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Let's Finish the Sequel: SAO: Hollow Realization

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Because quite a few people wanted it, here is the Sequel to the Let's Finish Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment. 


After the huge success that was Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment many people were hunger for more, but instead of feeding the people what they wanted Bamco just gave people appetizers in the from of Lost Song and some mobile games. Now after 2 years of preparation the main dish made to satisfy the people's insatiable hunger for SAO is here in the form of Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization and in this event people will finally be able to share in each other's satisfaction as they finish this delicious SAO meal.


Our goal is to platinum Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization


There are no rules besides have fun.


Who can Join?
Anyone who wants to. It doesn't matter if you haven't started Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization yet or if you are one trophy away from the plat, you can join if you want.


There is no pace to this event. Play through the game as fast or as slow as you want.


The Participants AKA The survivors of the fifth SAO Waifu War.


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Edited by soultaker655
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Hm... I do have the game pre-ordered, but I'm not sure if I should try finish Hollow Fragment first, or go straight to this one.

I kinda want to finish HF first, but that game is a pain

Would be nice if the game got a patch unlocking Arcane Skills like HF. That could help with the Last Attack Bonus

Edited by DesmaBR
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Everyone up to YohCeezaX has been added to the event. Welcome and have fun.


So has anyone started play yet and if you have how is the game?


Please, the best girl is sandwich-chan.

Well I played the game and in my opinion this game is just beautiful.


ps you`re right sandwich-chan is the best girl ever

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