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The Love Live School Idol Festival thread


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I cleared all the songs and I am on 14 Full Combo. I need Love Gems since I wasted them on the 10 + 1 Honor Scouting. I can do the Muse Story but I found out that there is an actual ending and someone in the Japanese Love Live Community posted the screenshot and it was all the muse girls laying on the grass saying to never forget them and hope to see them next time. My depression almost came back because I hate when things I love end, so now I am afraid of continuing the story and finishing it. 

Yea, I also read about muse story ending with chapter 38 or something. 

But it's expected, seiyuus are no longer together like before so getting them back together each chapter would be pretty tough :)

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Yea, I also read about muse story ending with chapter 38 or something. 

But it's expected, seiyuus are no longer together like before so getting them back together each chapter would be pretty tough :)

Did you say 38? Oh No I am at Chapter 37. NO! this can't be, not so soon. My beautiful idols, Why?


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Did you say 38? Oh No I am at Chapter 37. NO! this can't be, not so soon. My beautiful idols, Why?


Ah, it seems 38 is just the last story on EN server.




However, the actual story seems to end on Chapter 47. (Since after 47-3+4, the next update only has Aqua story added).





Now that I think about it... clearing EN story only gives me 14 Loveca... um... not enough for 100.

Screw my SSs on EXPERT songs xDDDD

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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Ah, it seems 38 is just the last story on EN server.




However, the actual story seems to end on Chapter 47. (Since after 47-3+4, the next update only has Aqua story added).



Oh okay, so I don't have to be sad that I may never hear any new dialogue from my lovely Honoka. All I have to do is never complete the Muse Story and thus pretend that is ending story........I am going to have to confront the dark truth at one point, aren't I?

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Oh okay, so I don't have to be sad that I may never hear any new dialogue from my lovely Honoka. All I have to do is never complete the Muse Story and thus pretend that is ending story........I am going to have to confront the dark truth at one point, aren't I?

Well, it's not chapter 47 is going to be available anytime soon, by that time you are going to forget about the fact that it's the last story and you will read it  :devil:

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Well, it's not chapter 47 is going to be available anytime soon, by that time you are going to forget about the fact that it's the last story and you will read it  :devil:

why are you so evil :(

Also, It seems my Smile Team is more likely to full combo more than my Pure and Cool Team. Even though my Cool Team has higher level Perfect Lock skill and way more Perfect Lock cards.




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why are you so evil :(

Also, It seems my Smile Team is more likely to full combo more than my Pure and Cool Team. Even though my Cool Team has higher level Perfect Lock skill and way more Perfect Lock cards.




Nah, it's because Smile songs are much easier than Cool ones =)


Also, why this distribution of cards? :D URs should be close to center :awesome:

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Lol, much success =D

Though, it seems you are getting pretty short EX songs.

Not even 400 notes =D

I am getting those as well but I never take screenshots of those because I am scared that I am going to miss the final rythem beats since sometimes there is a long pause at the end followed by a few beats

Edited by TheVader66
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Lightning striked twice. I got a 2nd UR Kotori Pure this time from the Blue Tickets. I fucking love my Idolized SR Cool Eli, she is officially my good luck charm in the Umidah method with getting three URs. My very first UR was this same Kotori and now she is my first Idolized UR.
Loose Ribbon - Cool SR Eli Ayase : The Herald of URs 
My 2nd Kotori about to be fused to make my Idolized dream come true:

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Lightning striked twice. I got a 2nd UR Kotori Pure this time from the Blue Tickets. I fucking love my Idolized SR Cool Eli, she is officially my good luck charm in the Umidah method with getting three URs. My very first UR was this same Kotori and now she is my first Idolized UR.


Loose Ribbon - Cool SR Eli Ayase : The Herald of URs 




My 2nd Kotori about to be fused to make my Idolized dream come true:









And it's Kotori-chan :/


Damn you and your luck! :D


7th one, huh? Oh man, you are so lucky in the recent times =D Congrats :D

Edited by Satoshi Ookami
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And it's Kotori-chan :/

Damn you and your luck! :D

7th one, huh? Oh man, you are so lucky in the recent times =D Congrats :D

Thank you, remember you help me get three of the seven URs. Also I find it funny because yesterday when I got this 2nd Kotori. I bought the Aqours starter pack and used the SR or above ticket and for the third time the same SR pure Kanan appeared. So when I got the 2nd Kotori, I was like "so is this the day of doubles, what a great day"

Also I can't believe I found my lucky Idol which is Eli. Not only does she appear the most in my LLSIF homescreen but now she got me three URs.

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I still can't believe that I got my first UR card: Sweat Dreams Kotori idolized. She looks so fucking amazing, I am just so happy to have her especially since she is one of my best girls.




Also while going to Sticker Shop and back to homescreen, my Idolized SR Nozomi appeared and I went to my members and she said this line (also when did they add this new line I haven't read it before)




Also here is some screenshots of Full Combos over the 400 mark:



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I'm just gonna rant here for awhile. Current Event btw



This event is actually where I felt like how kinda incompetent my team was for SM. This is now where I feel like for the first time, the struggle is real getting into 1st place. Lemme show first my current µ's teams which I felt like it was really good for SM events, at least until now  :( (My Aqours teams are too weak to use for Aqours events right now) At least the Cool team can put up a decent fight.











Now the new thing. This event implemented a new feature called Score Match Points (though me and most of my friends call it MMR lol or matchmaking rating). I think Satoshi can read those but for the non-Japanese readers, it's the one with this characters スコアマッチpt. The other one below it is the ranking based on SMpts. 

The SMpts btw is for the new kind of ranking which rewards Seals/Stickers. 



Technically we've always had this MMR thing before but now it seems polished. Too long to explain more about the new system so maybe I'll just leave this link if you want to know more about score match points


What I'm currently frustrated atm is that I get matched up with some Whales. Such OP teams.


Past SM events, heck all my teams have no trouble getting into 1st place. But now though it's really hard specially for my Smile and Pure team. Cool team can still get into 1st place but not quite often now though. Most of the time just 2nd place. Smile and Pure team though, best thing they can get me to is 2nd place but not often and most of the time just 3rd place or even worse, 4th place. Pure team will probably put up a decent fight in the future once I idolize the other URs there but that will take a long while before I can make that happen. 


You don't want to be in the 4th place not only just for the low event point gained but also for a great reduction to your SMpts. Gonna show you one.



106 points really hurts and depending on how high your SMpts is versus your opponents SMpts, it can even go up to 160. Sometimes also, players on the 2nd or 3rd place can still get a reduction. I haven't seen or experienced yet a reduction above that number or probably I just didn't notice. I guess some people won't be affected with this unless they are going for Tier 1 for the SMpts Ranking.


End rant.

Edited by RaveNScythE
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Okay one bad thing about having Dia as the leader of my cool team is that she talks a lot before and after a match. She talks the same amount as if she was in the homescreen. Since you can't skip her dialogue, you have to hear it before you can do anything.


Lol desu wa. Sounds like a proper student president, wouldn't you say, kashira? :awesome:

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Wow this is the first event that I failed in getting to tier 2 since the Nozomi Event last year. Finally ending my successful streak of Events....oh well :)

With all the shit going at least. I got my favorite girl in Aqours. Now should I idolized and have her a sexy outfit or not have her idolized and use her for Umidah method. Also I love that got her through the same method as one of my URs, where I do a Umidah method and fail and get angry and scout again and succeed in getting something I want.

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