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Shouldn't the reason behind people's bans be public?


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It's like gossiping when people really want to know why the people got banned where I agree of what people saying that you don't need to worry about why they're banned unless if you aren't involved with the situation that they made a horrible choice to them. Now if you're friends with that person and wondering why he/she got banned on this website, then pm them on other sites they got is a best option which again I agree on what they already said. Overall, don't be a gossiper and trying to cause a ruckus of shaming everything just to lt them know publicly.

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I feel that would be kind of invading privacy.  You can always ask them on PSN why they were banned if you knew them.  If you didn't know them, then why do you feel the need to know why they were banned?


Not all bans exactly mean bad things.  Some ask to get banned maybe because they use the site too much, didn't get along well with the community, maybe have real life issues.


Some bans are obvious if you seen the way some of the banned members acted on the site prior to their ban.  Anyone who gets banned who I usually seen as a good member of the site, I'm likely to think they requested it.

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