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Rings (2017) Trailer.


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Looks completely shit. I loved the 2002 The Ring film. It had great atmosphere, cinematography, music and performances. 


This looks like it's supposed to appeal to teens/millennials who've heard of The Ring, but never saw it.

This film is aiming to be more modern (a viral video in stead of a tape), younger and sexier, (with more conventionally attractive people as main characters, they'll probably throw in some gratuitous sex scenes), and more jump-scare based than the original, because viewers that aren't that into horror films seem to prefer dumb jump-scares over real dread. I can sense none of the atmosphere here, except from the fragments of the original that they're literally re-using.


The Ring II was by no means good, but I'm predicting this one will be way worse still. 


Also: that trailer pretty much spoils the entire film. I doubt there's a single suspenseful scene that didn't feature prominently in this trailer. Sad state of affairs that marketeers feel they need to put everything a movie has to offer into a trailer for people to watch it. What happened to playful teasing? 

Edited by QuentinCle95
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Another shitty Hollywood remake... The other one's most "scary" part was the horse jumping off the ship. >_>
The original Japanese Ringu actually scarred me for life even though I've watched plenty of horror since I was a kid. I still occasionally see Sadako in not so pleasant dreams.

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On 8/1/2017 at 0:52 PM, QuentinCle95 said:

This looks like it's supposed to appeal to teens/millennials who've heard of The Ring, but never saw it.

This film is aiming to be more modern (a viral video in stead of a tape),

I actually like this, and it makes sense. If the only way you can survive the curse is making other people watch the video, what better means you have than sending spam? I wouldn't be surprised if the end of the movie shows the video up on youtube.

Edited by Arkthur
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No suspense, no build up, and during the ending scene 


It had a shot where the kid was just staring at the two girls licking his lips

..and I burst out laughing before credits roll


EDIT: Recently noticed that I had completed ballsed up & this movie to the one i was referring too is different. Haven't seen this film, but the one I was referring too was a Japanese make of The Ring vs The Grudge.

Edited by Pyro
Wrong movie.
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