already played through the complete game but for the complete story trophy, you need alll missions on the same difficulty and I have done 6 on medium instead of hard. Game glitched at the end of the level I did on hard like it did so many times before so now I'm really done with trying, trophies are not worth such a bother)

Tomb Raider: Underworld (continued on story)

(obtained on 2016/5/22 as part of the trilogy, started on 2016/5/28, last played before event 2016/6/1, played a bit 2016/8/30)

Shütshimi (tried to get through the game again)

(PS+ April 2016, played from 2016/6/6 to 2016/6/13, played a bit again 2016/8/30)

Super Mario Kart (played through all 50cc cups and the first two 100cc cups)

(completed this game so many times during my youth I lost count. 2016/8/30 (50cc cups), 2016/08/31 (100cc Mushroom and Flower cups))

Super Mario Bros. (tried to get further in world 7)

(completed this game a bunch of times before. Played world 1-6 before the event, decided to go the hard route and did not use a warp pipe. Played 2016/9/3)

Assassin's Creed III (post-story freeroam stuff, multiplayer, DLC)

(played on X360 on release in 2012, played on PS3 in April 2015, story long since finished, not part of official backlog but I did buy the DLC recently)

Rise Of The Tomb Raider (started)

(bought and started on 2016/10/7)

Bound (started)

(bought 2016/10/13 as part of a sale, started 2016/10/13)

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes (started)

(bought and started on 2016/10/13)

VEV: Viva Ex Vivo (started)

(bought and started on 2016/10/18)


Rise Of The Tomb Raider (pre-ordered by trading in games, payed an additional €17, current AUD translation of €17 is AUD 24,33)

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes (paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

DLC (AUD 20,61 spent out of AUD 20 allowance):

LEGO Marvel's Avengers Season Pass (sale for €5,99 from €9,99, current AUD translation of €5,99 is AUD 8,83)

Assassin's Creed III Season Pass (On sale for €7,99 from €29,99, current AUD translation of €7,99 is AUD 11,78)


Bound (2 for 50% off sale, paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

EVE: Gunjack (paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

VEV: Viva Ex Vivo (paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)



Shadow Of The Beast (2 for 50% off sale, paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

(bought with Bound for VR, hoping the rumours are true and Shadow gets VR as well)


traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal


No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, bought by trading in old games. After playing, sold it on and used that money for PSN store credit)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE

Horizon Zero Dawn CE

BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 22 games


PS4 13 games and 19 free games  +1

PS3 11 games and 31 free games  +3

VITA 0 games and 12 free games   +2

SNES 20 games                              -2


€30,98 or AUD 44,94

  • DLC: AUD 20 allowed with an overflow of AUD 0,61
  • additionally, spent €20 on PSN store credit, also had a few euros left on there before the event
  • of the expenses listed above, €13,98 was PSN store credit
  • Sold on No Man's Sky and used that money for additional PSN store credit. €11,03 remaining of said credit



Edited by BillyHorrible
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Hi, hope everyone isn't spending a lot...


Anyway, it's been a while since I last posted, but there's little change to my play during this time..


I played Rocket League to get 100% in the new free DLC, played a bit of Soul Sacrifice, finished the story of Kingdom Heart 2 on normal (working on post game), and just started Amnesia.. And I boosted the online trophies on Tomb Rider too..


I also pre-ordered and paid my 1st pickup (Final Fantasy XV Delux Edition - 87.49€ including ports), on top of that I just made 1 more cave in (Star Ocean 5 Limited Edition - 44.55€) and am about to make another one (3D Dot Game Heroes, probably around 35€).. Still trying to hold myself of pre-ordering/buying World of Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts 2.8 Limited Editions..


As for the first post, Super-Fly, please make the following changes:

Move Amnesia: Memories and Tomb Rider from backlog to Games Played

Add: Paid tag to FFXV (87.49€) on the pickups section

Add: Star Ocean: Faith and Integrity (44.55€) to the cave in section

Add: Code: Realize ~ Guardian of Rebirth ~ and Transformers: Devastation to the backlog (PS+ IGC, still not sure if I will play the others..)


Or simply copy the content on the spoiler tag bellow..


Rocket League

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PS3)

Kingdom Hearts Re: Chain of Memories

Thief (PS3)


Muramasa Rebirth

Grand Theft Auto V (PS3)

Race the Sun (PS3/PS4/PSV)

Blazblue Continuum Shift Extended (PSV)

Need For Speed: Rivals (PS3)

Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix

Tomb Rider (PS3)

Amnesia: Memories



Ni No Kuni - Platinum/100% Complete

Street Fighter x Tekken (PS3) - Platinum/100% Complete

Street Fighter x Tekken (PSV) - Platinum/100% Complete

Natural Doctrine (PSV) - Platinum/100% Complete

Rainbow Moon (PS3/PSV) - Platinum/100% Complete

Modnations Racers: Road Trip - Platinum/100% Complete

Mortal Kombat 9 (PS3) - Platinum/100% Complete

Lost Dimension (PSV) - Platinum/100% Complete

Doodle Kingdom (PS3) - 100% Complete

Doodle God (PS3) - 100% Complete

Doodle Devil (PS3) - 100% Complete

NBA 2K17: The Prelude - 100% Complete

The Swapper - 100% Complete

Gird 2 - Platinum/100% Complete




Persona 5 (PS4)

Final Fantasy XV (PS4) - Paid, Deluxe Edition - €87.49

Tekken 7 (PS4)



Need For Speed: Rivals (PS3) - €7.99

Star Ocean: Faith and Integrity Limited Edition - €44.55


DLC ($4.62 AUD remaining)

Grid 2 Season Pass - €10.49 ($15.38 AUD)




Ar Tonelico 3


Batman Arkham Asylum

Batman Arkham City

Beyond Two Souls

Code: Realize ~ Guardian of Rebirth ~

Deadly Premonition

Deception IV (PS3)

Dragon’s Dogma

Dragon’s Crown (PSV)

Dishonoured (PS3)

Grand Theft Auto V (PS4)

Hitman Blood Money

Hitman Contracts

Hitman Silent Assassin

I Am Alive

Journey (PS4)

Kingdoms of Amalur

Lord of the Fallen

Mafia II

Metal Gear Solid 3 (PS3)

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes (PS4)

Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands (PS3)

Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines

Sherlock Holmes: Crimes and Punishments

Sports Champions 2

Styx: Master of Shadows

The Crew

Transformers: Devastation

Watch_Dogs (PS4)

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Time for an Update




I've platted LotR War in the North finally... took some efforts to bypass the glitches (some locations wouldn't show on the map) and using a dexterity high skilled dwarf was reeeeallly important on legendary... normal bolts made 2-3k damage, an "explosive bolt" dealt between 40-120k damage :blink:<3 ... i liked the game from the start, decided to play first alone, but noticed the AI is limited in actions and it's much better to have at least one real player as partner... but i was a bit surprised when i had finished the game for 1st time, the end came really fast (without much hints in the game i mean)...



I've searched for a game to play with a buddy in splitscreen and i found this: Dead Nation (Apocalype Edition)... and i liked what i saw... shooting Zombies, there's hardly anything better, is there?  xD  we played 3 missions so far and i'm eager to continue this one... One thing crossed my mind though: it looks so much alike Dead Horde that i wondered if there's a connection (same developer?), but that's a positive thing from my view...




I've reached the story final in Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning... but instead of beating the final boss, i decided to run around the world and collecting all lorestones and thus getting level up for strongest destiny (some power boost).... the lorestones are the best collectibles i've encountered in any game so far because they are talking about some myths, legends of the world and grant you boni like more attack power, less damage etc. And there's an ingame help to encounter these really easy (all shown on map <3 ) :D

One more thing i'm glad i cleared: the dlc quests weren't showing in my questlog... then yesterday i saw a note these two quests wouldn't be compatible with my digital game :angry: ... but i found a workaround that it's possible to force all dlc quests into action and so i will continue with the dlc quests before i'll start the game on higher difficulty again :D



Time to continue Red Dead Redemption online again... completed yesterday three of six cooperative missions on gold :D ... i hope it works as good today...


Currently Playing


Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning

Anmesia: Memories

Project Cars


Red Dead Redemption


Games played or completed so far


:platinum:Crysis 3 - 100%

:platinum: Dante's Inferno - 100%

:platinum: Dragon's Crown - 100%

:platinum: Ether One - 100%

:platinum: Metro Last Light - 100%

:platinum: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (Vita) - 100%

:platinum: Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal (PS3) - 100%

:platinum: Sleeping Dogs (PS3) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: Sound Shapes (PS4) - 100%

:platinum: The Lord of the Rings: War in the North - 100%

Battlefield 3 - 28%... Campaign (Easy) + Coop (Hard)

Lara Croft & the Temple of Osiris (100%)

Life is Strange - 18%... Episode 1 complete

Lost Planet 2 - 18%... Finished Campaign on Normal


Probably buying


Virtue's Last Reward

Dying Light: The Following - Enhanced Edition

Project Cars GOTY


Bought already


Bioshock Ultimate Rapture Edition + Bioshock Infinite 3€

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 6,20€

Resident Evil 0 HD (PS4) + DMC HD Collection (PS3) 0€


DLC bought already


Playstaton All-Stars Battle Royal - Fearless 1,59€

Outlast - The Whistleblower 3,27€

Sleeping Dogs: Year of the Snake + Nightmare in North Point 12,08€

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This was my last update...

Wow, has it really been almost a month since my last update? I know I've been busy with class and whatnot but wow... Guess it's time to try and update everyone on the past month of gaming :D

  • First off, I finally managed to platinum Project Diva F 2nd! It took abit of jumping between playing the same few songs with different vocaloids and lots of gift-giving, but I managed to earn my 10th platinum in a year for the first time ever. Initially after getting it my plan was to lay off on hardcore trophy hunting and just play through some games and relax the rest of the year, but over the past couple days...
  • I've also played through alot of Hyperdimension Neptunia, beating the story and getting the normal ending earlier today. The grind for the rest of the events and trophies doesn't look too difficult, and I've got (at the moment) 3 more Neptunia games waiting to be downloaded and played, so I think I'll be putting alot of my gaming efforts into this for the time being.
  • As Billy mentioned awhile back; Me, him and SyIaris all did some Assassin's Creed III multiplayer together to get those trophies. The 3 of us stalking our prey and getting lots of experience together was the best thing I've done in that game so far. Unfortunatly, the singleplayer hasn't given me that same thrill as of late as I've just been running around doing random side-missions, picking up pieces of paper and screwing around in the tunnels under Boston. Gonna give it abit of a break for now, see if coming back to it in a couple of weeks will interest me again.
  • Finally, I've made a decent amount of progress through Tales of Zestiria's story and I'm really enjoying it. Made it most of the way through the first Shepard's trial (or whatever it's called) and got my ass kicked by the boss. Really liked how the start of fight actually utilized the free-roaming aspect of the battle controls in order to get to the next stage, don't think any of the other Tales games I've played did that before. Once I get through all the exams, groups projects and papers my university courses have been throwing at me I'll make another push to get through the game, but I'm content with leaving the game for a few days and resuming when I'm able to focus on it more.



Currently Playing:

Games played at beginning of event (In no particular order) (% completed before July 1st, % currently completed, date game was started, (additional information)):

Hyperdimension Neptunia: 32%. 52%. March 14th, 2016.

Tales of Graces f: 11%. 14%. ~October 5th, 2015.

Tales of Xillia 2: 24%. 25%. ~October 24th, 2014. (Unsure of exact start, was likely closer to November as I wanted to complete Xillia 1's story first)

Metal Gear Solid 2: 77%. 81%. September 13th, 2014.

Metal Gear Solid 3: 15%. 15%. November 8th, 2015.

Dragon Age II: 39%. 43%. October 18th, 2013. (Base game only)

Heavy Rain: 42%. 51%. October 3rd, 2014.

Beyond: Two Souls: 36%. 36%. September 5th, 2014.

Dynasty Warriors 7: 34%. 43%. November 21st, 2015.

Mass Effect 2: 89% base, 85% overall. 89% base, 85% overall. September 14th, 2014

  • Zaeed: The Price of Revenge: 100%. 100%. September 14th, 2014. (Finished Already, listed here to show I have all the DLC)
  • Arrival: 0%. 0%. March 19th, 2016 (Bought on this date, is installed but haven't started yet)

Ratchet Deadlocked: 3%. 10%. May 29th, 2016.

Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault: 15%. 17%. May 28th, 2016.

Jak 3: 58%. 58%. February 2nd, 2013.

Sonic Adventure: 43% base, 30% overall. 52% base, 36% overall. July 22nd, 2015

  • Sonic Adventure DX: 0%. 0%. July 22nd, 2015.

Final Fantasy X HD: 9%. 9%. July 24th, 2015.

Valkyria Chronicles Remastered 0%. 8%. May 17th, 2016.

Rock Band 4: 8%. 44%. June 29th, 2016. (Base Game only, for now at least)

Senran Kagura Estival Versus: 20%. 29%. March 19th, 2016.

Uncharted 2: 26%. 26%. September 8th, 2012.

Uncharted 1 Remastered: 9%. 9%. December 26th, 2015.

Command & Conquer Red Alert 3: 88%. 88%. May 5th, 2009.

Games started in July 2016 (% completed, date game was purchased, (additional information)):

Assassins Creed III: 17%. June 2nd, 2016. (Base Game only)

Sonic Adventure 2: 5%. June 27th, 2015. (Base Game only)

Echochrome: 14%. June 19th, 2016. 

Games started/added in September 2016 (% completed, date game was purchased, (additional information)):

Journey: 28%. September 7th, 2016

Super Stardust HD: 24%. March 2016 

Broforce: 4%. March 4th, 2016.

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X: 15%. September 4th, 2016.

AdVenture Capitalist: 52%. September 7th, 2016.

Darkest Dungeon: 21%. September 27th, 2016.

Completed Games: (Date Started, Date Finished, Time Taken)

Gone Home: June 27th 2016, July 2nd 2016, 5 Days, 2 Hours

Elder Scrolls V Skyrim: January 6th, 2012, July 31st, 2016. 4 Years, 7 Months, 1 Week, 1 Day, 20 Hours (100%)

Driveclub: January 15th, 2016, August 31st, 2016. 7 months, 2 weeks, 1 day (100% Completion)

NBA 2k17: The Prelude: September 10th, 2016, September 11th, 2016. 15 hours, 15 minutes (Spent more time sleeping than playing    :P)

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon: December 4th, 2015, September 12th, 2016. 9 Months, 1 Week, 2 Days.

Grim Fandango Remastered: January 12th, 2016, September 17th, 20168 Months, 5 Days, 17 Hours.

Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd, October 5th, 2016. 1 Year, 3 Weeks, 2 Days.


Hatsune Miku: Project Diva X (PS4) (Picked Up)
Tales of Berseria (PS4)

Darkest Dungeon (PS4)

Games bought because I'm a bitch and couldn't hold out

None, Yet...

DLC Allowance

None, hopefully it stays this way

Current Overall Spendings: $0.00


The only thing that should need changing from you Spidey is moving Project Diva F 2nd from "Currently Playing" to "Completed".


That's why I've also been considering the PSTV, the portability aspect really doesn't matter to me since I normally use my phone or listen to music when I'm out and about. I'm checking amazon right now (the only place in Canada apparently that has them) and it's $125 Canadian for the whole bundle, which includes a Dualshock 3 (something I could use another of), the Lego Movie game (meh) and free shipping (yay). I have a PSP sitting at home unused, I played it alot when I was younger (SOCOM Fireteam Bravo 2 was my jam, loved that game) but I really haven't had any desire to play those games anymore.


And this is the reason why I was looking at the Vita itself, there's alot of Neptunia games on there that I'm interested in, along with many other JRPG's, but depending on PSTV's compatibility then I may want to look into this as my prefered option. Either way, this'll probably wait until around Christmas time where I might try to get one of these from my parents. Oh, speaking of weeb games....

So, since the last time I mentioned getting a Vita I've done some thinking and research. While the idea of playing Vita games without leaving my house is interesting (as was the controller bundled with it), the list of uncompatible games is really rocking me towards getting a regular Vita instead. I looked up the price of getting one online and it's not looking as good as I would have hoped. I'd prefer to get a new one if I do get it online, but the prices are insane and I haven't done enough online shopping to trust buying something like this over the web. So I went to one of the EB Games in my city yesterday and found that they were selling used ones (the 1000 version, at least that's what they looked like) for $120. Gonna check around other stores and see if I can find a new one (don't really care if I get the 1000 or 2000 version, would really prefer a newer one) but if I don't then this might be what I'll be buying myself for my parents to give to me for Christmas.

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Wow, this is a shopping list up to date :D

Thx man, now i won't be the guy with the most games bought neither with most money spent :D

But have you paid full prize for each?

Full price for Mafia 3, the others are pre-orders so just the £5-10 deposit for now. Every time E3 is on this happens and now Red Dead Redemption 2 has been announced its only a matter of time before I pre-order that too

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So... uh. Update.


I'm done with the story in both Little Big Planet and Freedom Wars. Slowly chipping away at the rest of the trophies. These two will definitely not be completed 100%, I'll just get as many trophies as I can or be bothered to do, and call it done. Quickly 100%ed the Actual Sunlight. Also started LEGO Harry Potter: Year 5-7 some time ago, and should complete it very soon, so it'll go into completed games right away, no need to bother with adding it to the backlog list.

Tales of Destiny is put on hold right now, as I've got sidetracked by Arc the Lad III - I had paused a long time ago simply because I hated a couple of final jobs and needed a break. Now I've finally got myself together and returned to my endgame save to mop up the jobs - I'm going for the 100% Job completion. Job #100 gets the special mention, because the story there was... touching. Actually awwed at the final scene - never thought that I'll ever say that, but "I ship it". Should finish it today\tomorrow. The original trilogy is finally coming to a close, and the finale is just a couple of steps away. Damn, I'm excited.

Got one of my pickups a while ago - Odin Sphere Leiftrasir.

Bought another DLC - a pack for The Evil Within.

And also... I fell for the first time, not able to resist the allure of God Eater. I regret nothing.


What needs to be changed:


Add to Games Crossed From Backlog:

Actual Sunlight (PSV)


Cross over the Odin Sphere in the Pickups


Add to DLC:

The Evil Within Season Pass - 8$

DLC Allowance left - 8$


Add to Fell Into The Spend Side:

God Eater Ressurection + Rage Burst

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<Update time>


So I didn't post an update for a while so I'm gonna do that now.



I've been playing this a lot (about 4 hours a day for like 20 days straight) and I think I've burned myself out, so I've started focusing on a few other games for now.

As far as progress goes: I've got a level 110 hunter with an item level of somewhere around 830 but I don't really care since I'm not a raider. I actually still have some of the story questlines left and I didn't finish my class orderhall questline either so I've got quite a bunch of stuff left to do and the next content patch is already around the corner.

Anyways, I think WoW is in a really good state and the last time I had so much fun playing WoW was back in the Wrath of the Lich King times, which was almost 10 years ago.



One of my friends was bored so I suggested playing this with him since we've both got PS+ and a PS3. I wanted to try it anyway because it's been ages since I played my last racing game (If you don't count Mario Kart it was back in the PS2 era).

Turns out it's a really fun game to play together with a friend and the single player is also fun even though it's pretty easy except for like 2 or 3 exceptions which were actually pretty hard. 

In terms of trophies I'm only missing one and it's the trophy for reaching online level 10. Since I'm level 8 and I'll be playing the game some more together with my friend I think it won't take long until I get that one as well. There's also some DLC trophies but I won't be paying 2€ for some more maps to drive on and 3 trophies. When it comes to DLC I share Mr. Garrisons opinion and say: f*ck them all to death. :P

Anyways, if you've got a buddy to do the MP with it's a really nice racing game. There's also different types of races (like stunts, arena or perfectionist) so there's also varied gameplay.





This is one of those games that makes me wonder why games are not an established form of art yet. I want to be able to visit the Louvre or whatever other art museum there is in like 20 years and see some artistic games like this one there.

Anyways I've completed the game twice by now. After I did my first playthrough I only unlocked a single trophy and now I've got quite a few, so I'm pretty sure I'll 100% this title. 




By now I've sunk about 4 hours into this game and it's a lot of fun to play it again after like 10 years. There's a bunch of stuff I still remember and it's fun to drive a car with :cross: and :circle: again.

I've actually completely forgotten how hard this game was. There are a lot of missions that I had to retry upwards of 10 times until I finally managed to beat them and I'm only like a third into the game.


Other than these games I've only been playing a bunch of random games for short periods of times because my brothers wanted to play them with me.


What you gotta change, Spidey:



Journey (PS3)

GTA: Liberty City Stories (PS3)


create a section called CASUALLY PLAYING below the COMPLETED GAMES section

and move to that section:

Osu! (PC)

World of Warcraft: Legion (PC)

Mad Riders (PS3)


(remove Osu! from CURRENTLY PLAYING)

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Liberty City

Also with the formatting. I've probably done something wrong, so check that out and show me what you want fixed.


With LCS, you think it's weird going back to the old controls? Try going back to the old controls after not only getting used to the new controls, but having spent most of your time with LCS playing on PSP where you have to hold L and then pull the joystick left or right to do a drive by. L2 and R2 are blessings sir and you are lucky to have them.




Also sorry for not updating the thing, but like, it's not the most active place and I'm doing other stuff and it's all good anyways. Anyways, I got the first 4 Gears games for free the other day. Good times. I spent most of my available time then doing the updates, so I don't have too much time, so yeah, bye, and hi, and bye again!

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Gah, why haven't I been posting... I thought I'd made one a couple weeks ago; either I spazzed or it didn't go through.  :facepalm:

My list is going to get a little crazy next month, as I'm in the Kill Your Completion event. This will involve adding 10 games, 504 trophies, and a whole bunch of extra procrastination to my profile. It hurts already.


Borrowed one game (Disney Infinity 3.0) and bought two. Considering I paid 75c for two PS3 games, I don't really feel guilty, just a bit regretful that they didn't have some I was more interested in.


Games Played:

The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth [PC]

Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood [PS3]

Dragonvale [Android]

Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One [PS3] - 10% ➝ 42%

Assassin's Creed 3 [PS3]

Pokemon Silver [Gameboy]

Lollipop Chainsaw [PS3]


Games Beaten:

*The Sims 3: Pets [PS3] - 0% 98%

*Sly 3: Honor Among Thieves [PS3] - 79% 98%

Bathory: The Bloody Countess [Android] - 0% ➝ 91% (glitched)

*Ratchet & Clank: Full Frontal Assault [PS3] - 35% ➝ 57% ➝ 98%

*Disney Infinity 2.0 [PS3] - 0% ➝ 97%

Myths of the World: Spirit Wolf [Android]

Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires [PS3/rental] - 0% ➝ 100%

Lego Batman 3: Beyond Gotham [PSTV/rental] - 0% ➝ 61% ➝ 100%

Zero Time Dilemma [PSTV]/rental] - 0% ➝ 100%

Young Justice: Legacy [PS3/rental] - 0% ➝ 100%

*Disney Infinity 3.0 [PS3/loan] - 0% ➝ 98%

Child of Light [PSTV/rental] - 0% ➝ 100%

Captain America: Super Soldier [PS3/rental] - 0% ➝ 100%



1. Pokemon Sun [3DS]

2. Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth [PSTV]



DLC/other purchases ($20):

$4.94 - Dragon Age Inquisition: Jaws of Hakkon

$1.06 - One month of Gamefly rentals

$0.75 - Watch_Dogs + Sacred 3 [PS3]


Free stuff/PS+:

Great Secrets: Da Vinci [PC]

Normality [PC]

Shadow Warrior Classic [PC]

Forgotten Books: The Enchanted Crown + Myths of the World: Spirit Wolf + Bathory: The Bloody Countess + Revenge of the Spirit: Rite of Resurrection [Android]
Pure Pool [PC]
Goocubelets 2 [PC]

Lexica [PC]

The Crew [PC]

Disney Infinity 2.0 [PS3/gift]

[PC] to save the hassle: 1-3 bad to mediocre games a month added for potential steam cards and not worth noting/keeping track of.


As Billy and Ratchet both mentioned, we played some Assassin's Creed 3 Wolfpack and it was quite fun. I still need to go back and get the level 20 trophy, then it goes back on the shelf until Brotherhood and Revelations are beaten.


Replaying Pokemon Silver for Billy's Golden Oldies event and mowing everything down with my flaming porcupinebearthing. Just have Red left at this point, and he'll probably eat me alive.


Started Lollipop Chainsaw, just cleared the first level (prologue/tutorial?). Imagine it'll be more fun after I get some upgrades and can really wreck some zombies with my chainsaw gymnastics.

Would definitely appreciate the language and innuendo turned down a couple notches...


Zero Time Dilemma: my only regret was not catching that this is third in a trilogy before playing it. Awesome game, absolutely loved it despite not having any idea what was going on for the first half of the game. Didn't manage to get Virtue's Last Reward before my $1 month ran out, so I have plenty of time to find my DS stuff and beat 999 first.


Young Justice: Legacy was awful, unfortunately. Absolutely riddled with bugs, tons of freezing/crashing, a mediocre story, and boring/frustrating combat.


Didn't really get much out of Disney Infinity 3.0, though I'll probably play around with building stuff before I give it back. The DLC were pretty boring and Star Wars was fun... until it glitched on the first planet and I couldn't finish the main quest.


Child of Light was interesting. Gorgeous background art, though I can't say the character art or models were as impressive. Oddly, all the spider minibosses/boss earlyish were a lot harder than anything late in the game. Can't say I'm a big fan of the combat or writing style, but that's just personal preference.


Surprisingly, after Young Justice and despite the movie tie-in curse, Captain America: Super Soldier was really fun. Story was pretty good, combat felt like a slightly sluggish version of Arkham Asylum, sound work was good, graphics were decent... considering it's also a ~10 hour plat, I'm surprised more people haven't played it. Wouldn't have minded a run button (at least, I didn't find one), but his default speed isn't bad.

Would have been nice if my last trophy hadn't bugged out (KO 50 enemies with a specific move), but I got it eventually.

Edited by SyIaris
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I haven't really played anything since my last post except for finishing Tomb Raider, will write my thoughts on it soon.


I've also pre-ordered Watch Dogs 2 (on the same kind of sale that I bought Tomb Raider on) and I used part of the refund money of PSVR (I had a defective unit, screen was not aligned properly which caused static screens to tilt) to pay off all of my other pre-orders as well.

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doing the updates


Still keeping me in all bold in the OP, I see :-)


So, pain for my wallet since PSVR. I would not have put that money on here but now that my unit was defective and I brought it back and used the money for my pre-orders, it's going on here.


I'm starting with Hemiak's event two days from now for a month so I'm writing there almost daily. I guess over here it's best to link to all the conclusion reviews on a weekly basis or perhaps just at the end of the month.


Game Update




It was a fun game in the end but there was too much copy-paste from the last game, especially horrible is how the supernatural enemies were introduced in much the same way as the ones in the last game, and they're just about exactly the same enemy.


I just want classic platforming, there used to be a time that Lara was only a danger to wildlife...



BILLYHORRIBLE - August 1, 2016


Ratchet&Clank (played through story)

(obtained and started 2016/8/1, finished story 2016/8/4, last played 2016/8/5)

DOOM (continued and finished story)

(obtained 2016/7/1, started 2016/7/1, last played before event 2016/7/9, continued and finished on 2016/8/7)

Mirror's Edge Catalyst (played through story)

(obtained and started on 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, continued on 2016/8/18, finished story on 2016/8/20, last played 2016/8/21)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: India (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, played first sequence on 2016/5/2, restarted on 2016/8/27, finished story on 2016/8/28)

Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia (played through story)

(obtained on 2016/4/23, started on 2016/8/28, finished story on 2016/8/29)

Broken Age (played through story)

(PS+ October 2015, started 2016/3/23, last played before event 2016/4/4 (finished Vella's part of Act 1), continued 2016/8/5, on pause for No Man's Sky 2016/8/9, returned and finished on 2016/8/29)

Donkey Kong Country (played through Gorrilla Glacier, Kremkroc Industries Inc., Chimp Caverns and Gang-Plank Galleon)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Started on game again in the months before the event, played the first three worlds. 2016/9/1 - 2016/9/3 played through the rest)

Journey (played through story)

(PS+ September 2016, played through story 2016/9/12)

Amnesia (played through one world once)

(PS+ September 2016, started 2016/9/15, finished story for the first time 2016/9/18)

F-Zero (played through all three leagues)

(played through this game a bunch of times before. Played through the whole game again on 2016/10/3)

EVE: Gunjack (played through all levels)

(bought, started and finished on 2016/10/16)

Rise Of The Tomb Raider (played through story, Baba Yaga DLC and Blood Ties DLC)

(bought and started on 2016/10/7, finished 2016/10/20)



No Man's Sky

(obtained on 2016/8/9, platinum on 2016/8/18, last played 2016/8/18)

Assassin's Creed: Unity - Dead Kings DLC

(got the game on release in 2014, finished the story back then, platinum on 2016/4/3, restarted on Dead Kings DLC 2016/8/24, completed 2016/8/26)

MouseCraft (finished remainder of game)

(PS+ July 2015, started as part of Hemiak's pro-reducing-backlog anti-completion event July 2016, finished 2016/9/2)

The Swapper

(PS+ January 2015, played from start to finish 2016/9/3)


(PS+ September 2016, played from start to finish 2016/9/11)

The Playroom VR

(free on PSN, started on 2016/9/13, platinum trophy earned 2016/9/15)


Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag (post-story freeroam stuff)

(played on X360 on release in 2013, played on PS4 in August 2014, story long since finished, not part of official backlog)

Far Cry Primal (started)

(obtained on 2016/8/11, started on 2016/8/19, last played 2016/9/5)

LEGO Marvel's Avengers (started)

(playing with the missus, couple of levels at a time)

(obtained on 2016/7/1 when we still had Force Awakens to go through, first level played 2016/7/29)

Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (tried to do remaining levels on hard)

(already played through the complete game but for the complete story trophy, you need alll missions on the same difficulty and I have done 6 on medium instead of hard. Game glitched at the end of the level I did on hard like it did so many times before so now I'm really done with trying, trophies are not worth such a bother)

Tomb Raider: Underworld (continued on story)

(obtained on 2016/5/22 as part of the trilogy, started on 2016/5/28, last played before event 2016/6/1, played a bit 2016/8/30)

Shütshimi (tried to get through the game again)

(PS+ April 2016, played from 2016/6/6 to 2016/6/13, played a bit again 2016/8/30)

Super Mario Kart (played through all 50cc cups and the first two 100cc cups)

(completed this game so many times during my youth I lost count. 2016/8/30 (50cc cups), 2016/08/31 (100cc Mushroom and Flower cups))

Super Mario Bros. (tried to get further in world 7)

(completed this game a bunch of times before. Played world 1-6 before the event, decided to go the hard route and did not use a warp pipe. Played 2016/9/3)

Assassin's Creed III (post-story freeroam stuff, multiplayer, DLC)

(played on X360 on release in 2012, played on PS3 in April 2015, story long since finished, not part of official backlog but I did buy the DLC recently)

Bound (started)

(bought 2016/10/13 as part of a sale, started 2016/10/13)

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes (started)

(bought and started on 2016/10/13)

VEV: Viva Ex Vivo (started)

(bought and started on 2016/10/18)


Rise Of The Tomb Raider (pre-ordered by trading in games, payed an additional €17, current AUD translation of €17 is AUD 24,33)

Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes (paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

Watch_Dogs 2 (pre-ordered by trading in games, payed an additional €17, current AUD translation of €17 is AUD 24,58)

DLC (AUD 20,61 spent out of AUD 20 allowance):

LEGO Marvel's Avengers Season Pass (sale for €5,99 from €9,99, current AUD translation of €5,99 is AUD 8,83)

Assassin's Creed III Season Pass (On sale for €7,99 from €29,99, current AUD translation of €7,99 is AUD 11,78)


Bound (2 for 50% off sale, paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

EVE: Gunjack (paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

VEV: Viva Ex Vivo (paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)



Shadow Of The Beast (2 for 50% off sale, paid with PSN credit obtained from selling No Man's Sky)

(bought with Bound for VR, hoping the rumours are true and Shadow gets VR as well)


traded: game from before event -> Ratchet & Clank -> Mirror's Edge Catalyst -> Star Wars Battlefront & Assassin's Creed Unity

traded: game from before event -> Witcher 3

traded: game from before event -> Far Cry Primal

traded: Rise Of The Tomb Raider -> two games I could use for the Watch_Dogs 2 pre-order


No Man's Sky LE (paid €0 for it, bought by trading in old games. After playing, sold it on and used that money for PSN store credit)

South Park: The Fractured But Whole CE (paid €95 during event, current AUD translation of €95 is AUD 137,35)

Horizon Zero Dawn CE (paid €125 during event, current AUD translation of €125 is AUD 180,72)

BACKLOG AT 2016/08/01

PS4 12 games and 19 free games

PS3 10 games and 29 free games

VITA 0 games and 10 free games

SNES 22 games


PS4 12 games and 25 free games  +6

PS3 11 games and 33 free games  +5

VITA 0 games and 10 free games   +0

SNES 20 games                              -2


€267,98 or AUD 387,59 (current AUD translation of €47,98 is AUD 387,43)

  • DLC: AUD 20 allowed with an overflow of AUD 0,61 (current AUD translation results in overflow of AUD 0,21)
  • additionally, spent €20 on PSN store credit, also had a few euros left on there before the event
  • of the expenses listed above, €13,98 was PSN store credit
  • Sold on No Man's Sky and used that money for additional PSN store credit. €11,03 remaining of said credit



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