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Kill Your Completion (Event finished)

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Games left to do:
Games done:
Finished Mousecraft today. The second game after the event I finish, third total (Flame Over was finished during the event).
These were my thoughts on its final day, and below my recap at the end of the event:

This game has some nice ideas but just falls short for me. In the end it just is not compelling in any way. Such a shame since it started out feeling like a lot of fun.

I still think that's true. At the start it seemed like such a fun game but it got boring very quickly. It has too few original ideas on its own as a puzzle game, and what little originality is there, doesn't work.


In the end, I just wanted this game done with and used a guide to get through the last quarter of the game quickly so I could focus on games I actually want to play.

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Holy crap. Everybody go play The Swapper, now. Everyone who had PS+ in January 2015 will probably have it already.


What are you doing, reading this? I SAID NOW!

player it last year. It was a fun little puzzler if you didn't just follow a guide straight through.

Downloaded almost all my IGC games today. Not sure when I'll actually start though. I've been lost on DARK Souls again and I also want to play some more Helldivers soon.

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player it last year. It was a fun little puzzler if you didn't just follow a guide straight through.

Downloaded almost all my IGC games today. Not sure when I'll actually start though. I've been lost on DARK Souls again and I also want to play some more Helldivers soon.

Yeah, using a guide means you're probably not reading any of it either. Using a guide for the trophies is practically required but the rest you should figure out on your own.

All those games for the PS+ backlog event are on my systems already. I want to get back to Bloodborne but after I finish Primal, which is a game I want to trade along again. Want to take my time with Bloodborne.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Earned the Plat for Ico last night. Was a pretty fun game, but not as amazing as it's made out to be. Maybe if I'd played it back on ps2 like I did SotC I'd feel different.

Getting "close" to the Helldivers Plat. By that I mean I only have three trophies left. However one of those takes a 2x as long as everything else combined. So it'll still be a while.

Also started playing SSX and Dragons Dogma again.

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Another Hemiak Shamelss Rip-off Production


What do I get if I win? This isn't a competition numb-nuts.

How does this all work? Seriously? You didn't read any of the above? Here's the TL:DR version, choose 10 games, if you're chosen I'll tell you when to begin. Start a fresh game, play that game. I'll tell you when it's time to throw that one in the trash and start game 2, 3, etc. Tell us what you thought of game 1, 2, 3, etc. Have fun.

I like the humour in the OP :lol:.

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I like the humour in the OP :lol:.

I try not to take myself too seriously.

Plus, I was thinking back to the different events I've run and they all seem to be slightly tweaked versions of threads other people did first. If you can't laugh at yourself right?

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Quick update for anyone still reading. I'll probably try to get the next installment up in November. Past participants are eligible to return and I'm going to remove the cap on sign ups. Also going to tweak the game "requirements" to be a little more lenient.

Also, at the moment I have no plans to run the follow up event that was discussed, for returning to previously started games. If someone else is interested in doing that event, feel free to pm me. I'm more than willing to discuss guidelines and general information. I just don't want to put in the work to get it up and running, and monitor the progress.

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Quick update for anyone still reading. I'll probably try to get the next installment up in November. Past participants are eligible to return and I'm going to remove the cap on sign ups. Also going to tweak the game "requirements" to be a little more lenient.

Also, at the moment I have no plans to run the follow up event that was discussed, for returning to previously started games. If someone else is interested in doing that event, feel free to pm me. I'm more than willing to discuss guidelines and general information. I just don't want to put in the work to get it up and running, and monitor the progress.


Looking forward to it. Have been hoarding games at 0%, just for the possibility of a future event like this one :lol: . As for the wrap-up of started games during the event, there are a bunch of other events that seem to be recurring, which could cover that. For example I'm currently participating in one that aims to finish between 5-15 games that are under the 20% completion mark, over the course of 3 months (in this case the Fall backlog challenge). Although personally I haven't picked any of the games I started here, I could just as well have. Most of the games started here, unless they're very short, should be under that 20% mark anyway, so they fit well into that type of event.

Edited by voodoo_eyes
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Given recent sales, I'd say I definitely have enough games to be able to join in - also there is nothing coming up in November (apart from my birthday) that should pull me away from actually being able to adequately participate.


I've managed to play some of the games that were on my original list - completed South Park, nearly done with Unravel (apart from the 'no death' runs) and making a solid dent in Rainbow Moon.

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Looking forward to it. Have been hoarding games at 0%, just for the possibility of a future event like this one :lol: . As for the wrap-up of started games during the event, there are a bunch of other events that seem to be recurring, which could cover that. For example I'm currently participating in one that aims to finish between 5-15 games that are under the 20% completion mark, over the course of 3 months (in this case the Fall backlog challenge).

I've looked at that a couple times but don't like the level of commitment. I hate having to play DLC usually, and any time I try to completely lock in a list of games to actually finish I get burned out.

I usually don't have a problem choosing one game at a time to finish, or making a commitment to simply play a whole list, but saying I'll complete a specific group almost never works for me.

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I've looked at that a couple times but don't like the level of commitment. I hate having to play DLC usually, and any time I try to completely lock in a list of games to actually finish I get burned out.

I usually don't have a problem choosing one game at a time to finish, or making a commitment to simply play a whole list, but saying I'll complete a specific group almost never works for me.


That's why I only picked games that don't have any DLC, as I can't be bothered with buying extra content for a game, that I may not be liking enough to justify  a purchase. It's somewhat the reason I didn't choose Fallout 4 for the list, as even though I love that game, paying another 50 or 60 bucks just for the DLC is unjustifiable to me.

I also limited myself to 5 games, instead of the possible 15 to avoid said burnout issue. Over the course of 3 months, finishing up 5 games is reasonable and still should leave some time to play other games in-between. Unless all you pick is JRPGs of course xD

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Quick update for anyone still reading. I'll probably try to get the next installment up in November. Past participants are eligible to return and I'm going to remove the cap on sign ups. Also going to tweak the game "requirements" to be a little more lenient.

Also, at the moment I have no plans to run the follow up event that was discussed, for returning to previously started games. If someone else is interested in doing that event, feel free to pm me. I'm more than willing to discuss guidelines and general information. I just don't want to put in the work to get it up and running, and monitor the progress.

Awesome, I'm game! Thanks to this month's PS+ line-up I'll easily fill another list with only PS+ games, and Fractured Butthole has been delayed so I've got no gaming distractions in November. I will be busy with tabletop RPGs that month but if you maintain the three days rule, I should have at least one or two days available for every game.

As for an event for playing through the games, there's a bunch of those already. Personally I'm in both a "100% PS+ games" event and a "focus on your backlog" event already.

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Given recent sales, I'd say I definitely have enough games to be able to join in - also there is nothing coming up in November (apart from my birthday) that should pull me away from actually being able to adequately participate.


I've managed to play some of the games that were on my original list - completed South Park, nearly done with Unravel (apart from the 'no death' runs) and making a solid dent in Rainbow Moon.


I have a November birthday too!  :highfive:


As for my progress on games from the event, most of them have been put on the back-burner with the exception of Helldivers. I've played it quite a bit and only have 1 trophy left for the platinum (and 1 DLC trophy for 100%) but those trophies are major grinds so it might be a while before finishing. I've also chipped away at Castlevania: Lords of Shadow some. Haven't made much progress trophy-wise but I'm pretty far into the story (Chapter 9 of 12 I think). 


Oh yeah, I played about 5-10 minutes of echochrome the other day. Popped a couple easy trophies but quickly realized I've had enough of that game for a while. 

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The only game I finished from this event after it was over is Wolfenstein: The New Order plus Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris during the event.

I'm busy playing other game right now. I finished Brothers: A Tale of two Sons, AC Unity, TWD: Season 1 and Minecraft Story Mode episode 8 and now I'm doing Imfomous Second Son.


Maybe I'll join the next installment. I have enough game to participate in the next two rounds xD

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I thought I had promoted my own event in this thread but it seems that I've forgotten to do so: during Q4 of this year I'm trying to get people to focus on their collection of old games, so a backlog without trophies :)


I intentionally kept the rules about how many games had to be played low so I could still find time to do a sequel to Hemiak's event and the "complete PS+ games" event.


There's still two days left to enter with a list for those who want to!


OT: for Hemiak's sequel I'm thinking about using the following list (yes I know I've got two PS+ lists to see before I have to make an official list):





Lords Of The Fallen

Rebel Galaxy

Tricky Towers




Doodle God/Devil/Kingdom trilogy

Call Of Juarez: Bound in Blood (I've played about five to ten minutes of Gunslinger but from what I understand, they are completely different)



That's only nine games (I'm counting all the Doodles as one) if Bound In Blood is not disqualified, but I'm confident that PS+ for October and November will each give me at least one game I've never played yet still want to try.


I know I said earlier that I could put all September PS+ games on there but by now I've played through Amnesia, Datura and Journey already...

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Lords Of The Fallen

Rebel Galaxy

Tricky Towers




Doodle God/Devil/Kingdom trilogy

Call Of Juarez: Bound in Blood (I've played about five to ten minutes of Gunslinger but from what I understand, they are completely different)


Like I said in an earlier post,  I'm going to loosen the game "restrictions", even though they weren't hard fast rules to begin with. 


I'd still encourage people not to replay games they've done on other consoles or regions, but I'm going to leave it more open this time. As long as it's 0% it should be fine, so if you've played a couple minutes, but haven't earned a trophy, that's acceptable. 


Also, having played a few in the same series is not a deal breaker either. I wouldn't add 10 games of that nature to your list, but 1 or 2 isn't a deal breaker. I actually think being able to compare games to previous installments could add a little more discussion. 


I actually plan on adding a couple from each of these categories myself. I've got about half the games locked in, and a pool of 10-15 more I'm deciding on for the final 5 spots. I won't reveal them yet though, you'll just have to wait. :D


Looking at your list I feel the need to point out two things you probably already know. 


The BiB servers either just went down,  or will be down before the event starts. Also, I'm pretty sure Badlands has one or more glitched trophies and the Plat is impossible. Due to your love of "dives", and the fact that you don't care as much for completion anymore, I'm guessing you're aware of these issues and don't care. 

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Like I said in an earlier post, I'm going to loosen the game "restrictions", even though they weren't hard fast rules to begin with.

I'd still encourage people not to replay games they've done on other consoles or regions, but I'm going to leave it more open this time. As long as it's 0% it should be fine, so if you've played a couple minutes, but haven't earned a trophy, that's acceptable.

Also, having played a few in the same series is not a deal breaker either. I wouldn't add 10 games of that nature to your list, but 1 or 2 isn't a deal breaker. I actually think being able to compare games to previous installments could add a little more discussion.

I actually plan on adding a couple from each of these categories myself. I've got about half the games locked in, and a pool of 10-15 more I'm deciding on for the final 5 spots. I won't reveal them yet though, you'll just have to wait. :D

Looking at your list I feel the need to point out two things you probably already know.

The BiB servers either just went down, or will be down before the event starts. Also, I'm pretty sure Badlands has one or more glitched trophies and the Plat is impossible. Due to your love of "dives", and the fact that you don't care as much for completion anymore, I'm guessing you're aware of these issues and don't care.

I was aware of the servers and I am not fully aware of exactly how glitched the Badlands trophies are but I do indeed not care, they are still games I want to try :) thanks for the warning though.

Must have forgotten about that earlier post. I'm still waiting for an event that allows me to play games I've already obtained a few trophies in... got a lot of games left from previous dives that I've never played beyond those first few minutes for the first trophy.

It's cool that you're relaxing the rules but I could not add much more because of them... my remaining 0% games seem to be mostly stuff I already (partly) played on X360. The two games I could add thanks to those rules are Leo's Fortune (played one or two levels) and Gat Out Of Hell (played earlier installments). I have Gat on my list for the 100% PS+ event though so I might just add it, play the story during November and lap it up during December. Same thing goes for Blood Dragon now that I think about it, though with that one I played the intro on X360 (still able to add it thanks to new rules).

I loved how all the games from this first event surprised me in good and bad ways though, I may just do only unknowns just for the fun of it.


P.S. Now when scrolling the Ubisoft sales on PS3 I realise that I have Beyond Good & Evil HD as well. I'm completely ignoring that game (for now) though, I also have not put it on my backlog. Played a bit years ago on X360 and thought it was super boring.

Edited by BillyHorrible
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 I'm still waiting for an event that allows me to play games I've already obtained a few trophies in... got a lot of games left from previous dives that I've never played beyond those first few minutes for the first trophy.

 Beyond Good & Evil HD.. . Played a bit years ago on X360 and thought it was super boring.

Yeah, that's another event I was thinking about running, but just don't have the time. Go back and play a bunch of games under 10 or 20% for a couple days to remember why you stopped playing. Sometimes I just got sidetracked, but sometimes I truly didn't like a game and have just forgotten the reason. You'd probably earn some trophies and increase completion, but it would focus more on the experience, rather than the end result. Like I said earlier, if anybody wants to run something like that feel free. I'd be willing to shoot ideas around and such, just not put it together and run it. 


About BG&E, I felt the same way. It just wasn't a great game for me, had a lot of things I didn't like, and I was not impressed. 


Edit : usual typos and auto correct fails + clarification. 

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Yeah, that's another event I was thinking about running, but just don't have the time. Go back and play like a bunch of games under 10 or 20% for a couple days to remember why you stopped playing. Sometimes I just got sidetracked, but sometimes I truly didn't like a game and have just forgot the reason. You'd probably warn some trophies and increase completion, but it would focus more on the experience, rather than the end result. Like I said earlier, I'd anybody wants to run something like that feel free.


I'd join right away if someone made an event like this for those kind of games and if the timing was right.

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Also, having played a few in the same series is not a deal breaker either. I wouldn't add 10 games of that nature to your list, but 1 or 2 isn't a deal breaker. I actually think being able to compare games to previous installments could add a little more discussion.


It's nice to read that this restriction will be removed. I knew it was loose, like nearly all of the other rules but still held me off of adding some specific games where I played other entries in the series (to name one: Tales of Graces f).


I'm sure I will join the second installment. I already have a new backlog of games that I bought during the last few weeks thanks to some awesome sales and comfort shopping... :shakefist:

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The new PS+ line-up is up:


I'll put Resident Evil in my new list (never actually played through any RE game before), not doing anything with the rest for the new event. I played a bunch of From Dust and I'm glad to get it again, I already played through Transformers but will play it again (a few years from now), and the other three I'm not interested enough in to remove anything of the before mentioned list for, though I will put them all on my backlog.

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After reading all you post here I'm pretty sure I'll join the next event.

Nice that we can add games with 0% so I can add The unfinished swan and maybe even Bloodborn.


To BG&E: In my opninion it's a very nice game and I would like to see an official announcement of BG&E 2.


Can anybody tell me what kind of game Transformers: Devastation is? From the video on the store it isn't really clear.

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Can anybody tell me what kind of game Transformers: Devastation is? From the video on the store it isn't really clear.

It's a fun short action game in the style of the old tv show. Be prepared for a world of hurt if you are a completionist though. I'm not a completionist and I had fun while it lasted, huge difficulty spike for the last fight though.

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