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Project Guide Creation V2.0

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So the SAO HF Hollow Mission and Implement guide now became a group project with Satoshi Okami (yes, we're actually best friends and just pretend to be rivals), xFalionx, and Kaleniya. There might be a 5th member joining depending on his reply.


I still need to do my good deed for this year :P.


 Sweet! You will be Team Project #4, is there a 5th?


Can you make me a participant of the project guide creation since I'm creating a trophy guide for Supersonic Acrobatic Rocket-Powered Battle-Cars! NerdRage04 please :)




Your guide was published without being sent back for revisions, so LL8LvY6.png - Perfect Winning Streak (Defeat the Guide Team Raid Boss on the first try 10 times in a row by getting your guide published without having it sent back for revisions) Earned by PSNP on September 10th 2016.


Woah, it has been completed!


NBA 2k17: The Prelude trophy guide awaiting publication :)


Nice job!


:hidden: - 1680 Hours of Summer - @1211 hours and some minutes

:hidden: - The Great Wall of Text - 76.1K/???


Yahoo! Both the trophy and the guide I wanted are on, what a glorious moment =D


And I do believe that Did you even enjoy it is on the menu as well :awesome:



Maybe I get something as well? :awesome:



*pushes trophy unlock button* Hmmm, I don't think the requirements are met yet




Let me know if I missed anything in the OP. Things have been a little busy for me, in a good way though.

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Aww man, I was pretty confident that would meet the requirements I basically had the guide ready within 24 hours of the game being downloadable lol. At least I brought home the streak trophy for us.


Also you didn't update my current number of guides completed (3) or my team project with ark_tatico (guitar hero 6) in the participants list.


Edit: Now I see the platinum caveat. How foolish of me, to think it would be that easy.

Edited by Andrea
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Maybe I get something as well? :awesome:


I see a picture of a dragon destroying something, but not a godly wolf-dragon from the death village.


 Sweet! You will be Team Project #4, is there a 5th?


Woah, it has been completed!


*pushes trophy unlock button* Hmmm, I don't think the requirements are met yet

Awesome, not sure if there's going to be a 5th person. Haven't heard back from Yami yet.


Yeah, I didn't think it would unlock so soon, guess the writers have stepped up their game :D.


Oh there's definitely something missing :ninja:.


Also just noticed my name is listed in orange in the participant list :dance:. Does that have any special meaning like blue and gold or is it because I'm a Guide Team member?

Edited by Dragon-Archon
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Aww man, I was pretty confident that would meet the requirements I basically had the guide ready within 24 hours of the game being downloadable lol. At least I brought home the streak trophy for us.


Also you didn't update my current number of guides completed (3) or my team project with ark_tatico (guitar hero 6) in the participants list.


Edit: Now I see the platinum caveat. How foolish of me, to think it would be that easy.

Ill update later today


I see a picture of a dragon destroying something, but not a godly wolf-dragon from the death village.


Awesome, not sure if there's going to be a 5th person. Haven't heard back from Yami yet.


Yeah, I didn't think it would unlock so soon, guess the writers have stepped up their game :D.


Oh there's definitely something missing :ninja:.


Also just noticed my name is listed in orange in the participant list :dance:. Does that have any special meaning like blue and gold or is it because I'm a Guide Team member?

I think you asked for it once? I agreed too because I like Orange.

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I see a picture of a dragon destroying something, but not a godly wolf-dragon from the death village.

Godly wolf from the death village's avatar is from Kiseki.

The dragon is from Sora no Kiseki SC.

Therefore, it is GWFTDV's avatar edited with dragon :awesome:


*pushes trophy unlock button* Hmmm, I don't think the requirements are met yet

Edit: Now I see the platinum caveat. How foolish of me, to think it would be that easy.

Aw, too bad :/

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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I'm currently writing my first guide. It's for Kinetica because I found that some of the names of the trophies are a bit misleading so I want people to know exactly what they need to do from the start. And maybe also get more people to play or 100% that game because there are currently only 14 people who have 100%ed it!

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Godly wolf from the death village's avatar is from Kiseki.

The dragon is from Sora no Kiseki SC.

Therefore, it is GWFTDV's avatar edited with dragon :awesome:

Adding a dragon to another image isn't how you unlock the trophies. Take a look at the other images to see what they did :ninja:.


I'm currently writing my first guide. It's for Kinetica because I found that some of the names of the trophies are a bit misleading so I want people to know exactly what they need to do from the start. And maybe also get more people to play or 100% that game because there are currently only 14 people who have 100%ed it!

Nice, good luck :D.


Isnt this trophy missable? I thought it was autumn already :D

Autumn starts on September 21st.

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I missed this guide! Shame on me. Nice work, I just bought mine this week. Put it in that fancy box that came with the first one. 


Progressed trophies:

:hidden: - 1680 Hours of Summer - @1311 hours and some minutes


:gold: - The Great Wall of Text - 114.6K Overkill! (Have guides written equal 100,000 words or more) Trophy Earned by PSNP on September 11th 2016!


Aww man, I was pretty confident that would meet the requirements I basically had the guide ready within 24 hours of the game being downloadable lol. At least I brought home the streak trophy for us.


Also you didn't update my current number of guides completed (3) or my team project with ark_tatico (guitar hero 6) in the participants list.


Edit: Now I see the platinum caveat. How foolish of me, to think it would be that easy.


Woops! I didn't see that one. You will be Team Project #5 has ark_tatico posted here yet?


Also I forgot about this trophy!


:bronze: - It almost makes me want to go outside, almost... (Write a guide for a game that is a summer activity) Earned by Superunknown9821 on September 11th 2016!


That puts us at 55 trophies earned! Level 11 reached!


I'm currently writing my first guide. It's for Kinetica because I found that some of the names of the trophies are a bit misleading so I want people to know exactly what they need to do from the start. And maybe also get more people to play or 100% that game because there are currently only 14 people who have 100%ed it!




Isnt this trophy missable? I thought it was autumn already :D


Nothing is missable, but it all adds up after a while if it isn't chipped at sooner or later.


Okay! I updated the OP. Let me know if I missed anything, the OP is really starting to fill up which is really cool!

There are a few trophies I may have to tweak later because the requirements seem a little hard, also how are those Guide Team trophies coming Dragon? Do we still need to make changes?


I wonder which Team will unlock  :hidden: - Group Project first?

I also think  :hidden: - That was easy may be very hard to get even though the requirements are very easy

We are really close to  :hidden: - I have a posse.

Just a few more trophies and then someone can do  :hidden: - Conquering Summer (Write a guide for the "Summer Writer's Club DLC")

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I finished me guide (GH:WoR), but i don't know... I think my English is not to do guides, is there any way someone Sees before publishing it and tell me what do you think?


Its not a big guide, I wanna start with some "Easy"


Yes here is his post from about 3 pages ago.


I need to work up the motivation to finish editing the guide tonight :P I am getting distracted with FIFA 15 and Juarez boosting and all sorts of nonsense.


Also while we're on the subject, would a guide written for Telltale's Batman published within a week of its physical release date fulfill Did you even enjoy it? Or maybe just a week from the point where the platinum actually becomes obtainable. I'm just brainstorming trying to figure out a game this could be done for haha.

Edited by Andrea
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There are a few trophies I may have to tweak later because the requirements seem a little hard, also how are those Guide Team trophies coming Dragon? Do we still need to make changes?

I earned  :hidden: - Sensei (Answer 10 guide related questions in the Project Guide Creation thread) a long time ago :awesome:. But besides that, nothing yet. Also  :hidden: - All in a days work (Publish 5 guides in 25 hours) is unobtainable and needs to be patched. The requirements are impossible.

 Sweet! You will be Team Project #4, is there a 5th?

I added DarKNesS_X to the guide too as the 5th contributor.

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